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Weasel Straw strikes again (Pakistani men in Britain see white girls as "easy meat")

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Everything Mr Straw said is unfortunately true.

It needs to be confronted, no matter how uncomfortable, and it needs to be addressed.

Unless you consider vulnerable young women as acceptable collateral damage in a politically correct war.

This has been going on for years, the security services knew about it as early as the 1990s and it is accepted as part of life for working girls in cities such as Derby, Bradford, Leicester, Blackburn, they know to protect themselves as best they can and work with cops to minimise risks.

There ARE groups of Pakistani men who consider troubled white British teenage girls, and boys, as fair game for abuse, at pre-organised sex parties where alcohol and cocaine are pretty much forced upon the victims, some as young as 13.

Rather than shooting the messenger, no matter how obnoxious and how his track record has blood all over it, might it not be prudent to at least look at the evidence?

Street grooming is happening. It's bold of Mr Straw to go public with his comments in this way, but it's about time something was said.

First reasonably sensible post I have ever seen made by this poster
I've yet to hear of drugged/drunk 13 year olds being kept as sex slaves by Jewish men in the same way the recent stories indicate is happening with Muslim/Pakistani men.

see this is simplistic, straw may be being opportunistic, but of course it happens

its as much to do with the culture however of young geezers, into crime with drugs and nice cars abusing vulnerable young women who get drawn in because they think its cool etc. it happens everywhere amongst all ethnic groups, and whilst each may have its own ethnic flavour the drive is far more about young men,who are often violent and heavily involved in crime who take the view that ALL women are sluts and fair game (except for their sister,mother etc)

to take the more lurid and extreme examples of this and present it as a cultural norm is bollocks frankly, it's good the debate is taking place and it should, and seems to be involving all sides, but to use it to make political capital out of like that dick murray or straw are doing is shit
see this is simplistic, straw may be being opportunistic, but of course it happens

its as much to do with the culture however of young geezers, into crime with drugs and nice cars abusing vulnerable young women who get drawn in because they think its cool etc. it happens everywhere amongst all ethnic groups, and whilst each may have its own ethnic flavour the drive is far more about young men,who are often violent and heavily involved in crime who take the view that ALL women are sluts and fair game (except for their sister,mother etc)

to take the more lurid and extreme examples of this and present it as a cultural norm is bollocks frankly, it's good the debate is taking place and it should, and seems to be involving all sides, but to use it to make political capital out of like that dick murray or straw are doing is shit

Yep, well said, shame more people can't see this.
to take the more lurid and extreme examples of this and present it as a cultural norm is bollocks frankly

Unfortunately I believe increasingly that it is the cultural norm among young Anglo Pakistani youths.

In a very different way to youths of the same age from non Muslim backgrounds.

There are many factors involved, rap videos, proliferation of drugs (employment is all but impossible, so selling drugs means you can afford that nice car) but the one factor that a lot of people are trying to avoid talking about is the fact that many Muslim youths see young white UK women merely as unclean sluts that deserve to be raped. They see no problem in drugging them and having sex with them.
It isn't being dealt with by the communities affected - the white working class communities have no voice to address these issues, and the Muslim communities are scared to upset the applecart by pointing out the failings and serious issues within its makeup.
It has much to do with honour, and is considered something that should not be dealt with by non-islamic law.

spoke too soon. Theire have been campaigns against street grooming, kerb crawling and the general behaviour of younmg men involved in this. As for Muslim communities not wanting to upset the applecart this is bollocks as witnesses in court cases have included muslims.

As for the assertion that Muslim communities ( what ever they are, its a bit like talking about the Christian community or the Catholic community) in the news last night there were at least three examples of where muslim/faith based organsiations were seen to attempting to address this issue .

Its one thing to identify the issue that some asian youth specifically target vulnerable young women as a way of achieving sex and power beacsues they percieve them to be easy and feel that they may be able to rationalise their actions , its entirely another to paint some mythical one dimensuionsal 'muslim' community that is a brick wall of silence and colludes with this.
None of the Anglo (or Welsh rather ) Pakıstanı guys I grew up wıth would dream of actıng lıke thıs.

Faır enough to dıscuss ıt, but bear ın mınd also the way ıt's beıng used by the BNP. It's theır major ıssue. Never forget that.

Its one thing to identify the issue that some asian youth specifically target vulnerable young women as a way of achieving sex and power beacsues they percieve them to be easy and feel that they may be able to rationalise their actions , its entirely another to paint some mythical one dimensuionsal 'muslim' community that is a brick wall of silence and colludes with this.

The brick wall of silence exists because such delicate matters are handled by clerics and community leaders and hushed up, rather than being discussed with the appropriate authorities.

I'm painting no "mythical" situation here.

It is precisely the same problem when an extremist makes his feelings known and he is shunned from the mosques but at no point do the clerics or fellow community peers inform the authorities, as with the case with the Swedish suicide bomber and the Luton mosque that threw him out 3 years ago.
"Former home secretary Jack Straw has said he believes some Pakistani men in Britain see white girls as "easy meat" for sexual abuse."

But do they see them as halal?

Seriously. The problem here is wider than Straw is talking about. It isn't just some Pakistani men. There are still large numbers of men in the UK, black, white, Asian, European, and whatever, who treat women as inferior beings. It's unacceptable whoever is doing it and whatever the reasons. However Straw wants to appeal to a particular section of his electorate and so won't tackle the real issue, which would lead to him being portrayed in the media as a politically correct zealot putting forward an extreme feminist line. So he attacks only an easy target.

I've encountered men from a wide range of backgrounds who see women and girls only as either sluts who can be abused at will or as domestic servants who don't need paying. I used to think of it as a neanderthal attitude that was dying out. However in the last twenty years it seems to me that public figures have become so scared of being accused of being overly PC that the old chauvinism is increasingly being seen as acceptable again. When nobody in a position of influence or responsibility dares to attack this sort of extreme sexism, or only dares to do so whilst promoting Islamophobia, then things inevitably regress.
It should be dealt with by the communities affected.

the communities affected - does that mean that the "white" community whose female youth are being preyed upon should set up vigilante groups whilst the "whatever" community whose males were doing the preying should lock up their men at night?

What I don't understand is why the CPS didn't play the "racially motivated" card in relation to this trial to ensure that the maximum tariff would apply?
spoke too soon. Theire have been campaigns against street grooming, kerb crawling and the general behaviour of younmg men involved in this. As for Muslim communities not wanting to upset the applecart this is bollocks as witnesses in court cases have included muslims.

As for the assertion that Muslim communities ( what ever they are, its a bit like talking about the Christian community or the Catholic community) in the news last night there were at least three examples of where muslim/faith based organsiations were seen to attempting to address this issue .

Its one thing to identify the issue that some asian youth specifically target vulnerable young women as a way of achieving sex and power beacsues they percieve them to be easy and feel that they may be able to rationalise their actions , its entirely another to paint some mythical one dimensuionsal 'muslim' community that is a brick wall of silence and colludes with this.

Well said
Far less so than white working class girls.

Depends where you are, in London there have been more than a couple of similar stories relating to black girls although I've not seen many which are specifically tied to the Pakistani community. Cultural background might offer some mental justification to some people but the fact that it generally happens in poor areas with lots of drugs and shit prospects seems like a more notable factor.
Faır enough to dıscuss ıt, but bear ın mınd also the way ıt's beıng used by the BNP. It's theır major ıssue. Never forget that.

Nobody is forgetting that. It seems that a bigger problem is created by constantly linking the issue to BNP - it has fuck all to do with the BNP, they have no tactics to address the problem beyond their usual bonehead mentality, and they have zero influence or insight into the Muslim communities they claim to speak for.

In short, the BNP can fuck off.
Just a small point Albania and Chechnya have been mentioned on the side of the argument that wants to point out that "other" communities are responsible for honor killings etc, both countries are majority Muslim so not exactly good examples.
There are still large numbers of men in the UK, black, white, Asian, European, and whatever, who treat women as inferior beings. It's unacceptable whoever is doing it and whatever the reasons. However Straw wants to appeal to a particular section of his electorate and so won't tackle the real issue, which would lead to him being portrayed in the media as a politically correct zealot putting forward an extreme feminist line. So he attacks only an easy target.

Exactly. Straw knows he's playıng wıth fıre, but he doesn't gıve a bugger. ''Weasel'' ıs too kınd.
When nobody in a position of influence or responsibility dares to attack this sort of extreme sexism, or only dares to do so whilst promoting Islamophobia, then things inevitably regress.

Which is why Straw's comments should be applauded. I think he has doe a remarkable and brave thing, and call me naive but I think it's simplistic to say he's doing this just to get votes.
Which is why Straw's comments should be applauded. I think he has doe a remarkable and brave thing, and call me naive but I think it's simplistic to say he's doing this just to get votes.

He's one of the shallowest, most opportunist cunts in a vast pool of shallow opportunist cunts, I can't imagine that he ever does anything for any reason but to improve his own position, even if on rare occasion he manages to touch on a subject which has some value to it.
Just a small point Albania and Chechnya have been mentioned on the side of the argument that wants to point out that "other" communities are responsible for honor killings etc, both countries are majority Muslim so not exactly good examples.

True. There are other countries but their demographic make-up in the UK is so small that it seems a waste of time to compare.
He's one of the shallowest, most opportunist cunts in a vast pool of shallow opportunist cunts, I can't imagine that he ever does anything for any reason but to improve his own position, even if on rare occasion he manages to touch on a subject which has some value to it.

Well I am prepared to be proved wrong, and I'm no fan of Jack Boots at all.

Doesn't lessen the truth in what he says.
Nobody is forgetting that. It seems that a bigger problem is created by constantly linking the issue to BNP - it has fuck all to do with the BNP, they have no tactics to address the problem beyond their usual bonehead mentality, and they have zero influence or insight into the Muslim communities they claim to speak for.

I don't thınk the BNP claıms to speak for Muslım communıtıes.

Take a look at the serıes of YouTube vıdeos they've been postıng on the subject. See how they exploıt thıs stuff. Avoıd usıng theır rhetorıc. Remember that the vast majorıty of Brıtısh Pakıstanıs are just as dısgusted by thıs as you are.

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