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Weasel Straw strikes again (Pakistani men in Britain see white girls as "easy meat")

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The link. AGAIN ffs
She was a Sikh and all Sikhs wear a metal bangle, the kara, on their right wrist.
'It is a permanent reminder to live a moral and good life and once it's on you can't get it off. So her murderer was both dishonouring her and perhaps tryingto show she had been dishonourable - which is just barbaric.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ilated-street-hand-cut-off.html#ixzz1ARSnfZOE
sadly i've met jewish people with these attitudes too - the idea that non-jewish girls are just for "practice" etc. one guy i met said as much to me once and after a conversation with my dad - who's also jewish btw , he said that he'd met a number of men with these attitudes, and more shocking ones than that over the years.

Yep, I've heard that too. It isn't uncommon.
But you make the classic mistake of thinking that this sort of thing only happens among Muslim youths. It does not.

No, you're wrong. I'm fully aware of other ethnic groups that consider young white UK girls as "easy meat".

Straw says: "We need to get the Pakistani community to think much more clearly about why this is going on"

More importantly the community needs to take responsibility for knowingly allowing such things to go on..
sadly i've met jewish people with these attitudes too - the idea that non-jewish girls are just for "practice" etc. one guy i met said as much to me once and after a conversation with my dad - who's also jewish btw , he said that he'd met a number of men with these attitudes, and more shocking ones than that over the years.

I've yet to hear of drugged/drunk 13 year olds being kept as sex slaves by Jewish men in the same way the recent stories indicate is happening with Muslim/Pakistani men.
the "community" can include almost anyone tho mate ... and often the so-called "leaders" of the community are part of the problem, and to be fair i don't for example see how i should be held responsible for the actions of the jewish guys i described up the thread ...
No, you're wrong. I'm fully aware of other ethnic groups that consider young white UK girls as "easy meat".

Straw says: "We need to get the Pakistani community to think much more clearly about why this is going on"

More importantly the community needs to take responsibility for knowingly allowing such things to go on..

No you're wrong and you don't pay attention. You ignore the fact that this sort of thing happens among other males of other communities. So far, you've fallen for the old trick that this is unique to Muslims. It is not.
I've yet to hear of drugged/drunk 13 year olds being kept as sex slaves by Jewish men in the same way the recent stories indicate is happening with Muslim/Pakistani men.

true, but i'm just saying that it - and the attitudes that directly lead to it - aren't just confined to one community? that's all im saying
No you're wrong and you don't pay attention. You ignore the fact that this sort of thing happens among other males of other communities. So far, you've fallen for the old trick that this is unique to Muslims. It is not.

Sorry, I've pointed out that it does happen with other communities. I've mentioned Albania and the Baltic states here already.

I'm ignoring nothing, it is you that is failing to pay attention to my posts.

As it is, this issue at hand is regarding a specific community. No good saying "but other groups do it too!" because that is diverting what is an important and alarming issue that our society needs to face up to.
No, you're wrong. I'm fully aware of other ethnic groups that consider young white UK girls as "easy meat".

Straw says: "We need to get the Pakistani community to think much more clearly about why this is going on"

More importantly the community needs to take responsibility for knowingly allowing such things to go on..

I'll call for that when the white community tackles the issue of it's rampant pedophilia.
yeah, i have a bit of an issue with people saying "the community must face up to it " etc ... wtf does that mean anyway ... and how are ordinary people in that "community" meant to go about doing that ...
Links please from Nina that show these drug/sex grooming gangs occur in Sikh and Hindu areas in any comparable way to the way they do in Pakistani Moslem areas.
true, but i'm just saying that it - and the attitudes that directly lead to it - aren't just confined to one community? that's all im saying

Attitudes are one thing. Acting upon them to the degree where teenagers are being basically kidnapped and drugged for sex with multiple men is the issue here. Sexism is alive and well in many societies, and the notion that UK teens are easy meat and fair game is not a new one. It's the organised manner in which these abuses took place that needs to be looked at by both the UK lawmakers and the Muslim communities, regardless of whether other non-Muslim communities also share the same vile viewpoint when it comes to British teens.
yeah, i have a bit of an issue with people saying "the community must face up to it " etc ... wtf does that mean anyway ... and how are ordinary people in that "community" meant to go about doing that ...

It's bullshit, a stick to beat people with and it feeds into a nasty racist narrative the BNP have been pushing for years.
Sorry, I've pointed out that it does happen with other communities. I've mentioned Albania and the Baltic states here already.

I'm ignoring nothing, it is you that is failing to pay attention to my posts.

As it is, this issue at hand is regarding a specific community. No good saying "but other groups do it too!" because that is diverting what is an important and alarming issue that our society needs to face up to.

Have you? Where? Because I haven't seen you do it...unless you've quickly edited your posts to reflect this sudden change in attitude.
I'll call for that when the white community tackles the issue of it's rampant pedophilia.

I think you're missing the point. In white UK societies pedophilia is reviled and perpetrators are usually bought to justice and jailed.

In this instance there is evidence that to avoid shame and dishonour, rapists are spirited back to Pakistan and the families protected by the clerics and community leaders. Understandable given the potential outrage.

But to say the Pakistani communities should be absolved of responsibility just because white people commit sex abuse against children is ridiculous.
Honour killings. Pay attention.

This is not about honour killings.

It's abut the attitude that British teens are filthy sluts and deserve to be raped, and groups of men that actively go out to kidnap them drug them and abuse them.
This is not about honour killings.

It's abut the attitude that British teens are filthy sluts and deserve to be raped, and groups of men that actively go out to kidnap them drug them and abuse them.

I never said it was but it was Garek brought up the subject. I merely replied. Have a look. Post 24.

Then you can apologise for accusing me of derailing the thread.
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