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Weasel Straw strikes again (Pakistani men in Britain see white girls as "easy meat")

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Can't be bothered to wade through this thread but while their are racist and disgusting attitudes in all communities is this disproportionate in the pakistani community?

Not convinced. Loads of white men go out to Thailand and shag under age women out there because they have racist views and are sexual predators.

I was also reading about how some in the Jewish community in Israel have a thing about bringing in Palestinian prostitutes, again often under aged, because of their racist and sick attitudes.

The point is why should we start talking about whole pakistani/white/jewish communities when in all cases it is very small minority.

It maybe a minority of people with such attitudes but others will have some preety negative attitudes too. You can look even amongst white liberals and their attitudes to relationships and sexuality are often really shit...
Mainstream culture encourages us to view members of the opposite sex as possesions or potential possesions.....
No I don't think mainstream culture encourges me to view members of the opposite sex as poesseions.
possibly as lesbians as the only reason they would'nt want to sleep with a steely eyed dealer of death sex god :) rather than a vomit stained drunken loon:oops:
don't think any jewish gangs have been arrested lately if ever.
think the old testament could be used to justify quite a lot of nasty genocide concubines slavery etc etc
I'd be really really intrested in taking note on what sort of islam these creatures have taken up rapist scumbag finds god and seeks redemption fair enough.
scumbag decides to declare war on the ungodly kaffir probably worse outcome:(
Another issue that tends to get swept under the carpet for fear of being accused of racism/bigotry/islamophobia.

A community representative on the radio this morning actually suggested it was the responsibility of the girls parents to protect them and while I believe this is nothing to do with Islam its got a lot to do with the backward culture present in these Pakistani communities that foster extreme mysoganistic views in their young men and the more the liberal media stick their heads in the sand the more likely the problem won't be resolved.
I can't even be arsed to find out what YVHY or whatever Judaic crap you posted. Probably like you won't type god but type g-d instead you obscurantic loon.
spoke too soon. Theire have been campaigns against street grooming, kerb crawling and the general behaviour of younmg men involved in this. As for Muslim communities not wanting to upset the applecart this is bollocks as witnesses in court cases have included muslims.

As for the assertion that Muslim communities ( what ever they are, its a bit like talking about the Christian community or the Catholic community) in the news last night there were at least three examples of where muslim/faith based organsiations were seen to attempting to address this issue .

Its one thing to identify the issue that some asian youth specifically target vulnerable young women as a way of achieving sex and power beacsues they percieve them to be easy and feel that they may be able to rationalise their actions , its entirely another to paint some mythical one dimensuionsal 'muslim' community that is a brick wall of silence and colludes with this.

HUrrah!!! Well said.

Has anyone mentioned 'class' yet? I do hope so. :)
its yaweh or YWHW early hebrew for god something to do with modern lingustics you can read about it on wikkipedia if your bored
Yet, when a sex offender/rapist etc is White...his/her religious affliation/cultural heritage is rarely mentioned...Why is that do you think?

If this story was a group of white men specifically targeting Pakistani girls to rape then it may get a mention. Don't you think?
:eek: Really? What about cultural heritage?

What about it?

My parents are both Christians. Does that mean that I'm 'culturally Christian'? No. That's meaningless. It's also dangerous, imo. It's like when I hear phildwyer talking about his baby child being a Muslim. Right. He cannot even talk yet, let alone decide for himself whether or not there is only one god of which Mohammad is the prophet. That's nonsense.
I think it's worth remembering how common reported rape is throughout society. Unreported, there's a lot more.

Also, on this thread the vast majority of women posting are against Straw's generalisation.
If this story was a group of white men specifically targeting Pakistani girls to rape then it may get a mention. Don't you think?

If you read the article, in court both the police and judge said there was no evidence that the attacks were racially motivated.
What about it?

My parents are both Christians. Does that mean that I'm 'culturally Christian'? No. That's meaningless. It's also dangerous, imo. It's like when I hear phildwyer talking about his baby child being a Muslim. Right. He cannot even talk yet, let alone decide for himself whether or not there is only one god of which Mohammad is the prophet. That's nonsense.

Of course it dangerous! Which is why I asked the question.

Sorry, off out, maybe shouldn't have chimed in without time to discuss/explain properly.
Bars called 'Forbidden Fruits', 'Lolita Lounge' and 'Paedo Pub'...

No, they'll be English theme pubs with names like The Albion.

Didn't one of the EDL steal tens of thousands made from the merchandise they'd been selling (hoodies and ski masks) and fuck off to Thailand? :D
Would you then claim that there are groups of young white men all over the country doing the same thing?

I'm not claiming that there are groups of Pakistani men do such things. A group has been banged up for it. The wider issue that has been raised is that the value placed on white girls by some muslim men may be far lower than that of muslim women and how to address that with a large muslim population in a mainly white, non-muslim, liberal country.
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