(Evangelist Christian website)
Evangelıst Chrıstıan websıte entırely devoted to the fanatıcal denıgratıon of Islam, to be precıse.
(Evangelist Christian website)
That was an interesting and unexpected reply. Would you care to expand on your answer? If Jack Straw is Jewish, why would that be relevant?
All the people I've been friends with that are Muslim or come from an Islamic background have high moral standards and very sound. They have all had to put up with shit from racist cunts. The very same cunts that are fuelled by sensational tabloid tales. It's fucking sickening.
sadly i've met jewish people with these attitudes too - the idea that non-jewish girls are just for "practice" etc. one guy i met said as much to me once and after a conversation with my dad - who's also jewish btw , he said that he'd met a number of men with these attitudes, and more shocking ones than that over the years.
All the people I've been friends with that are Muslim or come from an Islamic background have high moral standards and very sound.
Off that high horse. Ern was being irksome and facetious. I replied in kind.
What's YVYH?
And to address the point people are making regarding Pakistani men not being the only people exploiting children in this way - I see little evidence of predatory pedophilia in this manner being carried out by comparably larger ethnic communities in the UK, such as the Indian, Jamaican or Chinese.
I suppose it depends whether you see the problem as being restricted to the community with a Pakistani background or whether you see it as a problem of Muslim communities/countries in general.
I'm sure there are. It's when they are 13 and 14 years old and from the care system, plied with cocaine and vodka, and then repeatedly raped (regardless of consent, they are too young to give consent especially if drunk/drugged, so it is rape by default) that the problems are beyond the impressionable young girl and older man in flash car scenario.
It's not just the Israeli Arabs in Israel, Sabras are as bad, if not worse.Precisely the same mindset. Same in Turkey. White backpacker girl = prostitute. Unless heavily covered and wearing a wedding ring.
Same in Israel (with the Israeli Arabs) and throughout the Gulf.
Back in the '70s, before "Pakistani" was a term understood beyond an insult to use against brown-skinned people, the more usual media trope was of "coloured men" (usually meaning what we'd now call "Afro-Caribbean") preying on underage white girls, and back in Queen Victoria's day, it was indeed the Chinese who fulfilled that "bogeyman" role, all based on a small amount of unfortunate fact, and an even more unfortunate large amount of racially-motivated speculation.
All I can say ıs that I'm frıends wıth quıte a few Brıtısh Muslıms, and none of them would countenance thıs sort of attıtude for a nanosecond.
Do you know many Brıtısh Muslıms? If so, would any of them behave ın the way descrıbed by Straw?
I would be suprised if there wasn't some truth in what Jack Straw is saying, just as there is certainly some truth in what Bin Laden has to say about US foreign policy...
I don't see anything particularly controversial about his assertions, the only people who would are those that believe racist, oppressive and supremacist views are only the domain of whitey.
p.s. all English women regardless of ethinicity are slutty whores compared to our pure irish lasses.
It's not just the Israeli Arabs in Israel, Sabras are as bad, if not worse.
yes of course, but its far from an easily cut and dried issue, although onviously if you are talking about 13/14 year olds then it does start to become much more clear cut
but honestly, if you think this problem which is endemic throughout the care system is confined to Pakistani men then you really are living in a dream world
young people, men and women, get sucked into a criminal underworld for lots of different reasons, for women that often also entails sexual abuse
this is a problem about criminality, how do you think some of the organised white or black criminal outfits treat young woman, its about the cancer that has allowed criminal families, gangs of youths of whatever ethnicity to have such a stranglehold on working class communities
the reason i believe this has happened is as much to do with class amongst anything else, race is just a convenient side issue for opportunistic politicians and careerist self-appointed community leaders
What's YVYH?
yes of course, but its far from an easily cut and dried issue, although onviously if you are talking about 13/14 year olds then it does start to become much more clear cut
but honestly, if you think this problem which is endemic throughout the care system is confined to Pakistani men then you really are living in a dream world
young people, men and women, get sucked into a criminal underworld for lots of different reasons, for women that often also entails sexual abuse
this is a problem about criminality, how do you think some of the organised white or black criminal outfits treat young woman, its about the cancer that has allowed criminal families, gangs of youths of whatever ethnicity to have such a stranglehold on working class communities
the reason i believe this has happened is as much to do with class amongst anything else, race is just a convenient side issue for opportunistic politicians and careerist self-appointed community leaders
Aren't you of Protestant Anglo/Scots stock?
It's a madonna/whore thing played out across religion/race.
I don't know, ern. Why don't you tell me?
Although I think Jack Straw is a cunt, even he said that sex offender wings are majority white inmates not Pakistani/Muslim.