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Wear masks in shops

There seem to be a lot of relatively normal people who have picked up the odd bit of conspiraloonery, especially regarding the idea that the virus was created in a lab.

Yeah, it's bio-warfare (in what way I'm not sure and didn't want to ask) according to a normally sensible person I know.

Why does she think this pray tell? "My uncle used to work in Porton Down, and he said it can't be anything but bio-warfare."

FFS. People really can be fucking morons.
I was in a medium sized Sainsbury's today and very few people were wearing masks. They were limiting numbers in the store but most people seemed to have entirely forgotten about social distancing.
Yeah, it's bio-warfare (in what way I'm not sure and didn't want to ask) according to a normally sensible person I know.

Very early on in the pandemic my Mum asked me whether I thought the virus could be manmade. I think something must have come from Facebook.
At that time there seemed a tiny chance it could have been an accidental release from a virology lab (as opposed to something weaponised) but seemed hugely improbable even then.
Went into a big Tesco's near me this morning. It's generally been really good with social distancing etc. although it has a bit slackened it off recently. Anyway, only about 50% of people were wearing masks today, and weirdly it seemed to be mainly 60+ year old not bothering, got a couple of tuts and shake of heads when people saw me in one too.

Anyway, I asked one of the store managers who happened to be hanging around what they were going to do as so many people didn't seem to be wearing them 2 days before they became compulsory, and she said it was store policy to not enforce it, only the police could. I said they why didn't they suggest it though as people came in, put notices up near the door reminding people etc, and she was totally disinterested.

Doesn't fill me with confidence that this is going to work as a measure.

Fits in with the strategy of "nudge and blame" that the Government has been following though, right?
So in my local Iceland today,the day before they are mandatory, and the only people wearing face coverings were me, a customer wearing niqab, and one cashier - so about 12% of the people in there. All other staff and customers had faces uncovered. They've taken the 2m distancing stickers off the floor and there's no staff enforcing queues and no public hand sanitizer any more, but they still have a one-way system. Most people were doing ok with social distancing, but the customers that don't get it really don't get it.
Tutting and head-shaking isn't even the worst of it. I've heard reports of mask-wearers being yelled at by twats who are no doubt buried up to their ears in conspiracy shite. Mainly in the US, but unfortunately that kind of bullshit has a following over here as well.
I have had that. Someone justifying not wearing one by sa6ying, proudly, "I'm not a slave!"
Corona sales seem to have sky rocketed the past few months, like people are being ironic buy buying really piss-weak, nasty lager.
Corona sales seem to have sky rocketed the past few months, like people are being ironic buy buying really piss-weak, nasty lager.

Its relentlessly been on promotion since this all kicked off. I think originally they just shat themselves as they foresaw their brand being destroyed but now they know that we'll but any old shit as long as the price is low.
The co-op near me that I go to is also very near the park, and there are frequently groups of half a dozen teenagers going in, none of them wearing masks (have seen one boy just carrying his in his hand) and buying an ice cream or something. Sometimes two groups. I suspect a lot of it is showing off to each other as singly teenagers don't seem too bad on average.

There are also plenty of adults who seem to have the attitude that they're just popping in so they don't need to bother.
I don't think it's that bad, as lagers go. If it's strength or flavour that you want, then in the first place you should be drinking something that isn't lager.

One should never have to fish bits of fruit out of your lager.
Mask compliance is high among the customers where I work, estimated 90-95%. To my (pleasant) surprise, staff have now been directed, too, to wear them in all customer facing situations, and highly recommended to wear them off the shopfloor as well.
I was already doing this anyway, but not many of my colleagues, and they are now doing it as well.

Came up with a line for the few who customers who don't: "Just a reminder for your next visit to please wear a mask if you can". Seems to work quite well, takes out the potential for a stand-off if they are not going to do it, takes into account that they might be excempt. Most people so far have then apologetically fished a mask out of their bag.

Yesterday I was tempted to just make a face-mask-gesture at someone across the shopfloor as they entered the store, in the end I was glad that I hadn't because when he came to pay he was wearing an excemption-lanyard!
It is mostly pretty good round here. Probably 80-90% compliance in retail/supermarkets. Only place I have seen a lot of maskless people entering/leaving is pubs sadly.
By rights shop workers should refuse to assist customers who go into their workplaces without masks, unless they have a very good reason. Where are the teabags/light bulbs/toothpaste? Sorry can't help you. Can I pay for this here? Sorry I can't work the till.
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