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Wear masks in shops

I bought a new phone today. A couple of people in the shop had masks on. None of the staff did.
They did have arrows on the floor, though.
Unless I am wrong the guidance that will apply in England from Friday is to the effect that customers must wear a face covering of some sort whereas shop staff can please themselves as to whether they wear a mask or not? Not sure I can see the logic in that unless the point is that the staff would be obliged to be masked up for hours whereas the customers would not?Am I missing something obvious cos ,on the face of it,you would think that unmasked customers might be confused to be prevented from entering a shop by an unmasked member of staff/security-guard?
why would they be confused? or do you mean 'confused'?
its a genuine question-assuming staff are not required to have any kind of face-covering whilst customers are so required what is the reason for that distinction-is it simply to avoid discomfort for shop-staff or something more fundamental?
We have been told that we have to wear masks on the shop floor. However, we aren’t allowed to challenge customers who aren’t wearing them so I’ll be muttering ‘wanker’ at them from behind mine.
Do remember that the mask hides a lot of your facial expressions, so all the more reason to project them with much greater intensity :D. It does, of course, also prevent lipreading, so you can mouth pretty much what you want and get away with it... :thumbs:
Disgraced? I get the sense that until the masks business, a lot of people thought Boris was doing famously.
Increasingly fewer with the passing of each day: at this rate, he'll be left with a Trump's Rump of swivel-eyed loonies by...shall we say, Christmas?
it seems a bit perverse your employer would choose not to enforce the government mandated facemasks for customers rule, and instead make the staff do it. Maybe they're hoping it'll guilt trip the customers into complying or something.

Who knows? I’ve got some ready but if they don’t enforce it for customers then I’ll be buggered if I’ll let them enforce it for me.

Actually, that’s just me being bloody minded. I don’t really object to wearing one. Except when I’m counting flowers which makes me sneeze a lot. :D
Very slightly more people wearing them on local high st today, though it may be that some are putting them on as they go into shops - still less than 10% tho. Just picking up a set of fabric ones for daughter (think son might be under age it's required, IDK, who does?!), other half has also ordered some.
I’ll be wearing one for 8 odd hours.
You get used to it. It doesn't bother me at all now I've found some masks that fit my face comfortably.
I don't think shops are 'enforcing' customers wearing them here but they almost universally are, in supermarkets anyway.
Is your mask done yet? Got any pics?
Don't talk to me about that &*^% mask! The printer ran out of filament about 9/10 of the way through, but for some reason it didn't pause as it normally would, it kept trying to print, so I have another scrap one.
I've ordered more filament but I'm so disheartened with it I don't know if I'm going to do it again. I might do a Bane mask instead.
Went into a big Tesco's near me this morning. It's generally been really good with social distancing etc. although it has a bit slackened it off recently. Anyway, only about 50% of people were wearing masks today, and weirdly it seemed to be mainly 60+ year old not bothering, got a couple of tuts and shake of heads when people saw me in one too.

Anyway, I asked one of the store managers who happened to be hanging around what they were going to do as so many people didn't seem to be wearing them 2 days before they became compulsory, and she said it was store policy to not enforce it, only the police could. I said they why didn't they suggest it though as people came in, put notices up near the door reminding people etc, and she was totally disinterested.

Doesn't fill me with confidence that this is going to work as a measure.
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Don't talk to me about that &*^% mask! The printer ran out of filament about 9/10 of the way through, but for some reason it didn't pause as it normally would, it kept trying to print, so I have another scrap one.
I've ordered more filament but I'm so disheartened with it I don't know if I'm going to do it again. I might do a Bane mask instead.

Doh! I was looking forward to the big reveal.

Tutting and head-shaking isn't even the worst of it. I've heard reports of mask-wearers being yelled at by twats who are no doubt buried up to their ears in conspiracy shite. Mainly in the US, but unfortunately that kind of bullshit has a following over here as well.
Tutting and head-shaking isn't even the worst of it. I've heard reports of mask-wearers being yelled at by twats who are no doubt buried up to their ears in conspiracy shite. Mainly in the US, but unfortunately that kind of bullshit has a following over here as well.

Do you think it was conspiraloons tutting in your case, or do you reckon its something different? I wouldn't have thought there would be that many of them.
Do you think it was conspiraloons tutting in your case, or do you reckon its something different? I wouldn't have thought there would be that many of them.

I think the tutters and head-shakers are just the idiots who think it's a touch of the flu. Conspiracunts tend to be more vocal.
I think the tutters and head-shakers are just the idiots who think it's a touch of the flu. Conspiracunts tend to be more vocal.

There seem to be a lot of relatively normal people who have picked up the odd bit of conspiraloonery, especially regarding the idea that the virus was created in a lab.
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