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waste of DNA sets fire to manchester dogs home

that's why manchester is the best city in the country. If this happened in London they'd have probably stood outside cheering as the place went up in flames
That'll be why the parents of the suspect have had to go into hiding then.
2 people recommend this nonsense from the Guardian:

Somebody knows this lads name. Tweet it I sure would if i knew it. Would not care if i got into trouble. Then he could have his life ruined like Mary Bale did and a good thing too. Justice for the Manchester dogs!!!

"justice for the manchester dogs"

I bet that's straight from the Britain First page too. Fucking social media shit stirrers.
Ignore all the stuff that Frances posted - he was wrong to post that on this thread, and was given a warning, so best leave it be. :)
why do you think it's ok to say this given what was posted? :confused:
would you be more annoyed if it was a dog and not a cat that died by his hand?
Good memory you have Frances. I was asked to keep an eye on my next door neighbours home as they had been burgled a couple of weeks earlier as I had by thieving cunts like you. I didn't over react at all. As a thief you probably wouldn't understand.

Good memory?
He's got files. Tons of files.
have to say hats off to the firebobbies who attended too. frightened dogs can be unpredictable and they had to risk being bitten as well as being burnt.

And a PCSO, first emergency services worker on scene & saved several dogs, according to the MEN. Not all hobby bobbies are bastards, apparently.
Much as I love dogs and would hate to see any animal suffer in the way these animals must have, I'm still keenly aware that just as many humans have been scorched to death this week, in various parts of the world, and with just as much cruel randomness.

You're obviously not keenly aware that while there's little people can do about scorched humans, because their dramas are playing out on a geo-political chessboard, people take the initiative to "do something" about stuff that is within their gift, hence the response. You do what you can, when you can.
pt 1, why do you think it is ok to tell people to "best leave it be"?
pt 2, would you be more bothered if he'd killed a dog instead of a cat?

1) - What Frances posted was derailing the thread, so it was better that it wasn't dragged up again. Strangely enough, if I think it is better if something is left be I'm free to say so. I don't need your permission. If you don't agree with me, fine - I don't really care.

2) I didn't at the time, and am not going to now, enter a debate about that.
1) - What Frances posted was derailing the thread, so it was better that it wasn't dragged up again. Strangely enough, if I think it is better if something is left be I'm free to say so. I don't need your permission. If you don't agree with me, fine - I don't really care.

2) I didn't at the time, and am not going to now, enter a debate about that.
it was a question, of course it is up to you what you post.
just curious/confused why so keen to defend and brush under carpet
nevermind, not important obvs
The kid in the perhaps unrelated Mirror piece is now all over twitter as the culprit, named & threatened luridly by a social media lynch mob. It's hard undoing these rumours if they're found to be false.
They bailed him, but didn't charge him.

Twitter makes me sick sometimes. The cunts that run it shoudl step in and ban people who threaten others.
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