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waste of DNA sets fire to manchester dogs home

Folk on twitter have come to the conclusion that the kid in the Mirror was the kid that set the fire because it was reported by M.E.N. that the 15 year old that was arrested had been "recently attacked by a dog"

Find a kid in the papers that has been attacked by a dog in the area, come to the conclusion that it's him.

Any number of peope round there have likely been attacked, bitten, whatever by a dog that hasn't made the newspapers, it's a pretty dodgy conclusion to come to. Social media can be proper dangerous in situations like this.
Surely they'd make provisions for his safety as a minor?
Quite possibly/probably. But i wouldn't expect them to make a big thing of it. Look at the way that temp rehousing his family was twisted into being an example of something nasty by the people of manchester on this thread earlier - or the same poster turning a million pounds donations and people turning up to help as evidence of their cuntisheness. Move him/offer protection, just don't publicise it - that's what i expect.
Quite possibly/probably. But i wouldn't expect them to make a big thing of it. Look at the way that temp rehousing his family was twisted into being an example of something nasty by the people of manchester on this thread earlier - or the same poster turning a million pounds donations and people turning up to help as evidence of their cuntisheness. Move him/offer protection, just don't publicise it - that's what i expect.
If he's not the same person as the kid in the MEN article there could be two youngsters at risk now.
Fuck the press in this country!

Maybe ISIS could behead the people responsible for all this vigilante shit and leaking people's names, if they must behead anyone, and we can have actual real journalists returned safe and sound.

No, I don't think it's funny either.
So, according to Urban, this lad is a twat, an idiot, fully aware of his actions and the consequences for these poor dogs, ought to be locked up forever or burnt to death in his cell. He is fully responsible for his actions! But I bet Urban doesn't think he's capable of consenting to sex though. :rolleyes:

So why did you actually write:

Anyway, we overwhelmed & battered her. Not exactly proud, but it was funny & well, it is what it is.
Oh how we laughed (and are still chuckling to ourselves)!

Louis MacNeice

Coz I was overcome with nostalgia, mention of the dogs home brought fond memories of the adventure playground and the larks that used to take place there flooding back in a kind of unstoppable tidal wave of events long forgotten rising to the surface unbidden. It wasn't appropriate to bring it up on this thread, I just got carried away though. Anyway no harm done eh runnerbean? No need to shimmy up your stepladders to mount the tall steed - Even though you're dying to - If only to show off your legs.

And TBH battered was probably too strong a word - Robustly jostled would be closer too it - You can't do that much damage as a weedy little ten year old.

And yet we live in a society where violence against claimants, including disabled sick and vulnerable people, is skyrocketing.

TBF, people helping out in the aftermath of the dogs home atrocity has no bearing whatsoever on violence and/or prejudice against claimants. Plus, given the demographics of the local area, it's probably safe to assume many of the Harpurhey locals who helped out have a realistic attitude to being on benefits anyway.

Dogs are helpless and cute (which isn't to say I think 60 of them burning to death is anything other than horrific)

people are just scroungers who shoudl get a job.

One doesn't follow the other - I really don't think anyone on here's come close to even hinting at that. That logic only exists in your head.

Good memory?
He's got files. Tons of files.

Philes, our kid. Philes.

Imagine the sound when it all went up in flames.


I can't be the only one who thought that was pretty funny. In a completely not-at-all-funny, sick and wrong and altogether scandalised way of course.

Don't worry, I think he's just trying to become a one-man aristocrat joke.

All round jolly bad show, what?
I can't be the only one who thought that was pretty funny. In a completely not-at-all-funny, sick and wrong and altogether scandalised way of course.

No because of the sound those dogs really will have been making, that's not particularly funny to me.
Tell you what did happen round there, years & years ago, though it's a bit out of order looking back - There used to be an adventure playground and a bit of waste ground and, on the other side of a fence, Harpurhey old market. Anyway, we were playing in the advenny, about ten or maybe eleven, and one of us launched a stone over the fence into the old market. This black woman with a southern/cockney accent came running out at it "Which one of you little bastards did that? You hit my baby on the head".

Anyway, we overwhelmed & battered her. Not exactly proud, but it was funny & well, it is what it is.

Oh yes you are proud of it. Embarressment holds us in check and doesn't end in us boasting about shit like this....oh and you are still laughing eh? Twat.
Coz I was overcome with nostalgia, mention of the dogs home brought fond memories of the adventure playground and the larks that used to take place there flooding back in a kind of unstoppable tidal wave of events long forgotten rising to the surface unbidden. It wasn't appropriate to bring it up on this thread, I just got carried away though. Anyway no harm done eh runnerbean? No need to shimmy up your stepladders to mount the tall steed - Even though you're dying to - If only to show off your legs.

And TBH battered was probably too strong a word - Robustly jostled would be closer too it - You can't do that much damage as a weedy little ten year old.

'Nostalgia', 'fond memories', 'larks', 'no harm done' and 'you can't do that much damage' (try a quick google on that particular bit of self serving stupidity); keep digging Frances.

Louis MacNeice
'Nostalgia', 'fond memories', 'larks', 'no harm done' and 'you can't do that much damage' (try a quick google on that particular bit of self serving stupidity); keep digging Frances.

Louis MacNeice

Oh fuck it I'll bite, why not?

Google what, runnerbean? Ten year old boys and the damage they can/can't do? No, I'm not going to do that, I'll leave that to the likes of you. Why urge me to google ten year old boys though?

What I would like to know though, is why you say "keep digging"? It's almost as though you think I'm arsed what you and any of the other sanctimonious clowns on here think of me. Well I am, but only in the sense that the thought of my having earned the contempt of an absolutely vile, repugnant but mainly completely worthless person such as yourself can only serve to make me feel even better about myself than I already do.

No "cheers" though, just the sig? Well that's something to be grateful for, I suppose. What a nob though, writing "cheers, Louis MacNiece" after every fucking post - Jesus H but that's an affectation and a half. Pretentious twat - If we didn't already know you were a wanker coz you reckon your going running makes you better than everyone else, then that signature bullshit seals the deal. With araldite. No more nails.

Obviously most people who go running don't feel that by the mere virtue of their putting one asics in front of the other, they're somehow above the herd - Most just do it for the fitness and enjoyment of the sport. But a minority enjoy the fact that running can be physically painful and, in a similar manner to the self-flagellating monks of yesteryear in their hair shirts or people who fast and/or impose ludicrously restricted diets upon themselves, believe the physical suffering they put themselves through somehow elevates them above the common man. And you're one such twat MacNeicey. Your avatar of some twat running proves that - Look, look, I go running, me. Fucking right, not Louis MacNeice runnin tings, nah Louis MacNeice runnin away.

Wait a sec though, that's not you in your avatar is it? Say it aint so - Coz if it is, then that seals the deal cast iron racing certainty that you're a self righteous wanker - Look at me, look at me, one hour in and a lot more to go :D:D:D What a twat, no one's arsed about the rigorous discipline you're subjecting yourself to - Self imposed privations mean nothing to anyone but yourself. And you mean nothing so really you're just going round in circles - Under your own steam as well - At least speedway riders are on motorbikes which must make going round in circles fun, unlike you you daft twat.

And what's this Autumn journalist shit as well? Are you a writer? Or do you just write shit on here? Borrowing the plumage of a writer who had earned his stripes? Pretentious no mark twat. TBF you could say the same about my username except I don't allow myself the indulgence that I'm some sort of man of letters unlike the deluded idiot MacNeice.


So you're not a runner or a reader of MacNeice's poetry; just two more things to add to the list of what you don't do...along with reflection, irony, humour and empathy. As I said keep digging you're nearly at the bottom...a couple more splenetic rants should see you there.

Louis MacNeice
...absolutely vile, repugnant but mainly completely worthless person such as yourself ....Pretentious twat - If we didn't already know you were a wanker......you're a self righteous wanker... Pretentious no mark twat....Wankstain.
Cut out the personal abuse please.
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