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Walking Dead

Isn't the fact that they are all completely dysfunctional pretty much the whole point of the book? What would you prefer the writer did?

I would prefer them to behave like normal human beings and not these weird, schizophrenic children they appear to be. I think the writer fails to realise that human beings have in fact survived pretty horrific catastrophes before in our time and managed to get through them without killing each other. He appears to have a very cynical and immature view of human psychology. It's like a story written by a moody teenager who hates the world. What's wrong with having them get along and want to survive? I don't want to watch a load of Americans bickering and fighting constantly. I just wanted somebody to champion and root for.
I'm at about book 50, I think. The governor just bust into the prison. I ditched the story several months ago but I restarted because of the TV series but the two books I read annoyed me so much I don't think I will bother.

I know it's fiction but it's bloody stupid and takes itself far too seriously.

Ah, I wondered after reading one of your posts, won't spoil it for you.
I don't know how much of the comic series you've read but there are various attempts at setting up new communities – by the main characters and others they encounter along the way. In fact, that's one of the factors that drives the whole series.

I haven't read any of the comics. I was talking about my fear that the series would pan out like:

I would prefer them to behave like normal human beings and not these weird, schizophrenic children they appear to be. I think the writer fails to realise that human beings have in fact survived pretty horrific catastrophes before in our time and managed to get through them without killing each other. He appears to have a very cynical and immature view of human psychology. It's like a story written by a moody teenager who hates the world. What's wrong with having them get along and want to survive? I don't want to watch a load of Americans bickering and fighting constantly. I just wanted somebody to champion and root for.

Hmm... yes I will get annoyed if it's like this. In these kinds of crises, humans adapt, and their culture adapts. I want to see a functioning post zombie culture and society. Are we still going to get random wandering zombies breaking into camp followed by an hour or hot-headed bickering amongst individualist americans by the middle of season 2?
Idaho, as the story progresses the presence of zombies becomes no more threatening than say a story set in the African savanah with there being lions and tigers about. The zombies are simply not a threat because they are stupid. The story is about this band of idiots trying to get from A to B without killing THEMSELVES. That's supposed to be the really interesting paradox that in times of fear and horror we ourselves become the monsters but it's not interesting because the characters in the story are all douche bags.

If you can tolerate 40 minutes of sloppy dialogue between some of the coarsest stereotypes I have ever witnessed for a paltry pay off of just 5 minutes of gore then good luck to you. AMC viewers are obviously less demanding of their dramas than I am.
I'm not really that interested in lots of gore and action. I like character development. Yeah zombies would just become like the weather eventually. You'd develop specific technology to deal with them, and you'd develop culture to deal with them - something that WWZ develops satisfyingly.

What is your favourite programme atm Kidblast?
I'm not really that interested in lots of gore and action. I like character development. Yeah zombies would just become like the weather eventually. You'd develop specific technology to deal with them, and you'd develop culture to deal with them - something that WWZ develops satisfyingly.

What is your favourite programme atm Kidblast?

I enjoyed 'The Pacific' but I don't really watch TV any more to be honest. I'd rather read a book or interweb or go outdoors.
Oh good, another anti TV person.

No, not really at all.

If there is a new documentary/drama series/two parter/expose on I'll watch that but I don't watch all the other drivel that's on 90% of the time. I don't care for things like Top Gear/Deal or no Deal/Emmerdale/X Factor/Flog your old Bollocks/Answer questions and get abused by a ginger witch etc... I don't care for lazy TV.
No, not really at all.

If there is a new documentary/drama series/two parter/expose on I'll watch that but I don't watch all the other drivel that's on 90% of the time. I don't care for things like Top Gear/Deal or no Deal/Emmerdale/X Factor/Flog your old Bollocks/Answer questions and get abused by a ginger witch etc... I don't care for lazy TV.

I don't care for any of that stuff either btw but enjoy alot of other things on it. But fair enough!
I would prefer them to behave like normal human beings and not these weird, schizophrenic children they appear to be. I think the writer fails to realise that human beings have in fact survived pretty horrific catastrophes before in our time and managed to get through them without killing each other. He appears to have a very cynical and immature view of human psychology. It's like a story written by a moody teenager who hates the world. What's wrong with having them get along and want to survive? I don't want to watch a load of Americans bickering and fighting constantly. I just wanted somebody to champion and root for.

But you have no idea how human beings would behave - it's a zombie apocalypse and everything has been turned completely upside down. Most of the human population of the USA (and perhaps the world) is either dead or in hiding and modern civilisation has been destroyed. I think it's perfectly realistic for people's darker sides to come to the fore in those circumstances. Also, a show in which everyone got along would completely kill one of the first rules of drama writing - that drama is conflict. In fact, I bet there has never been a drama written that didn't have that rule at its very heart.
But you have no idea how human beings would behave - it's a zombie apocalypse and everything has been turned completely upside down. Most of the human population of the USA (and perhaps the world) is either dead or in hiding and modern civilisation has been destroyed. I think it's perfectly realistic for people's darker sides to come to the fore in those circumstances. Also, a show in which everyone got along would completely kill one of the first rules of drama writing - that drama is conflict. In fact, I bet there has never been a drama written that didn't have that rule at its very heart.

In situations of extreme adversity, groups of humans tend to band together and form very tight social bonds of co-operation. They don't tend to go moody, keep secrets, hold grudges, etc.
In situations of extreme adversity, groups of humans tend to band together and form very tight social bonds of co-operation. They don't tend to go moody, keep secrets, hold grudges, etc.

But even if that was the case it would make for very boring drama. It isn't meant to be a documentary!
It would be difficult to do as a drama as it would move away from the standard dramatic components that make up conventional programmes. But if done well there would be plenty of other tensions.
But even if that was the case it would make for very boring drama. It isn't meant to be a documentary!

It'd be easy, and more enjoyable, to have some more positive characters, some people who thrive under the constrained circumstances; I think Glenn was like that until ep 3 at least. People supporting each other and finding strength under pressure is a mainstay of quality fiction, especially alongside other characters who are crumbling and going crazy.
But you have no idea how human beings would behave - it's a zombie apocalypse and everything has been turned completely upside down. Most of the human population of the USA (and perhaps the world) is either dead or in hiding and modern civilisation has been destroyed. I think it's perfectly realistic for people's darker sides to come to the fore in those circumstances. Also, a show in which everyone got along would completely kill one of the first rules of drama writing - that drama is conflict. In fact, I bet there has never been a drama written that didn't have that rule at its very heart.


I disagree completely with this statement which I find naive and narrow minded.

There have been wars and mass devastation through natural and human catastrophe throughout our entire history. zombies, nazis, aliens, rats, cannibals. It's all the same deal. It's a common enemy. The only boon in this story is that the common enemy happens to be a bit rubbish.

In this situation I beleive that the human reaction would be 'Oh, wait a minute, scary as they may be these zombies are actually as thick as two short planks. Lets team up and destroy them, it'll take about a month or two. We have every piece of equipment we could possibly wish for so lets get to it" and not "Muuuuhaha, I'm going to take over the world!" which every person in Walking Dead seems to do.

I think you should give humans some credit.
In situations of extreme adversity, groups of humans tend to band together and form very tight social bonds of co-operation. They don't tend to go moody, keep secrets, hold grudges, etc.

I agree. History points to the former and not the latter.
If humans typically turned into feral monsters after a disaster then we'd never have survived this long.

Anyway, we'll see how this show pans out.
I think it's an american individualist mindset. The only alternative to aggressive individualism is death or becoming a zombie. In a world with no resource limits, very few people and a unifying threat, the end result would look a bit too close to communism for the producers to be comfortable with.
I think it's an american individualist mindset. The only alternative to aggressive individualism is death or becoming a zombie. In a world with no resource limits, very few people and a unifying threat, the end result would look a bit too close to communism for the producers to be comfortable with.

That's a classic U75 reply that.

No, in terms of survival the only option to aggressive individualism would be to seek out other people to form a cooperation. Death is not an option. When you have established security, food and a haven then you can start dabbling with whatever socio-political ideologies you please and at that juncture I couldn't care less what the group did because everything would have been resolved and I would have switched the telly off ages ago.

I disagree completely with this statement which I find naive and narrow minded.

There have been wars and mass devastation through natural and human catastrophe throughout our entire history. zombies, nazis, aliens, rats, cannibals. It's all the same deal. It's a common enemy. The only boon in this story is that the common enemy happens to be a bit rubbish.

In this situation I beleive that the human reaction would be 'Oh, wait a minute, scary as they may be these zombies are actually as thick as two short planks. Lets team up and destroy them, it'll take about a month or two. We have every piece of equipment we could possibly wish for so lets get to it" and not "Muuuuhaha, I'm going to take over the world!" which every person in Walking Dead seems to do.

I think you should give humans some credit.

You have ignored everything I said about conflict being at the heart of all drama. You also clearly don't understand the themes of the series which, as I've already tried to point out, are quite explicitly about the way in which the main characters slowly lose their humanity and moral compass. It isn't the author's intention to show humanity getting along and striving for the common good - it's the exact opposite! It's like criticising a Batman film and then complaining because it features a man dressed as a bat in it!
Andy2002, you're doing my head in. You are following nothing that's been said. It's like going round in circles.
Andy2002, you're doing my head in. You are following nothing that's been said. It's like going round in circles.

"Following nothing that's been said" – that's rich coming from you. Perhaps you could drop TWD's creator Robert Kirkman a line and tell him where he's going wrong. I'm sure he could use the input what with his career going so badly and all.
It'd be easy, and more enjoyable, to have some more positive characters, some people who thrive under the constrained circumstances; I think Glenn was like that until ep 3 at least. People supporting each other and finding strength under pressure is a mainstay of quality fiction, especially alongside other characters who are crumbling and going crazy.

I've only seen the first three episodes of the TV show so it's still a little early to judge but the only criticism I'd make of the comic is that it lacks humour. Being stuck in the middle of a zombie apocalypse would be terrifying but also ridiculous and hilarious. People would be pissing themselves laughing at the insanity of it all. They'd also be talking about George Romero's films a lot but that's another matter...
"Following nothing that's been said" – that's rich coming from you. Perhaps you could drop TWD's creator Robert Kirkman a line and tell him where he's going wrong. I'm sure he could use the input what with his career going so badly and all.

"Hey Rob. You know this Walking Dead bollocks? Well the lead characters are a horrible bunch schizophrenic weirdos who behave like children and have no redeeming qualities whatsoever and as such whenever they open there mouths to speak I want them to die. Did you really mean it to work out this way? If so, cool, Go Zombehs! Your lead artist needs to go to art college and work on his figure drawing because his proportioning is shocking and some of the facial gestures are laughable at best and what's with the purposefully misleading covers? Damn, it makes out something really cool is going to happen and it turns out that is a complete red herring! Grrr, you trickster. Any way, I'm glad it's working out for you, you jammy swine. Thank goodness the simpletons are still sucking up zombie stories which quite honestly have been done to the death (excuse the pun!) and are IMHO dead boring (whoops!) it's incredible that just as you think this fad has passed it suddenly comes back to life again (haha, like your zombies, Rob!) anyway I see it's on the telly now. They got some English drip actor playing Rick putting on a shockingly bad accent. Why didn't you just cast a yank FFS? Did you know that they are trashing your story too, it's crazy, it's like they cut up the original time line and threw it up in the air and then pick bits of it out at random and then chuck it together (did you know that's how David Bowie writes his songs?) so basically Shane is now the leader (he's well hunky) and Lori is really hot for him and Rick is like this simpering retard! I know, crazy. I don't get this bit, right, Lori is shagging Shane's arse off after only a few weeks of hearing that her husband and the father of her child has been killed? Fast mover, huh? Whoa, and, dude, seriously, ANDREA AND DALE! you are a sick bastard! Well we knew that already, huh, that story line? Hmm, a certain Governor keeping a little eight year old zombie girl as a sex slave! Rob, you couldn't make that shit up, you sicko. Any way, I could go on but I have to bore some mongs on a web site before I get auto logged out. Ciao bitch"
"Hey Rob. You know this Walking Dead bollocks? Well the lead characters are a horrible bunch schizophrenic weirdos who behave like children and have no redeeming qualities whatsoever and as such whenever they open there mouths to speak I want them to die. Did you really mean it to work out this way? If so, cool, Go Zombehs! Your lead artist needs to go to art college and work on his figure drawing because his proportioning is shocking and some of the facial gestures are laughable at best and what's with the purposefully misleading covers? Damn, it makes out something really cool is going to happen and it turns out that is a complete red herring! Grrr, you trickster. Any way, I'm glad it's working out for you, you jammy swine. Thank goodness the simpletons are still sucking up zombie stories which quite honestly have been done to the death (excuse the pun!) and are IMHO dead boring (whoops!) it's incredible that just as you think this fad has passed it suddenly comes back to life again (haha, like your zombies, Rob!) anyway I see it's on the telly now. They got some English drip actor playing Rick putting on a shockingly bad accent. Why didn't you just cast a yank FFS? Did you know that they are trashing your story too, it's crazy, it's like they cut up the original time line and threw it up in the air and then pick bits of it out at random and then chuck it together (did you know that's how David Bowie writes his songs?) so basically Shane is now the leader (he's well hunky) and Lori is really hot for him and Rick is like this simpering retard! I know, crazy. I don't get this bit, right, Lori is shagging Shane's arse off after only a few weeks of hearing that her husband and the father of her child has been killed? Fast mover, huh? Whoa, and, dude, seriously, ANDREA AND DALE! you are a sick bastard! Well we knew that already, huh, that story line? Hmm, a certain Governor keeping a little eight year old zombie girl as a sex slave! Rob, you couldn't make that shit up, you sicko. Any way, I could go on but I have to bore some mongs on a web site before I get auto logged out. Ciao bitch"

Dear Kidblast,

Thanks for your letter. I only read half of it before losing the will to live.

Your friend,

Robert Kirkman
"Hey Rob. You know this Walking Dead bollocks? Well the lead characters are a horrible bunch schizophrenic weirdos who behave like children and have no redeeming qualities whatsoever and as such whenever they open there mouths to speak I want them to die. Did you really mean it to work out this way? If so, cool, Go Zombehs! Your lead artist needs to go to art college and work on his figure drawing because his proportioning is shocking and some of the facial gestures are laughable at best and what's with the purposefully misleading covers? Damn, it makes out something really cool is going to happen and it turns out that is a complete red herring! Grrr, you trickster. Any way, I'm glad it's working out for you, you jammy swine. Thank goodness the simpletons are still sucking up zombie stories which quite honestly have been done to the death (excuse the pun!) and are IMHO dead boring (whoops!) it's incredible that just as you think this fad has passed it suddenly comes back to life again (haha, like your zombies, Rob!) anyway I see it's on the telly now. They got some English drip actor playing Rick putting on a shockingly bad accent. Why didn't you just cast a yank FFS? Did you know that they are trashing your story too, it's crazy, it's like they cut up the original time line and threw it up in the air and then pick bits of it out at random and then chuck it together (did you know that's how David Bowie writes his songs?) so basically Shane is now the leader (he's well hunky) and Lori is really hot for him and Rick is like this simpering retard! I know, crazy. I don't get this bit, right, Lori is shagging Shane's arse off after only a few weeks of hearing that her husband and the father of her child has been killed? Fast mover, huh? Whoa, and, dude, seriously, ANDREA AND DALE! you are a sick bastard! Well we knew that already, huh, that story line? Hmm, a certain Governor keeping a little eight year old zombie girl as a sex slave! Rob, you couldn't make that shit up, you sicko. Any way, I could go on but I have to bore some mongs on a web site before I get auto logged out. Ciao bitch"

For someone who doesn't care about tv much you do get quite obsessive about this.
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