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Films you have walked out on*

I'm more likely to fuck off at the interval of a play - did it years ago, 'Shopping and Fucking' found that dull, and more recently, Jerusalem - just found it annoying, and was more annoyed that everyone else seemed to be laughing :D
I bought my wife tickets for the Tina Turner musical a few years ago for her birthday or Christmas present. At half time a couple asked if that was actually Tuna Turner. She explained it was a musical based on Tina's life and that it was an actor. They never came back after the interval.
I bought my wife tickets for the Tina Turner musical a few years ago for her birthday or Christmas present. At half time a couple asked if that was actually Tuna Turner. She explained it was a musical based on Tina's life and that it was an actor. They never came back after the interval.
Maybe it is Tina Turner and that's her own, personal hell, playing herself and no-one believes it.
wish i had walked out of -

No Country for old Men.
Shakespere in Love.
American Beauty.
Fatal Attraction.
You either enjoyed the bits or didn't, I guess. I thought the animated sequence was the best bit and Sue hated it! :D

It didn't know how to end. That would be my main criticism. I know, let's have him dying, then everyone leaves. It's kind of a cool way to end, but only when you don't know what else to do.
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I don't go to the cinema very often, but when I do I generally tend to fall asleep.

The local cinema used to do cheap afternoon flicks for the kids on a Sunday and I always looked forward to 90 minutes nap whist the kids were entertained.

I went to see Barbie after not entering a cinema for over 10 years and did briefly catch a kip even though I was enjoying the film.

I only ever remember walking out, with a couple of friends from Cobra Verde, after about 20 minutes, because we all though it was shite.
I once walked into Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me in error, watching 10 minutes of the film before realising I was in the wrong screen, and I should have been in another, later showing of the same film.

So I walked into, and out of this film
I once walked into Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me in error, watching 10 minutes of the film before realising I was in the wrong screen, and I should have been in another, later showing of the same film.

So I walked into, and out of this film

Ok, that jogs the memory.

Technically, walked out of a film.

Christmas 1984, rare family trip to the pictures and we left Gremlins after 15 minutes.

But only because we were late for the previous showing, so we stayed on to catch up on the first 15 minutes...
As mentioned on the other thread, the most recent film I've walked out on was the utterly vile, Wolf of Wall Street. Can't remember what one before that was, but it was well over ten years earlier.

I can't understand anyone refusing adamant to ever walk out, it's an admission either that they have no judgement or that they don't trust their own judgement. If you don't like a film it is fine to stop watching it. No one has an issue with stoping watching a movie at home (do they??), so what's the difference with somewhere where you have paid money? Ditto with music and books. If you're not enjoying it, or getting anything out of it, stop.

Unless you're a masochist, of course.
As mentioned on the other thread, the most recent film I've walked out on was the utterly vile, Wolf of Wall Street. Can't remember what one before that was, but it was well over ten years earlier.

I can't understand anyone refusing adamant to ever walk out, it's an admission either that they have no judgement or that they don't trust their own judgement. If you don't like a film it is fine to stop watching it. No one has an issue with stoping watching a movie at home (do they??), so what's the difference with somewhere where you have paid money? Ditto with music and books. If you're not enjoying it, or getting anything out of it, stop.

Unless you're a masochist, of course.

Or, maybe... instead of having no judgement or being a masochist etc...you just like films and watching them. For reasons have explained upthread and elsewhere.
Or, maybe... instead of having no judgement or being a masochist etc...you just like films and watching them. For reasons have explained upthread and elsewhere.
So, you have no judgement, you just like 'films'.

I call bollocks. You choose which films to go and see, you choose against seeing some of them. Hence you don't like seeing any old film. Hence you can make a mistake and go and see one that you don't like. Walk the fuck out.
I couldn't walk out because I was with my then 8 year old son, but I tried to imagine myself in a different place when the Pokemon movie (I forgot which one) was playing. Absolute fucking garbage.
Reasons to stay in a film you aren't enjoying/hate:

Your companions are staying in
You are being paid to review it/Some academic reason
You are tied to your chair with a gun to the head
You want to loudly proclaim how shit it is to annoy the other cinema goers

And, frankly, one of those is a bit dodgy.
So, you have no judgement, you just like 'films'.

I call bollocks. You choose which films to go and see, you choose against seeing some of them. Hence you don't like seeing any old film. Hence you can make a mistake and go and see one that you don't like. Walk the fuck out.

They'll have to carry me out, feet first.
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