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Films you have walked out on*

My dad walked out of A Clockwork Orange, and didn't go to the pictures (except for kids' pictures with us) for ten years.

He broke his boycott with a flick that starred Jack Nicholson and Meryl Streep as wandering hoboes in 30s America. After about an hour showing just why they called it "the Depression", the drains in the cinema toilets failed, and the auditorium was filled with the great smell of
Sounds like Ironweed.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre" - obvious reasons.
We got down this at uni on the horror film studies module. It is the film I've seen most people walk out of. There were only five of us left watching it at the end. It was one of my favourite films.
The first film I feel asleep in at the cinema was Armageddon. I kept falling asleep and taking up and it was still going on.
I'm reliably informed I saw Geostorm starring Gerard Butler, but I don't remember it. And by that I don't just mean I can't remember the film, I mean I have no recollection of anything to do with seeing it.
Four Lions. Not a bad film but think i found it predictable and not that funny. British comedy doesn't always translate well into the cinema.
Ive fallen asleep during many a film screening, latest being Wes Anderson's space alien snooze fest.
After Hours is fucking great, watched it again not that long back.

Although, in this instance, you clearly did dod the right thing in walking out. Fran Liebowitz ffs!
As mentioned on the other thread, the most recent film I've walked out on was the utterly vile, Wolf of Wall Street. Can't remember what one before that was, but it was well over ten years earlier.

I can't understand anyone refusing adamant to ever walk out, it's an admission either that they have no judgement or that they don't trust their own judgement. If you don't like a film it is fine to stop watching it. No one has an issue with stoping watching a movie at home (do they??), so what's the difference with somewhere where you have paid money? Ditto with music and books. If you're not enjoying it, or getting anything out of it, stop.

Unless you're a masochist, of course.
I'm fine not watching films or skipping music I don't like, but I have some sort of block with books. If I've started it I feel compelled to finish it. It'll sometimes take me a few chapters to get into the flow of some and they pick up, some I might struggle with the style, but I'm still getting something out of it.

Then there's the utter shite that feels like a complete chore for no joy or knowledge. I'm currently like a 1/3 of the way through Thus Spoke Zarathustra and its a pile of wank, but I just have to see it through. Nietzsche would be proud. The tosser :rolleyes:
I have not walked out of a film, but when it is bad I often look at my watch.

I did go for a long wee during Ad Astra because I did very much need to go, but I did not miss much.
It is very silly. To its undeserved credit, it has an unintentionally hilarious line towards the end.
I have not walked out of a film, but when it is bad I often look at my watch.

I did go for a long wee during Ad Astra because I did very much need to go, but I did not miss much.
It is very silly. To its undeserved credit, it has an unintentionally hilarious line towards the end.
Ad Astra was directed by James Gray.

According to Wikipedia: “The project was announced in early 2016, with Gray saying he wanted to feature "the most realistic depiction of space travel that's been put in a movie".”

Ah, so that is why the hero climbs the side of a rocket as it is taking off, and somehow forces open the hatch and climbs aboard.
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