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Films you have walked out on*

John Carpenter's Vampires (not sure if he directed it or it just had his name attached for clout).

Utterly shit, although I might have stuck it out were it not for the dickheads talking, smoking and waving their phones about in the seats in front.

Made the decision much easier.
Jeepers Creepers
I got to the bit just after where the protagonists see a thing like a wrapped body being shoved down a pipe, and they investigate in the middle of nowhere; you ignore it or call the cops, not investigate it yourself.
A couple walked out of Barbie, which I saw tonight, around an hour in. It was a one-off showing as part of a brief “best of 2023 season”.

Each to their own, but I think you'd have to have been living under a rock to not know what the film is about and its style so it baffled me.
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A couple walked out of Barbie, which I saw tonight, around an hour in. It was a one-off showing as part of a brief “best of 2023 season”.

Each to their own, but I think you'd have to have been living under a rock to not know what the film is about and its style so it baffled me.
It’s not about Klaus Barbie then?
I've never walked out of a cinema mid-film that I can recall, not even when I went to see that last Rocky film which was totally forgettable.

The last film I remember that left a bad enough impression that I stopped watching part-way through was Crank 2: High Voltage. I was reaching the end of a Jason Statham kick and I enjoyed the first Crank movie, trashy as it is. But some reason the sequel wasn't even fun in a bad way and I went off it completely.
I've certainly not enjoyed certain film in the cinema but never walked out.

I went to see Enter The Void by Gaspar Noé at the Prince Charles cinema and there was a certain point some folks started tutting and groaning and walked out.......you knew he was onto something then, great, expanded cinema !
Just happened across this in the Gruniaad :D

Just happened across this in the Gruniaad :D

I can see the a-peel of it, but it really wasn't my cup of tea. I do think it's overstated how bad it is. I didn't get up and leave the room or anything. I just moderately smirked at a few bits, decided it weren't for me and returned the DVD. Same as a dozen other half arsed comedies every year.
I've never walked out of a film at the cinema, I've paid money for it and am thus determined to stick it to the bitter end no matter what. I hardly go the cinema much anyway these days, I haven't been this year yet and went only twice last year.
There are loads of films I've started and given up on halfway through when watching on the TV though.
I've never walked out of a film at the cinema, I've paid money for it and am thus determined to stick it to the bitter end no matter what.
Same here, but that means I've seen some crappy films. Or fallen asleep during them.
Got a "stopped watching" one. Now I love a crap film.. Sometimes the crappier a movie is the better when it comes to B movies.. Which this is a modern day version of.. Do they still class things as B movies? Anyway...

I present The Core. A disaster of a movie, sorry, a disaster movie

I nearly gave up on clooneys midnight sky purely because I lost count of the instantly fatal things people survived but I was into the story so stuck it out.

Ps. Been on an apocalypse movie binge recently.. Is there a thread for them?
Never walked out on one but been tempted during a few kiddie films - the type where it feels like someone is flicking lumps of sugar in your face non-stop for 90 minutes.
As a rule I never walk out on a film.

I think the sole exception to that remains Pasolini's Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom which I caught at the Prince Charles circa 2000-2001 when I think they were going through a rash of "only just approved for release in the UK" films, and a trip to the PCC and a follow-up meal at Mr. Kong's was a staple of our little group of students. I managed to sit uncomfortably through many scenes of (fairly realistically done TBH) upsetting sexual torture... but then came the extended eye-gouging scene and my stomach started to leave the auditorium, with me following in fairly rapid fashion. After about a minute, one of my ashen-faced flatmates followed suit along with a handful of other punters.

"Couldn't take it either?"
"Err... no. It finished."
"WTF?! How did it end?"
"They kept gouging and cutting, then two of the guards did a little dance, then it finished."

We skipped the usual post-film meal and discussion so to this day I still don't really know what anyone thought of it. I've still got the DVD somewhere - bought it to dare myself to watch it again, and still haven't over 20 years later.
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