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Walking Dead

I’m watching this because I love post apocalypse type stuff. I wish they’d made it a bit more (intentionally) funny though. One minute you’re watching half a zombie crawling along the floor, gnashing it’s jaws. Then in the next scene one of the characters goes off on a long cliche-riddled speech about the philosophy of it all. Do they expect the audience to really believe this shit? Was the comic lacking in humour too?

I said something similar in post #177. The comic - and TV show - lack humour and that's my one criticism of them. A zombie apocalypse would be horrifying but also ridiculous and hilarious.

I thought the latest episode (#4) was OK but a bit uneven - the stuff in Atlanta was really just filler to set up the big set piece at the end (which was very good). There were a couple of plot holes too - how come the Vato gang didn't find the guns when they'd been lying around in the middle of the road for at least 48 hours? And just how far outside the city is the camp? In earlier episodes they seem to suggest it's quite a few miles but Andrew Lincoln and the others ran back from the city to the camp at the end suggesting it's only just down the road.
They're young, fit men, and they left the town in daylight, arriving at camp in the dark. It could easily be ten miles or more. Or perhaps they were able to drive part of the way in a car which still had a little petrol left.

I agree about the lack of humour; the zombies often make me laugh, but I don't think it's intentional.
A good strong first episode. Nothing particularly new or startling but well done, and pretty good. I like that it is after the zombie apocalypse and not during for a change. Will watch more.
They're young, fit men, and they left the town in daylight, arriving at camp in the dark. It could easily be ten miles or more. Or perhaps they were able to drive part of the way in a car which still had a little petrol left.

I agree about the lack of humour; the zombies often make me laugh, but I don't think it's intentional.

They must have grabbed another motor- no way anyone can run that fast, and turn up ready for full on zombie slaughtering.

I hope bearded dreamer becomes some sort of oracle and mystic for the group. All in all, mexican gangsters with heart yay, dead blonde girl not so much.
They must have grabbed another motor- no way anyone can run that fast, and turn up ready for full on zombie slaughtering.

I hope bearded dreamer becomes some sort of oracle and mystic for the group. All in all, mexican gangsters with heart yay, dead blonde girl not so much.

Ten miles would be easy for fit young men to jog in a couple of hours and do the little fighting they did, and we have no idea how long it took. They did look a bit too well-rested though.
Just watched first 3 eps. of this last night thanks to Clair De Lune mentioning it. Thank missus :cool: Am loving it!

I use sidereel too but ep. 4 not on there yet...
wasn't too keen on the whole gang scene, didn't think it played too well but the series as a whole is still quite strong and is keeping me interested
I'm pretty sure it is the kid out of Dusk till Dawn - typecast forever to go to his no doubt gory death in a Winnebago, poor fucker!
He was a lot younger then though. I'm definitely not racist, and they do look similar - reckon they're related at least.
He wasn't in the Goonies either.

IMDB says he wasn't in Dusk till Dawn but he was in Big Bang Theory. Which I have never seen.
So pretty big deviance from the comic's plotline in EP5, and along with the news that Darabont has fired/is firing the whole writer crew makes me wonder what the hell is gonna happen next season (I think this season will only have 6 or 7 eps).
So pretty big deviance from the comic's plotline in EP5, and along with the news that Darabont has fired/is firing the whole writer crew makes me wonder what the hell is gonna happen next season (I think this season will only have 6 or 7 eps).

Has 6 episodes. Hmmm, i'm really interested now to!
Ah so only one left. Means I'll have to get stuck into the Wire then for the winter. As well as Fringe obv.
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