Well-Known Member
That's quite a scattergun of opinions. I'm not surprised he was lukewarm towards Hitchcock, nor that he liked Truffaut and loved Tarkovsky, but I'm a little surprised that he liked Fellini. I've never got on with Fellini's self-conscious artifice. Not very Bergmanesque imo. I know Persona has a lot of artifice to it, but it's in the service of making a serious point.
I am an absolute Bergman nut and equally love the films of Fellini, too. I think the difference between the two is that Bergman approach to filmmaking is that of craftsman and Fellini's that of a showman. Bergman is far more cerebral and spiritual, and Fellini more joyous and life affirming. Both compliment one another wonderfully I think, and I totally get why they were admirers of one another.
I've watched some of Tarkovsky's movies and though sometimes hard going for me, they really are quite beautiful visually. At times breathtaking and pretty ethereal.