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Walking Dead

Seen the 3 episodes on TV and am pleased with it so far. I just hope it doesn't descend into something like 'The Survivors' with the odd fight with some zombies. Fighting the zombies should take centre stage, not the internal politics of the survivors and them deciding who does the washing up.
Audience figures for the this show are going to fall hard are after this episode. Episode three only gathered about 5.1 million viewers and that's poor for the U.S. You also have to take into consideration that it aired over the Halloween period so it had that novelty factor pulling punters in but it's Christmas now, different story. Ad revenue will be lousy. Who would want to align their products and services with such a nasty piece of work as this?

I would put money on this show getting axed after the first series.
Audience figures for the this show are going to fall hard are after this episode. Episode three only gathered about 5.1 million viewers and that's poor for the U.S. You also have to take into consideration that it aired over the Halloween period so it had that novelty factor pulling punters in but it's Christmas now, different story. Ad revenue will be lousy. Who would want to align their products and services with such a nasty piece of work as this?

I would put money on this show getting axed after the first series.

It's already been okayed for a second series.
I don't think it will run.

I guess that's possible, even though when a network signs a show up for 13 episodes they generally go with it. And the ratings have been very good.

I just googled 'walking dead episode 3 ratings' and it turns out that the pilot had record-breaking ratings and the ratings for the third episode were actually extremely good for that network (from about 6 different sites, hence no links here).
Okay. Record breaking pilot for AMC. That's a different matter. AMC is a shitty channel in America. 5 million viewers is not great for the States and that will decrease because like I said the pilot was screened over Halloween which would have boosted ratings enormously.

Have you watched the series? Episode 4 is really awful. The show is getting increasingly weaker and weaker. It is deviating so wildly form the original story that I can't see what it is trying to achieve or where it wants to go. It cannot survive if it continues with a ratio of 90% drama to 10% zombie mayhem. The story and the characters are just to boring.
Okay. Record breaking pilot for AMC. That's a different matter. AMC is a shitty channel in America. 5 million viewers is not great for the States and that will decrease because like I said the pilot was screened over Halloween which would have boosted ratings enormously.

Have you watched the series? Episode 4 is really awful. The show is getting increasingly weaker and weaker. It is deviating so wildly form the original story that I can't see what it is trying to achieve or where it wants to go. It cannot survive if it continues with a ratio of 90% drama to 10% zombie mayhem. The story and the characters are just to boring.

5 million was for the third episode. It might not be much for the US, but if it's a lot for that channel - and the first episode was their most ever - they'd be a bit mad to cancel it.

I have seen it, yup. I don't think it's the best thing ever, but TBH I think having a higher percentage of drama will draw in more people, especially in the long-term.
I don't think it's the best thing ever, but TBH I think having a higher percentage of drama will draw in more people, especially in the long-term.

If, and it's a big if, the drama is well written and involves characters that are human, likeable and engaging. None of the characters in the Walking Dead are any of those things. There is no-one I would champion. Secondly, they all get knocked off one by one anyway as the series progresses so don't be establishing favourites because they won't last more than two episodes.

In the comic, Andrea is the only character I liked. She is cool, sexy, no nonsense and feisty but what do the writers do, they hook her up with Dale. DALE FFS! That fat old geezer. Not only that, they have the two of them going at it like rabbits. I don't buy it.
If, and it's a big if, the drama is well written and involves characters that are human, likeable and engaging. None of the characters in the Walking Dead are any of those things. There is no-one I would champion. Secondly, they all get knocked off one by one anyway as the series progresses so don't be establishing favourites because they won't last more than two episodes.

In the comic, Andrea is the only character I liked. She is cool, sexy, no nonsense and feisty but what do the writers do, they hook her up with Dale. DALE FFS! That fat old geezer. Not only that, they have the two of them going at it like rabbits. I don't buy it.

Psst - most people probably haven't seen ep 4 yet.

We don't know if people are actually going to get knocked off, or at least not the same people, because the show isn't very similar to the comics - at least from what people have said; I haven't read the comics myself.

Like I said, I don't think it's the greatest show ever, but it's still been bought for a second season and is getting really high ratings for that channel, plus the drama aspect appeals to some people more than others - it's just really unlikely that it'll stop after the first season.
BTW, apologies that didn't make any sense - I have a mild concussion and ma mixing my words up a bit.
BTW I just noticed that AMC is a free channel in the states unlike HBO which is pay. That certainly adds to it's high ratings.
I've enjoyed the first 3 episodes, but fear that it could be allowed to slide into mediocrity and confusion if it doesn't start building up some longer story arcs. The writers need to read WWZ and go from there.
The writers need to read WWZ and go from there.

Why would the writers need to read the massively overrated World War Z when they have around 80 issues of the excellent Walking Dead comic book to base their plots and characters on? I know Robert Kirkland, who writes the comic, has deliberately never read WWZ so he isn't influenced by it in any way.
Why would the writers need to read the massively overrated World War Z when they have around 80 issues of the excellent Walking Dead comic book to base their plots and characters on? I know Robert Kirkland, who writes the comic, has deliberately never read WWZ so he isn't influenced by it in any way.
What a twat. Fancy not reading something just so that you can't be accused of copying.

What would make it interesting would be to show how a new society emerges. If they are still just wandering Americans on a camping trip gone bad by the middle of season2 then i will be disappointed.
What a twat. Fancy not reading something just so that you can't be accused of copying.

What would make it interesting would be to show how a new society emerges. If they are still just wandering Americans on a camping trip gone bad by the middle of season2 then i will be disappointed.

Why does that make him a twat? He doesn't want to be influenced by WWZ in any way and that's perfectly understandable. Kirkman took a bit of flak because the 'Rick in the hospital' start of the series was so similar to 28 Days Later (which stole it from Day Of The Triffids). If he makes it clear he's never read WWZ then that's one less bit of zombie fiction he doesn't have to worry about inadvertently emulating (or being accused of copying).

I don't know how much of the comic series you've read but there are various attempts at setting up new communities – by the main characters and others they encounter along the way. In fact, that's one of the factors that drives the whole series.
I don't know how much of the comic series you've read but there are various attempts at setting up new communities – by the main characters and others they encounter along the way. In fact, that's one of the factors that drives the whole series.
For most of episode 4 I forgot about the zombies, it's still holding my attention.
For most of episode 4 I forgot about the zombies, it's still holding my attention.

Quite. The comic series doesn't have zombies in it all that much and you don't miss them because the story is actually about the characters slowly but surely having their humanity and moral compass stripped away from them. That's where the true horror lies and it works wonderfully well.
Kidblast....where are you up to with the books?

Kidblast....where are you up to with the books?

I'm at about book 50, I think. The governor just bust into the prison. I ditched the story several months ago but I restarted because of the TV series but the two books I read annoyed me so much I don't think I will bother.

I know it's fiction but it's bloody stupid and takes itself far too seriously.
Only luddites and weird anti-telly religionists only have the free channels in the states.

So, presumably, AMC are a bit like ITV and Channel 4 in that they depend on advertising revenue? They're obviously doing pretty well though as they make Mad Men and Breaking Bad as well as The Walking Dead.
Why did it take you 50 issues to decide that?

I really wanted to like it. Just give it another few issues. It had potential but the writer is just completely inept. If they kept moving and stopped focusing on the idiots that make up the group it would be okay but, no, more bickering Americans.

The kids in 'The Lord of the Flies' had a better grasp on survival than these numb nuts.
I really wanted to like it. Just give it another few issues. It had potential but the writer is just completely inept. If they kept moving and stopped focusing on the idiots that make up the group it would be okay but, no, more bickering Americans.

The kids in 'The Lord of the Flies' had a better grasp on survival than these numb nuts.

Isn't the fact that they are all completely dysfunctional pretty much the whole point of the book? What would you prefer the writer did?
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