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vanessa beeley

Beeley is mentioned throughout this 46 page report and has her own section on page 22 - "Queen Of Disinformation".

Of the sources of disinformation on the White Helmets, none have been more prolific than Vanessa Beeley, whose smears have been amplified by trolls online and broadcast by Russian state channels RT and Sputnik News.

It has some of the same problems as the Guardian piece. No mention of her far right connections and her level of immersion in the lizardfighter scene is only alluded to in one line.

As Associate Editor of 21st Century Wire, Beeley oversees a website which has claimed anti-semitism “is a multi-million pound industry” and pushed conspiracy theories about George Soros, chemtrails, MH17, Sandy Hook and the 9/11 terror attack.

The bit about anti-semitism is a reference to a Gilad Atzmon article - ("Anti-Semitism is not really a social phenomenon, it is instead a multi million pound industry. The more we spend on the fight against it, the more incidents are ‘recorded’ to justify further spending.") - and the bit about the leaked twitter DM about torture neglects to mention that it came from an Assad worshipping LaRouche freak that she was best cybermates with until they fell out.

There's a bit about her appearance at a do hosted by the Swiss Press Club in November.

In a strongly-worded letter sent to Mettan ahead of the conference, Reporters Without Borders said: “We are totally dissociating ourselves from this event and do not wish to be associated in any way with a conference that welcomes a so-called journalist, Ms. Vanessa Beeley.”

It appears that she cost the club a grant worth 100,000 Swiss francs.

Guy Mettan sommé d’annuler une conférence
Le Club suisse de la presse perd 100 000 francs
The Guardian today have published a story which rehashes a couple of the already well-established beeley-bartlett threads and calls it an investigation - one which has uncovered all this. It looks to tie them/it in with a russian manipulation machine theme and as such entirely misses the self-starter nature of the conspiracy crowd and it's pre-existing links to and embedded role in the far-right and anti-semitism and it's planned malevolence. They miss numerous open goals - such as the disgusting people involved in/behind 21st century wire and beeley's far-right comrades in france and belgium. Still, almost a year to the day after the anti-WH propaganda was used to support the groznying of Aleppo is probably quite good going for them.

How Syria's White Helmets became victims of an online propaganda machine
That journo got a lot of green-inker flak including a complaint written on what appears to be takeaway carton lid.

StreetPress discovered the membership list of Soral's E&R in early 2016. Link to it dead now. I'm wondering whether she was on it and what her connection with Frederic Chatillon might be. They're in the same circles; Voltaire Network, Dieudonne and so on.

From Eliot Higgins's blog in 2012.
In August 2011 the French anti-fascist website Reflex posted an article about members of the far right in France, including Frédéric Chatillon, founding a new website, InfoSyrie, to correct what they stated was the gross misrepresentation of facts by the Western media in the pay of the US and Israel.

The article goes on to describe links between the far right in France and the Alawite and Assad regime members in Syria, and describes a visit arranged by Chatillon for his associates, that include Thierry Meyssan, chairman of the Voltaire Network; Dieudonné M'bala M'bala, a anti-Semitic political activist; essayist Alain Soral; Ahmed Moualek, president of La Banlieue S'exprime (LBS); and Marc George to Lebanon in 2006, via a 5 day stop over in Syria, where it's alleged Chatillon initiated links with some “second level” regime personals.
Paywall. :mad:

Splitters! Hard-left rivals are banned from using same pub

Labour Against the Witch-hunt (LAW), which protests against suspensions and expulsions of party members accused of antisemitism, is in a dispute with Reject Bogus Left Antisemitism (RBLA), a splinter group that was set up after its members were expelled from LAW for antisemitism.

LAW had planned to meet in a central London pub today, but the pub cancelled its booking after RBLA planned to hold a protest at the same pub at the same time. RBLA called on activists to “put a stop to this shameful witch-hunt by Labour Against the Witch-hunt”.
Someone has put together a lot of the stuff on ref-brown alliances that have been floating around for while now. Beely gets 13 mentions. Lots of other useful stuff there as well. The historical intro seems to be based on the first few chapters of Anton Shekhovtsov's Russia and the Western Far Right - or maybe it just seems like that to me as i've just read it. And they do have a section outlining Sergey Glazyev's link with Dugin and Larouche which is not something usually mentioned. Anyway, net is closing in on Beeley for her belgian-french fascist connections.

An Investigation Into Red-Brown Alliances: Third Positionism, Russia, Ukraine, Syria, And The Western Left
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Some more stuff going on.
I have switched the post “An Investigation into Red-Brown Alliances: Third Positionism, Russia, Ukraine, Syria, and the Western Left” to private mode temporarily in the light of updates I am currently adding to it

The UPR and Francois Asselineau weren't mentioned unfortunately. Streetpress has a piece about them from April 2017 where Beeley was a guest speaker at their election do.

L’UPR d’Asselineau n’est pas un parti conspi, vraiment ? | par @StreetPress

It reminded me to have a look at the eternally rotting corpse of Indymedia Ireland. It seems to have taken yet another turn for the worst recently. Thierry Meyssan and Tony Cartalucci (Land Destroyer/New Eastern Outlook) articles are among the "editor's picks".

NATO’s Anarchist Brigades - Indymedia Ireland
The French Plan to recognize “Rojava” - Indymedia Ireland
The French Republic taken hostage - Indymedia Ireland
September 11, 2001: Questions to Ask if You Still Believe the Official Narrative - Indymedia Ireland

I hadn't noticed the "Gladio" section on the sidebar before. It consists entirely of links to the conspiraloon Corbett Report site.

I might as well leave the Beeley section here in case the article vanishes. Some of the links on the archived version didn't work properly so I fixed them and tidied a few other things up.


Vanessa Beeley is listed as an Associate Editor of 21st Century Wire on its About section (which also lists Andrew Korybko and Marwa Osman as special contributors). 21st Century Wire claims to be an “independent hyper blog offering bold news”. However, its features editor and founder is Patrick Henningsen, who used to be an InfoWars Associate Editor, and still associates with the far-right (Henningsen has himself been a long time RT contributor).

21st Century Wire of course is rife with conspiracies about

Engdahl is of course present on 21st Century Wire and is hosted on its podcast.

21st Century Wire also shares material by Thierry Meyssan and hosts Gearoid o Colmain, self-proclaimed “communist” (he appears to be a member of the Pôle de renaissance communiste en France, a French Marxist-Leninist party) who openly voices out the vilest anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, considers the IMF to be a “tool of Zionism” (which is an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory) and praises Hungarian far-right Prime Minister Viktor Orban as bulwark against it and believes in conspiracy theories about the 2016 Nice attacks.

21st Century Wire’s position on the war in Syria as of 2011 itself has been that it is a “regime change” plot by the “globalists” and by George Soros, and that Da’esh is a CIA creation as a tool to establish the “New World Order”. Beeley appears to be the source of conspiracies surrounding the White Helmets which were then aired by Russian state media.

On Vanessa Beeley’s blog are featured:
The material Beeley herself writes for 21st Century Wire includes praising the xenophobic policies of Viktor Orban and hosting Gilad Atzmon, and she can also be found being hosted by Willem Felderhorf, a self-proclaimed Anarchist whose channel posts xenopobic and Islamophobic material, anti-Semitic 9/11 conspiracy theories and Bosnian genocide denial.

Despite her criticisms of NGOs grounded in conspiracy theory rather than legitimate leftist analysis, Beeley nevertheless went to Syria as part of a delegation by the US Peace Council, the US branch of the World Peace Council, a NGO member of the United Nations which defends Slobodan Milosevic.
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The same Vanessa Beeley was hosted in Birmingham, UK, by the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) (abbreviated as the CPGB-ML), the Socialist Labour Party (SLP), the Indian Workers Association (GB), and the UK branches of the People’s Liberation Front (JVP) and the Awami Workers Party.

She is also an Associate Editor for The Indicter, an outlet affiliated to the NGO named Swedish Doctors for Human Rights, whose chairperson is Marcello Ferrada de Noli, who was previously a member of the Chilean Marxist-Leninist group Revolutionary Left Movement and has since become a supporter of Julian Assange and moved close to the far-right. The Indicter’s staff includes:

The Indicter’s Associate Editors consist of:
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Someone has put together a lot of the stuff on ref-brown alliances that have been floating around for while now. Beely gets 13 mentions. Lots of other useful stuff there as well. The historical intro seems to be based on the first few chapters of Anton Shekhovtsov's Russia and the Western Far Right - or maybe it just seems like that to me as i've just read it. And they do have a section outlining Sergey Glazyev's link with Dugin and Larouche which is not something usually mentioned. Anyway, net is closing in on Beeley for her belgian-french fascist connections.

An Investigation Into Red-Brown Alliances: Third Positionism, Russia, Ukraine, Syria, And The Western Left
This is up again. I haven't gone through it all but I see new stuff about French and Belgian groups.

It's not a very good name for a blog though is it.
Eva Bartlett is having a do in London on Jan 31st, courtesy of CPGB-ML.

bartlett london.png

I'll leave the article's little section on her here as well.

Eva Bartlett, who went viral last year, is a reporter [archive] and Editor at SOTT.net [archive]. SOTT.net is owned [archive] by the Quantum Future Group, which has Arkadiusz Jadczyk as President and Laura Knight-Jadczyk as Vice President [archive]. Unfamiliar with Laura Knight-Jadczyk? Laura Knight-Jadczyk is into various conspiracy theories such as 9/11 Trutherism [archive] (note her using Chossudovsky as source), Denver Airport conspiracy theories [archive], New World Order conspiracy theories [archive], HAARP and UFO conspiracy theories [archive].

Bartlett’s own written quotes conspiracy theorists extensively [archive]and she has reshared anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist Brandon Martinez’s assertion that 9/11 was a false flag on her blog[archive] as well as conspiracy theories claiming Assad is resisting “the Rothschilds” [archive]. Among her other associations one can find:

This did not however stop Ajamu Baraka from hosting her [archive] or progressive liberal Jimmy Dore from promoting her [archive]. Jimmy Dore had himself previously quoted [archive] an article from conspiracy theorist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to “explain” what is happening in Syria and later quoted Theodore Postol (whose source is an Infowars contributor and associate of David Duke) concerning the Khan Shaykhun attacks [archive]. It appears that the Western Left would rather host Western conspiracy theorists and fascists rather than speak to Syrian leftists who know more about the situation in Syria, just like how Michael Moore preferred repeating the WWP’s line by calling what would eventually devolve into Da’esh a “revolution” in 2004.
Bartlett also in Derry, exploiting the anniversary of Bloody Sunday. Beeley a no show. Dunno who Gregory Sharkey is.

beeley loon derry.jpg

The venue has tried to distance itself from the event. The last line will look especially foolish.

waterside theatre derry beeley bartlett loonfest.jpg
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just like how Michael Moore preferred repeating the WWP’s line by calling what would eventually devolve into Da’esh a “revolution” in 2004.

Moore was likening the Iraqi resistance of 2004 to the uprising against the British in the 1770s. It might not have been a good analogy, but then the British hadn't just slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Americans. Also, to read that forward as support for ISIS over a decade later is mendacious. As well as pathetic.
Moore was likening the Iraqi resistance of 2004 to the uprising against the British in the 1770s. It might not have been a good analogy, but then the British hadn't just slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Americans. Also, to read that forward as support for ISIS over a decade later is mendacious. As well as pathetic.
No but

The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not "insurgents" or "terrorists" or "The Enemy." They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow -- and they will win.

He even put it in capitals thinking of future urbanites who dinnae read richt
vanessa beeley brandon martinez.jpg

This Brandon Martinez

Brandon Martinez said:
The gassing stories form the foundational mythos of the holocaust, but experts have challenged these claims. Experts contend that gassing is the most inefficient and dangerous method for executions. In 1988, researcher Ernst Zundel commissioned an expert to examine the rooms in Auschwitz and Majdanek which were claimed to have functioned as gas chambers for killing mass amounts of people. Fred Leuchter, a specialist who designed execution equipment including gas chambers for American prisons, did a forensic examination of these facilities. Going into the endeavor Leuchter fully believed the official story about gassings, but was quickly amazed at how implausible it would have been for these rooms to function as mass execution gas chambers.

e2a: Eva Bartlett having a cosy chat with Thierry Meyssan here.

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That's fucking awful, meanwhile in Syria there has been yet another suspected chlorine gas attack which doubtless these arsewipes will shrug off.
Three members of the CPGB-ML made an appearance at an anti-fascist organizing meeting last night in the city where I live.

Post-meeting after a slight argument/mild confrontation (Assad related) they tried pulling the "But have you heard Vanessa Beeley and about the white helmets..." trump card. :facepalm::mad:

Anyway, they left, think they probably won't be at any more meetings.
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