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vanessa beeley

I try to follow this thread but I find it very hard keeping up with the names and the issues - would i be basically correct in thinking these Assad supporters are tankies/conspiraloons/putin groupies and when they talk about imperialism they really only mean imperialism backed by "teh joos" ?

I watched Geri 's video and could follow that (who exactly do they mean when they talk of 'the terrorists' by the way) but wouldn't mind watching something that looks at debunking the stuff about white helmets being terrorists. I read the attacks on monbiot and the guardian on twitter and it's a bit confusing to me.

Incidentally, every time i go to the miners gala i try to find the most hatstand bonkers left paper i can and the most crazy one yet is something called Lalkar and that's where i first heard of Vanessa Beeley. I could try to photograph her interview and post it if anyone wants a look. It's gross.
I try to follow this thread but I find it very hard keeping up with the names and the issues - would i be basically correct in thinking these Assad supporters are tankies/conspiraloons/putin groupies and when they talk about imperialism they really only mean imperialism backed by "teh joos" ?

I watched Geri 's video and could follow that (who exactly do they mean when they talk of 'the terrorists' by the way) but wouldn't mind watching something that looks at debunking the stuff about white helmets being terrorists. I read the attacks on monbiot and the guardian on twitter and it's a bit confusing to me.

Incidentally, every time i go to the miners gala i try to find the most hatstand bonkers left paper i can and the most crazy one yet is something called Lalkar and that's where i first heard of Vanessa Beeley. I could try to photograph her interview and post it if anyone wants a look. It's gross.
Aye but it seems to me to be spreading a lot wider than that. Because "it's just like Iraq" and also they seem to be attracted to cries of FAKE NEWS since brexit. I am seeing a lot more Russia Today shares than I used to. RT also becoming more popular with some yes voters in Scotland as an alternative to the BBC. If you mention Vanessa Beeley to any of those they wouldn't know what you are talking about but may share her stuff as something they came across on FB and their arguments are similar. so yeah , wooly headed liberals unwittingly joining hands with some more unsavoury hardcore 'loons.

Do share the interview if you have time!
Lalkar is CPGB-ML's mag.

One of Beeley's associates who was mentioned earlier is Max Igan. They appeared together at the conspiraloon Alternative View conference, he's been on the 21st century wire radio show (with Hitler admirer Ken O'Keefe) and he was at that libertarian shitfest 'anarchapulco' last week. This may come as a shock I know, but on top of all the usual loon stuff he's embedded in, he is also a particularly revolting anti-semite and holocaust denier as this 8 minute extract from a talk in 2014 shows.

Related thread by danny la rouge Holocaust: the facts
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My camera pics didn't work so I have tried to find that Beeley interview from lalkar magazine online but i've traced it further back and it is actually an interview with a doctor by another person. the lalkar article says 'by vanessa beeley' but the original is an interview with a doctor by Silvia Cattori which Beeley translated from French. anyway, if you want to read it, it's here on this truly mental website Information Clearing House

the original header in lalkar:

eta: just realised that isn't the full interview on that link
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Beeley gets a mention in this Southern Poverty Law Centre article by Alexander Reid Ross.

The multipolar spin: how fascists operationalize left-wing resentment

The Syria Solidarity Movement lists on its steering committee a host of syncretic figures like Duginist, Navid Nasr and an Australian representative of the fascist-modeled Syrian Social Nationalist Party affiliate, Mussalaha. Before a report revealed her associations with Global Research, Ron Paul and the right-wing British Constitution Party, conspiracy theorist Vanessa Beeley held a position on the steering committee as well.

As an editor at the alt-right-associated conspiracy theory site, 21stCenturyWire, Beeley’s repeated conspiracy articles attempting to link the White Helmets to al Qaeda and George Soros earned her a visit with Assad in Damascus and senior Russian officialsin Moscow; however, they have been thoroughly debunked. A defender of right-wing Hungarian president Viktor Orban, Beeley promotes antisemites like Gilad Atzmon and Dieudonné, even speaking at a conference hosted by the latter in partnership with notorious Holocaust denier Laurent Louis. Regardless, the Syrian Solidarity Movement and the associated Hands Off Syria Coalition recommend Beeley’s work.

e2a: it's been taken down :confused:. But archived here.

splc said:
After receiving some concerns about the article from Max Blumenthal that evening, we took it down, pending further review

Blumenthal the free speech hating snowflake.
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The article has been reposted in various places following Blumenthals threats, including here - Against the grayzone: the article Max Blumenthal doesn’t want you to read - where this wee note was added.

Beeley continues to be as unhinged as ever.

beeley marielle franco.jpg

New one into the grinder - the wider group mentioned already elsewhere, i should have mentioned it on this one too though:

9/11 truther joins Syria ‘propaganda research’ group

A group of university professors who claim to be engaged in “rigorous academic analysis” of propaganda during the Syrian conflict have recruited a 9/11 truther to their team.

Mark Crispin Miller, professor of media studies at New York University, rejects what he calls “the official narrative” of al-Qaeda’s 2001 attacks on the United States, describing it as “preposterous” and “ludicrous”. He also claims that “the meme” of barrel bomb attacks in Syria has been thoroughly debunked.
This from assad supporting loons themselves, albeit ones with better media contacts and record - parade of loons and anti-semites attacking each other for being loons:

Vanessa Beeley & Eva Bartlett vs. Ethical Journalism & Human Decency in the Age of Social Media Reporting

For anyone who quite reasonably doesn't really fancy wading through 70+ mins of loons burbling away, I transcribed this bit from around the 1h05 min mark. Considering the sheer unreliability of the source, there's a fair chance that it's total balls but it's conceivable that Beeley and Bartlett have made nuisances of themselves and have annoyed regime connected people, especially if any of the more serious claims about their behaviour have any basis in reality.

Due to many letters and documented reports by many Syrians, the Syrian government is currently investigating Vanessa Beeley and Eva Bartlett. We at Newsbud have also reached out to our sources within the government in Syria with enquiries.

There are many Syrians who have started a campaign, writing to their government, writing to their president, asking them to stop this duo, Beeley and Bartlett, from destroying Syria's reputation, and the government there is listening. These Syrians, as other sources within the government in Syria, now have realised that this duo have been nothing but disgrace and liability by putting out, disseminating false information, profanity ridden language and libellous attacks.
The article has been reposted in various places following Blumenthals threats, including here - Against the grayzone: the article Max Blumenthal doesn’t want you to read - where this wee note was added.

Beeley continues to be as unhinged as ever.

View attachment 130403
Good follow up from Charles Davis - Beeley, mentioned of course. Useful overview links for those maybe just coming over the last few weeks/months to a realisation of how widespread this red-brown and anti-semitic stuff is and where it's reached into:

An Inside Look at How Pro-Russia Trolls Got the SPLC to Censor a Commie

This viral mischaracterization was why the SPLC retracted the piece. In its apology, the group said that some of those named in the article had protested that they had been “falsely described... as white supremacists, fascists, and/or anti-Semites.” It continued: “Because neither we nor the article’s author intended to make any such accusations, we took it down while we re-examined its contents.”

Ross, himself a seasoned anti-war activist, hadn’t called anyone names, but rather detailed how some who purport to be his comrades had begun echoing, and sharing platforms with, far-right extremists. A secessionist conference in Moscow, for example, saw activists such as Joe Lombardo, of the United National Antiwar Coalition, declaring opposition to the “destructive manifestations of the ‘new world order’” in a statement cosigned by Andrey Kovalenko, leader of the Eurasian Youth Union, a wing of Aleksandr Dugin’s “National Bolshevik” movement — basically Russian nationalism fused with German fascism — and Yana Lantratova, head of Putin’s Council for Civil Society and Human Rights. A UNAC write-up of the conference highlighted the presence of “a leading anti-Zionist writer,” Israel Shamir, a Holocaust denier and associate of WikiLeaks.
This from assad supporting loons themselves, albeit ones with better media contacts and record - parade of loons and anti-semites attacking each other for being loons:

Vanessa Beeley & Eva Bartlett vs. Ethical Journalism & Human Decency in the Age of Social Media Reporting

Bit of a whinge here by CPGBs.

The ‘independent media’ that exist to attack independent media

The loons are now all claiming simultaneously that the Douma attack was by jihadis but it also didn't happen and was all staged. Looks like 21stcenturywire has been hacked. Just a minor inconvenience I assume. Dunno how Wordpress copes with this sort of thing.
Times stories about Beeleyites belonging to the group mentioned in post #189 who tried to get Idrees Ahmad fired.

Apologists for Assad working in British universities

Senior British academics are spreading pro-Assad disinformation and conspiracy theories promoted by Russia, The Times can reveal.

They are founders of a self-styled Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media (SPM) and hold posts at universities including Edinburgh, Sheffield and Leicester.

Members of the group, which includes four professors, have been spreading the slur, repeated by the Russian ambassador to Britain yesterday, that the White Helmets civilian volunteer force has fabricated video evidence of attacks by President Assad, who is backed by the Kremlin.

SPM’s advisers include an American who has challenged the US version of 9/11 as a conspiracy theory and an Australian who suggested that the CIA was behind last weekend’s chemical attack in Syria.

The White Helmets have attracted Russia’s ire for documenting the chemical attack on Khan Sheikhoun in April last year, which killed 83 people, a third of them children. Last September a UN unit found that “there are reasonable grounds to believe that Syrian forces dropped a bomb dispersing sarin” on Khan Sheikhoun.

Yesterday an SPM member, Tim Hayward, professor of environmental political theory at the University of Edinburgh, retweeted a claim about an attack on eastern Ghouta that the “White Helmets and terrorist factions staged false flag events and ‘kidnapped, drugged’ children to use as props”. He added: “Witness statements from civilians and officials in Ghouta raise very disturbing questions.”

Professor Hayward has published a blog article by his colleague Paul McKeigue, a professor of genetic epidemiology and statistical genetics, which claimed that there was almost “zero likelihood” that Assad carried out chemical attacks. He used “probability calculus” to assess the evidence.

Professor Hayward has used the hashtag #Syriahoax when discussing chemical attacks in the country. The hashtag went viral after being used by alt-right figures in the US, including Mike Cernovich, a main proponent of the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory, which alleged that Hillary Clinton supporters were involved with a child-abuse ring. The hashtag was said to have been promoted by a Russian cyberoperation.

The professor also linked to a video that appeared to show chemical attack victims that, it was suggested, was staged. A rescuer removed a headscarf from an apparent victim. Professor Hayward wrote: “White Helmets’ mission: ‘To save one headscarf is to save all’ #SyriaHoax”. After being contacted by The Times, he deleted the tweet.

The American academic Mark Crispin Miller, who was said to have called the US government’s account of the 9/11 attacks a “conspiracy theory”, is on the SPM’s advisory board. Another board member is David Blackall, an Australian academic who tweeted “CIA stages gas attack pretext for Syria escalation” with a link to a blog article.

Professor Hayward has written for the alternative news website 21st Century Wire, whose associate editor is Vanessa Beeley, daughter of the late British diplomat Sir Harold Beeley. She claims that the White Helmets are al-Qaeda-affiliated and, as “terrorists”, are a “legit target” for Assad’s forces.

Another member of the group, Piers Robinson, professor of politics, society and political journalism at the University of Sheffield, posted a clip in which Ms Beeley repeated the argument that the group should be a target with the note “interesting interview”.

Another SPM academic, Tara McCormack, a lecturer in international relations at Leicester University, has tweeted that it is “an established fact that a) the White Helmets are basically Al [Qaeda]”. Dr McCormack has also argued that the death of the former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic while being prosecuted for war crimes in the Hague “brought an end to the farce” of his trial.

The first briefing note published by SPM, titled “Doubts about ‘Novichoks’ ”, questioned whether Russia’s secret nerve agent programme ever existed. Britain has blamed Moscow for the poisoning of the former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, in Salisbury last month.

Professor Robinson, a member of SPM, told The Times: “Everything I say and write I can defend as based on good faith research and due consideration of available evidence. Vanessa Beeley produces information that is worthy of consideration and certainly her work on the White Helmets, along with work produced by others, raises extremely important questions for academics to research [and] the public to know about.”

The University of Sheffield declined to comment, saying that it needed more time to consider the matters raised.

Professor Hayward said, regarding his use of #Syriahoax: “I understood a hashtag to indicate a topic rather than a creed. I do not accept that I am spreading any ‘disinformation’. ”

The University of Edinburgh said: “We recognise and uphold the fundamental importance of freedom of expression, and seek to foster a culture that enables it to take place within a framework of mutual respect.”

Adam Larson, an independent researcher with SPM, last night denied that it would promote disinformation. Such content would be “strategically designed to mislead” and wrong, he said.”

‘To say Douma attack was staged is to enter an Orwellian world’

When Idrees Ahmad read the letter of complaint against him, he was baffled to see it written on University of Sheffield headed paper. The authors were members of a recently formed organisation, the Syria, Propaganda and Media (SPM) group, whose stated aim was to “facilitate research with respect to the 2011-present war in Syria”.

They objected to Dr Ahmad, a lecturer in digital journalism at Stirling University, criticising an article written by Tim Hayward, an Edinburgh professor of political theory who is one of their key members.

Professor Hayward had argued on his blog that “independent investigators” such as Vanessa Beeley, a pro-Assad journalist in Syria, should be given a “fair hearing”. Among her beliefs are that the White Helmets, a volunteer rescue group in Syria, are terrorists and that President Assad has not carried out chemical attacks.
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Which backs up mary scully's suggestion that in the battle of the ineternet assadists (them vs newsbud) the beeleyites have the regime backing.
Which backs up mary scully's suggestion that in the battle of the ineternet assadists (them vs newsbud) the beeleyites have the regime backing.
Yes, and I see the newsbud freaks are on team Douma false flag with the beeleyites anyway. Their guy Jamal Daoud does seem to have some level of access to the regime. He's been involved in taking delegations of loons from Australia to Syria, eg in 2013 and 2017.

Meeting with Assad: WikiLeaks did not 'know or approve' of party's visit
National Reconciliation State Minister meets Western media delegation

The Times is continuing to do a little bit of work on the Assadists, work that maybe parts of the left should have been doing instead of lining up behind them or pretending not to see the state of the swamp they crawled out of.

Sons of Syria’s ‘chemical weapons chief’ Amr Armanazi enjoy life as British bankers
Former SAS chief and diplomats join society accused of endorsing Assad regime
Academics accused of speaking for Assad condemn Syria raids

Several SPM members have referenced claims made by Vanessa Beeley, daughter of the late British diplomat Sir Harold Beeley and associate editor for the alternative news website 21st Century Wire. She claims that the White Helmets, volunteers who published images said to be of victims of the chemical attack, are affiliated to al-Qaeda and a “legit target”.

On Friday Ms Beeley retweeted a claim by a man describing himself as a cardiologist that a photograph released by the White Helmets showing children being treated by medical workers had been faked. Thomas Binder wrote: “As a cardiologist, I can say that these ECG electrodes are completely wrong positioned. They would not get any signal. This picture is faked!”

In recognition of their contribution to the intergalactic class struggle I shall send a PD mug to the bylined Times journos.

Just the one between them. Kingsley has yet to get his and I'm not made of money.

e2a: I suspect that the person in the Times article who claims to be a cardiologist might not be 100% legit as a google image search on his profile pic throws up all sorts of things including another twitter account that currently claims to be from Seattle, that posts the same stuff and that links to an instagram account of someone who says he's Russian.

beeleyite troll.jpg

It could be this 9/11 loon though

Thomas Binder | 911 untersuchen
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Apart from trying to get their critics kicked out of their universities as mentioned above the beeleyites are now reporting people to the police and trying to link them to terrorism. The dynamic at play here is getting very heavy and spinning rapidly out of control.
Apart from trying to get their critics kicked out of their universities as mentioned above the beeleyites are now reporting people to the police and trying to link them to terrorism. The dynamic at play here is getting very heavy and spinning rapidly out of control.
Perhaps you can call on an american air strike?
That Times piece about uni professors is being described as Mcarthyism by more that one person on Twitter. Never mind that it happens to be true.
BBC doing something tomorrow but I don't think it'll be any good. Her shitty blog's very first post was joos rule the world stuff cloaked in particularly unconvincing pro-palestinianism. The vast majority of the rest of it consists of c+ps from a gamut of loons. Ask about that, not easily waved away things like 'how much does Assad pay you'.

vanessa beeley antisemite.jpg
that infected talk is straight up anti semitism-and the poisoning. They poison the wells you know. Bacilli swarming under the lense. If you weren't dog whistling then you meant that shit to be taken as read? ffs

Annoyingly I keep reading her name in my head voice doing john cooper clarke 'vanessa beesley streets'
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