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vanessa beeley

I dunno, tbh. I got the post about that of off this guy's timeline and posted it on that thread. I suppose it could be connected in some way. The guy is just very clued up on all things Iranian and the ME in general.
Yeah could do with more detail, I mean they could have poached stuff from you and BA off here. :D Interestingly though I thought the Sarah Abdallah name rang a bell, I posted a tweet of 'hers' (in quotes as I'm not even sure along everyone else with a heathy skepticism as to the real identity of the person behind the account) on the Syria thread last year.

And next, Syria?
Yeah could do with more detail, I mean they could have poached stuff from you and BA off here. :D Interestingly though I thought the Sarah Abdallah name rang a bell, I posted a tweet of 'hers' (in quotes as I'm not even sure along everyone else with a heathy skepticism as to the real identity of the person behind the account) on the Syria thread last year.

And next, Syria?
Some more - links to Shia jihadi's. Iranian funded and supported jihadi's of course.
Heh someone yesterday who follows the same Iranian guy I've mentioned said she's a hardcore Hezbollah supporter.
Not a derail, honestly. The account that I was following that's in the link from my above post....

does this person look familiar?

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turns out the Sarah Abdallah account has blocked me, probably because of one of my tweets yesterday

but anyway guess who the Rana Harbi account is retweeting...

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If you google image both names and looks at hunners of pictures of both it becomes more obvious they aren’t the same person at all. Mostly going by the eyes.
How An Obscure British Blogger Became Russia's Key Witness Against The White Helmets

Vanessa Beeley is a British blogger who believes the attack on French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo was staged, al-Qaeda wasn’t behind the 9/11 attacks and that “Zionists rule France”.

But her real passion is trying to convince the world that the White Helmets, the group that rescues people from the rubble of Syria’s civil war, is a terrorist-linked organisation that fakes its activities to illicit sympathy in the West for a regime change plot against Syrian leader, Bashar al-Assad.

She would have remained in the fringe world of conspiracy theorists, blogging on alternative news sites and speaking at events alongside holocaust deniers and David Icke if it weren’t for one thing - she, like thousands of other people, became embroiled in a Russian disinformation campaign.

The first link is about the Bataclan massacre not Charlie Hebdo. A mistake like this wouldn't happen in the Girder.
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Beeley featured in another longish piece today.

KPFK’s “Indy Media on Air” Brings Fascism to the Airwaves

It is unfortunate to consider that, rather than provide coverage in solidarity with Syrian dissidents across borders, Pacifica Radio/KPFK 90.7 Los Angeles gave a platform to fascism on March 21st and 28th of this year on the radio show “Indy Media on Air.” (Link available here.)

The fascist in question is Vanessa Beeley, a British “alternative” journalist who runs interference for Assad and Putin. The website where she works as an editor, 21st Century Wire, features anti-Semites and Holocaust deniers such as Gilad Atzmon alongside rationalizations of Assadist fascism and “exposés” about the White Helmets, otherwise known as the Syrian Civil Defense—that is, the first responders to Russian and Syrian regime bombardment of civilian areas in opposition-held regions of the country.

Through her interview with Burnett, Beeley reveals herself as a racist and an Orientalist who fundamentally engages in the type of atrocity-denial that is part and parcel of the both the fascist right and the authoritarian left’s take on Syria, a position for which Burning Country co-author Leila al-Shami has rightly denounced the pro-fascist left. Beeley opens by mentioning her father, Harold Beeley, who was a British diplomat and an Arabist, seemingly in an implicit attempt to present herself as an “authority” on the Middle East of similar weight.
Have a look at these scumbags:

The ‘crazy club’: Inside the British propaganda trips that seek to legitimise Assad’s barbarism

“Welcome to the crazy club!”, laughed Baroness Caroline Cox in the lobby of a ritzy, five-star Beirut hotel. Her words would mark the beginning of a one-week journey into the heartlands of the Syrian regime and the war-wracked cities under its control – Damascus, Homs and Aleppo.

As the week progressed, it quickly became clear that the trip was anything but pastoral. Individuals who allege to operate as independent journalists inside regime-held areas, pushing the Assad line on social media, namely Vanessa Beeley and Tom Duggan, were brought in to speak with us separately. Both have no identifiable ties to a reputable news organisation.

Grand Mufti Hassoun, who Amnesty International alleges ordered the execution of 13,000 inmates at the notorious Sednayah torture prison, asked the delegation why he had been denied a visa to visit Britain. “I wish to speak in front of the British Parliament”, he told us, bragging of a recent address he made to the Irish parliament in December 2016. There was no mention of his alleged crimes during our meeting.

In perhaps the most surreal moment of the trip, Baroness Cox called the group to attention to thank our half-dozen Mukhabarat minders on the penultimate day at a service stop on the Aleppo to Damascus highway. The men, sometimes armed, had shadowed us at almost every moment of the trip, listening in on every conversation. They are the foot soldiers in an organisation that instils unabated fear into the average Syrian. As a gesture to thank them for “keeping us safe”, she presented them with a set of tin plates from the gift shop of Buckingham Palace, home to Queen Elizabeth II. There was bemusement on all sides.

But as the group departed, so too did all the students, who appeared to have been bussed in on our account, the whole visit apparently staged, much like the wider reconstruction of Syria – a façade in the image of one man, propped up by his backers in Moscow and Tehran.

Cox's wikipedia says this btw "Cox is currently working for the people in Syria who have been suffering at the hand of ISIS.[citation needed]"
Apart from his cameos on 21st century wire and his chat with Hanin Elias, I've no idea who that Tom Duggan guy is. He has the pallor of a 60 a day bankrupt.
That's kinda weird isn't it? Regardless of the article's veracity why would they bother publishing an article that's already been run in The Independent?
Well I've never heard of them before but if they are choosing to run Fisk's articles maybe they have lost the plot?
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Vanessa Beeley on loon site 21st Century Wire's radio show claiming that the Charlie Hebdo and Bataclan masscres were "false flags". She mentions discussing events with French far right personalities Thierry Meyssan and Alain Soral.

(November 15th 2015 - Episode #109 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘GLADIO GOES GLOBAL: A Pretext For World War?’)

(One hour of gibberish condensed to one minute)
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FFS, although wonder if it's a collective choice, or one loose cannon in the group? IME it's quite easy for one person to stick something on a site without agreement, and much more complex to then get it taken down. Have you emailed them?
I haven't - i'm waiting to see just how long it stays up and what comments it attracts. Every article is reviewed by the editorial group before publication to see that it meets their editorial policy btw.

(One hour of gibberish condensed to one minute)

Do watch this people, esp if you're not convinced by all the previous posts and info - it's only a minute long and contains ultra-looniness and open support of the fascist Alain Soral - recently released from his latest jail sentence for holocaust denial and anti-semitism. Here he is at the shoa memorial in Berlin in his thor steinar jacket:

Every article is reviewed by the editorial group before publication to see that it meets their editorial policy btw.

Yeah, thought that might be the case, was just hoping that something might have slipped through the net. Fuck's sake, not them too.
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