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vanessa beeley

Who are the organisers/sponsors?

"Frame against the War"???

and I can't make out the other one?

Who are they?

Frome Stop War. They disaffiliated themselves from the national Stop the War Coalition a while ago. Their main woman looks like a dear old lady, but is actually an evil witch.

Underneath it says supported by 'Bristol against Imperialism' which is just a front group for the same people, really.
Frome Stop War. They disaffiliated themselves from the national Stop the War Coalition a while ago. Their main woman looks like a dear old lady, but is actually an evil witch.

Underneath it says supported by 'Bristol against Imperialism' which is just a front group for the same people, really.

A (very) quick squizz at their fb page reveals Alex Jones and North Korea.

Toxic, toxic stuff.
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Corbyn's brother will be at this loon conference at the weekend. AV8. As mentioned earlier, Beeley was at the previous one. She's not listed this year but her creepy freak-in-arms Henningsen is a regular attendee and will be there.

Lots of reheated Icke sick on the menu.
We effectively moved from the Hell of the Psychopathic Control Grid, and we have escaped into a kind of Purgatory. The sense of shock and bewilderment which Brexit and Trump caused within the mainstream media and dysfunctional elites is the opportunity we now have to run to our own personal salvation if we want it. There has never been an opportunity in history like this before, and Thomas Sheridan will give us the tools and insights to make the most of this process of our sudden arrival in Purgatory.

Thomas's presentation will be concerned with the incredible revelations he has uncovered in the last year revealing that National Socialism and Marxism are alive and well and re-branded in the modern age as social control via the 'black magic' nature of pop culture, icons, marketing and social engineering.
Following Omran's appearance on Syrian state tv, she's backtracked a bit on her previous claims that he was wheeled out repeatedly for propaganda purposes by the white helmets. Now she's suggesting that rather than just having some dust and ketchup applied, his house was blown up by rebels. Last year she posted a link to yet another one of her jew obsessed sites which has a false flag section ("MAKE NO MISTAKE, THE MANCHESTER TERRORIST ATTACK IS A MOSSAD FALSE FLAG" etc).

Unable to stop the advancement of the Syrian Arab Army and its allies, International Zionism and its NGO-Human-Rights-Industrial-Complex led by the White Helmets created this event in an attempt to pressure the Resistance Axis into accepting a ceasefire.It’s the same script the Zionists use every damn time. Need a pretext to implement a strategic geopolitical objective? Bring out the dead children! Ain’t got no dead children?! Pull some dead children out of thin air! Or, in Omran Daqneesh’s case, put some tremendously sophisticated, Spielberg-style make-up on him and subsequently tell the Earth he’s “shellshocked”.

On a related note, here she is cheering on airstrikes on a Douma market in October 2015 which resulted in 600+ casualties according to MSF. Needless to say, as various other videos of the strikes show, the claim that they were all "100% male terrorists" is a lie.

Beeley is featured in this Pulse article on Max Blumenthal, Rania Khalek and Ben Norton and their suspiciously simultaneous recruitment as Assad regime propagandists. It seriously understates the level of loonery detailed here however. There's some sort of beef about plagiarism which is funny considering the suspected origin of her content.

There was nothing novel about these conspiracy theories. They closely echoed charges made earlier by Vanessa Beeley, a pro-Assad eccentric who writes for 21st Century Wire, a website established by a former editor for Alex Jones’s Infowars. (She too is an RT regular.) Beeley has since charged that Blumenthal’s articles were based on her work. According to Beeley, Blumenthal tasked Rania Khalek with wangling material from her for his polemic. Unsurprisingly, he failed to acknowledge the source.

“What was interesting is that Rania [Khalek] pumped me for information on the [White Helmets] and then Max [Blumenthal] wrote the article,” Beeley claimed on social media. (Khalek would later face heat for promoting one of Beeley’s videos featuring testimony from a White Helmets volunteer obtained under torture).

Can't be arsed to find her link to the loon site mentioned in previous post but I was not exaggerating.

beeley antisemitism.jpg
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My wording is shite- AFAIK this is only the case if it's in liquid form, which I believe was not the case here.

I was reading people who had said they had dealt with it and did not Google, as a few had said this in a thread. They said if it's a threat level 1, you'd only use masks

I should have googled, but had a glance at some of the pages there and it does appear "sarin in water" is absorbed through skin..... I am making my sons tea as it happens so can't be any clearer :)

Sarin is a liquid.

Sarin, or GB (G-series, 'B') is a highly toxic synthetic organophosphorus compound.[5] A colorless, odorless liquid, it is used as a chemical weapon due to its extreme potency as a nerve agent. Exposure is lethal even at very low concentrations, where death can occur within one to ten minutes after direct inhalation of a lethal dose,[6][7] due to suffocation from lung muscle paralysis, unless antidotes are quickly administered.[5] People who absorb a non-lethal dose, but do not receive immediate medical treatment, may suffer permanent neurological damage.
Notice also, she justifies it - because they're monsters. Classic. The trade unionists locked up there.The communists. The mouthy kids. It doesn't matter - once you enter you are a monster and so deemed worthy of torture.
btw - the AQ monsters in there wwre the ones he sent to Iraq with arms training and funding to do this ISIS stuff then relocked up when they were kicked out of Iraq then re-released middle 2011 with same support to take down widespread civilian support for anti-regime protests and sectarianise the revolt. There's not a word in those few lines that isn't fucking horrifying in either it's stupidity or its darkness.
The self-awareness displayed there is very, very dark. It's one thing to back Assad in ignorance, quite another to know that the regime uses torture and rape on an industrial scale and carry on supporting the regime.
Don't you like secularism or something?
A Beeley piece from an Indian loon site crossposted on a Bulgarian loon site run by the dad of the crook and loon who founded the Zero Hedge loon site. The claim that the Rothschilds own the magazine is completely made up. One of them owns a stake in Liberation. After the fire at Charlie Hebdo's offices in 2011, they worked from Liberation's offices for two months. But something something the joos and here, have some 9/11 shit for the fuck of it as well.

Строго секретно

Beeley said:
The problem it appears, was that purchase of Charlie Hebdo would bring the Rothschild's subversive involvement to the surface.

It does not need much imagination to create a link between this purchase only weeks before the attack on the daily satirical media outlet that was already a known Zionist platform for hate speech.

One of her loon mates was in the news yesterday.

Holocaust Denier’s Sentence: Visit 5 Ex-Nazi Camps, and Write About It

A former lawmaker in Belgium convicted of Holocaust denial in 2015 was handed an unusual sentence this week: The Brussels Court of Appeal ordered him to visit one Nazi concentration camp a year for the next five years and write about his experiences, according to the former lawmaker and local news reports.

The politician, Laurent Louis, is a far-right gadfly known for making inflammatory statements about Jews. He once called former Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo, the first gay man to hold the post, a pedophile. Mr. Louis left Parliament in 2014.
I think she's quite good on a number of points . The white helmets are indeed a front for terror groups . No doubt about that . That the Allepo humanitarian card was played shamelessly, that stuff . Thats absolutely true . Even Panorama has been caught bang to rights blatantly staging this hospital atrocity stuff and having people act for the cameras and there's not a fucking peep about it . and naturally enough anyone pointing this out will have their reputations trashed . No surprises there .
Casually Brown pushes the 'crisis actors' meme. Casually Brown's 'quite good' source pushes Charlie Hebdo and Bataclan conspiraloonery amongst all the usual jew obsessed shit.

The Paris False-Flag: There Were NO Suicide Bombers…
The Mystery Disappearance of the Charlie Hebdo Video Taker.
i like the sentence passed on Mr. Louis. Very apposite. :D
He'll just take the piss in that weasely way these freaks always do.

I realise that I'm overusing the word 'freak' when looking at what these people get up to but that's where we are unfortunately.
For reasons best known to himself, Pilger has thrown his lot in with these freaks.

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Pilger a no-show. Don't know if it was a sudden outburst of sanity or a tactical illness when actually confronted with the holocaust denying dregs and far-right loons he would be publicly promoting i don't know.

Here's some vid from tonight of the lovely types we've been talking out on this thread looking like they want to throw people in dungeons and torture them whilst escorting them out of the meeting - followed by a thinly concealed anti-semitic rant about the *israel* controlling the media and some photo taking and threats to send them to big daddy assad. That wasn't the whole of the protest btw, there were multiple groups inside.
Pilger a no-show. Don't know if it was a sudden outburst of sanity or a tactical illness when actually confronted with the holocaust denying dregs and far-right loons he would be publicly promoting i don't know.

Here's some vid from tonight of the lovely types we've been talking out on this thread looking like they want to throw people in dungeons and torture them whilst escorting them out of the meeting - followed by a thinly concealed anti-semitic rant about the *israel* controlling the media and some photo taking and threats to send them to big daddy assad. That wasn't the whole of the protest btw, there were multiple groups inside.
Oh my god! "controlling the pentagon" guy! Prick.
Friends who attended report that a few people who had been seemingly duped into attending because they thought Pilger would be there left when the protestors were thrown out.

It was a silent protest and the only disruption occurred when they were manhandled out of the building by security.
Pilger a no-show. Don't know if it was a sudden outburst of sanity or a tactical illness when actually confronted with the holocaust denying dregs and far-right loons he would be publicly promoting i don't know.

Here's some vid from tonight of the lovely types we've been talking out on this thread looking like they want to throw people in dungeons and torture them whilst escorting them out of the meeting - followed by a thinly concealed anti-semitic rant about the *israel* controlling the media and some photo taking and threats to send them to big daddy assad. That wasn't the whole of the protest btw, there were multiple groups inside.
Christ. Just revolting.
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