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vanessa beeley

A few more - the link she's promoting in the second one is to the far-right anti-semitic holocaust denier 911 jew obsessed Richard Edmondson

vanessa beeley   Jewish European Parliament  Zionism takes Power.png

vanessa beeley  Jewish Neocons  Provoke Crisis in Ukraine.png

Here she is appearing with gilad atzmon - notorious anti-semite.

So, just to repeat, someone at the very least embedded in a milieu that accepts racism, anti-semitism, holocaust denial and far-right and fascist politics - and more realistically, actually promotes and produces the filth - is invited to speak at the Marx Memorial Library (From the foundation of the Library : " The meeting was held at Conway Hall against the backdrop of the Nazi burning of the books in Germany. In these circumstances, delegates resolved that the most appropriate memorial to Marx would be a Library."), invited by a group that calls itself socialist and in order to draw socialists into an 'anti-imperialist' initiative - and she talks in front of a display about the International Brigade volunteers who offered their lifes to fight fascism.
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This was in the Morning Star a few weeks back:

BTW the people who hosted Beeley's talk in Bristol were the subject of a Jeremy Corbyn hatchet job in The Daily Mail last week.

Jeremy Corbyn sings Communist anthem with activists who shared shocking anti-Semitic posts about the 'ugly Israeli species'

The Daily Mail are filth but this made me laugh like a drain.
Rita in that piece, it should be pointed out is a semi-public holocaust questioner. Maybe one day she'll come out into the light. Or be forced out into it.
Charlie Hebdo and Bataclan attacks jewish false flag attacks - of course the very first link is to yet another jew-obsessed anti-semite Israel did 911 (and everything else) freak:

Paris 13/11: Operation Gladio?

The overwhelming evidence appears to be that facebook activated their Safety Check App after the later attack so that people could let people post they were safe. The app was designed by and Israeli Jew. That's it. The evidence for the earlier Hebdo attack being a Israeli/Jewish false flag is this entire:

While we must stress that no concrete conclusions may be drawn at this stage, previous Gladio operations, and we would include Charlie Hebdo in that list, lead us to see very clear parallels emerging between the events surrounding Paris 13/11 and those preceding other such attacks.

Why are parts of the left holding the door open for this woman? This last week she has been spewing anti-immigrant nonsense about her taxes and her govt paying for these feckless scroungers/terrorists. She meant the UK. Yet she lives and works in France.

edit: oh yeah, Hicham Hamza is a mate and political accomplice of the earlier mentioned fascist Alain Soral and the anti-semitic holocaust denying/mocking Dieudonne.
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The syrian rebels are not Good guys and some are backed by the CIA

That doesnt make Assad a good guy just a more successful tryant than gadafii. His he run elections so hes totes legit is massive bullshit.

If you swallow that lie next your be printing bullshit about how gadafii gave everyone cash free houses free education and healthcare etc etc ( the sad thing is gadafii could have afforded to do that and still live in luxury:().
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Official response from the Marx Memorial Library re: the Beeley talk.

"Marx Memorial Library accepted a commercial booking from the New Communist Party for a public meeting on 1st March 2017 entitled 'Aleppo, Fall or Liberation?' organised by several socialist individuals and organisations.

The Library staff received a number of demands from individuals to cancel the meeting due to the controversial nature of the arguments over the current war in Syria. However, the Library officers and trustees were mindful that it would have been a breach of contract to cancel an accepted booking given that none of the organisations or speakers involved in the meeting were in breach of the Library's own rules, which prohibit the hire of premises to organisations that hold racist or fascist views. In any event, it was felt that there should be public debate of the issues indicated in the title of the meeting in the interests of freedom of speech and information.

Several members of Marx Memorial Library volunteered to assist with access to and security of our building at the public meeting and were subjected to unwarranted abuse and provocations from an organised group of protestors who wished to prevent the meeting from taking place. Marx Memorial Library is grateful to all its members and supporters who freely give their time to ensure that our building remains an accessible and welcoming venue for socialists and antifascists."
Official response from the Marx Memorial Library re: the Beeley talk.

"Marx Memorial Library accepted a commercial booking from the New Communist Party for a public meeting on 1st March 2017 entitled 'Aleppo, Fall or Liberation?' organised by several socialist individuals and organisations.

The Library staff received a number of demands from individuals to cancel the meeting due to the controversial nature of the arguments over the current war in Syria. However, the Library officers and trustees were mindful that it would have been a breach of contract to cancel an accepted booking given that none of the organisations or speakers involved in the meeting were in breach of the Library's own rules, which prohibit the hire of premises to organisations that hold racist or fascist views. In any event, it was felt that there should be public debate of the issues indicated in the title of the meeting in the interests of freedom of speech and information.

Several members of Marx Memorial Library volunteered to assist with access to and security of our building at the public meeting and were subjected to unwarranted abuse and provocations from an organised group of protestors who wished to prevent the meeting from taking place. Marx Memorial Library is grateful to all its members and supporters who freely give their time to ensure that our building remains an accessible and welcoming venue for socialists and antifascists."
being as one of the speakers was gerry downing, who was as butchersapron notes, expelled from the labour party for anti-semitism, it is hard to see why an alarm, however small, didn't ring in the minds of the mml management.

Genuine question - were these people always weapons grade cunts, or did they get radicalised into cunts by some event/process/ego-stroke or bundle of used £50's?
Well, my only experience with these people has been when they've been the former. They don't appear to have existed politically or publicly before that. That said, there is a suggestion of the latter with Beeley's now equally evil oppo Eva Bartlett.

Genuine question - were these people always weapons grade cunts, or did they get radicalised into cunts by some event/process/ego-stroke or bundle of used £50's?

I have a friend (more of an acquaintance really...) who knows Bartlett through stuff in Palestine solidarity activism (a background Beeley has as well afaik) and her take on it is that Bartlett is partly deeply traumatized through years in Palestine, and has become isolated from a wider circle of people who might rail her in a bit. Bit too close to making excuses, but I do think there's probably something in it.

Plunging off into the deep end of anti-semitism and conspiracy theories is far from unheard of in certain activist scenes, and a set of woolly liberal political ideals that focus on moralism is partly to blame in my view as well.
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