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US election 2020 thread

The main problem with trying to get proof of Trump's criminality from a speech is that he may well have been totally uninvolved in writing it. He's never composed anything longer than a tweet in his life.

Think it might be a bit tricky for the president of the United States to argue that they didn’t understand the content of a speech. It doesn’t really matter whether he wrote it.
CNN is reporting that Pence will be attending Biden's inauguration, which will piss off Trump even more, and that he has not yet ruled out using the 25th Amendment to remove Trump, that although it's unlikely, he is keeping all options on the table. He can't be happy, having been forced to shelter in a bunker with his family, where they could hear the MAGA mob chanting 'Hang Mike Pence'.

They are also reporting that several sources have told them that Trump & Pence have not spoken since the Capitol was raided.

What a circus. :D
CNN is reporting that Pence will be attending Biden's inauguration, which will piss off Trump even more, and that he has not yet ruled out using the 25th Amendment to remove Trump, that although it's unlikely, he is keeping all options on the table. He can't be happy, having been forced to shelter in a bunker with his family, where they could hear the MAGA mob chanting 'Hang Mike Pence'.

They are also reporting that several sources have told them that Trump & Pence have not spoken since the Capitol was raided.

What a circus. :D

Probably rules out the 'resign, get a pardon from Pence' option then.


More Than A Dozen GOP State Lawmakers Attended Rally That Gave Way To Riots

Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate and state Sen. Amanda Chase is facing calls to resign after attending the pro-Trump rally in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday. Chase addressed a crowd at the event but said she departed "just in time" before a mob began to riot and force its way into the U.S. Capitol.

Chase is one of more than a dozen state lawmakers from across the country who were in the nation's capital Wednesday, including newly elected West Virginia state Del. Derrick Evans, a Republican who is now facing charges after a video he live-streamed showed him entering the Capitol building.
btw, i hope we've put to rest the "economic insecurity" talk
What do "talk" do you mean?

Over the last 30-40 years the US working class (and of course it is not alone here) has seen it's pay and conditions worsen, there has been a huge transfer of wealth from labour to capital. At the same time the US (and much of the world) has seen a return of populism as a significant political movement.
Sure correlation does not mean causation, but I'd find it peculiar if anyone argued that the attacks on the working class were not a factor in determining the current political climate. And for anyone who calls themselves a socialist such a position would be absurd, of course the relationship between labour and capital is a key factor in the conflict between populism and liberal technocracy.

Recognising that the "economic insecurity" (not my preferred terminology) of a large part of the working class has increased is not an argument, let alone a justification, that 'because people's personal economic has increased they decided to vote for Trump'. That would be a stupidly reductionist argument, and while I can believe that someone out somewhere on the internet has made such an argument, I've not seen such an argument made either on U75 or in the stuff I've read.
As well as inciting a deadly riot, there is also the stream of inflamatory statements and lies and the phone call to the georgia governor.
I think they have more than enough to nail him if they want to.
And why wouldn't they? In the eyes of the political establishment and the judicary, he has shat on the most sacred symbols of american democracy, the stuff they get misty eyed over. And a cop got beaten to death.
He now has very few friends and influential allies. Im not sure the ire of his dwindling band of nutjob fans are much of a disincentive to crushing him. Until recently, in most countries he would have been facing execution for treason.
His supporters are being very quiet, and i cant see many repubs choosing to stand up for him. Hes a pariah.
Having said all that bidens is exactly the kind to soft soap and let him off with a waggy finger, but there will be considerable pressure to prosecute.
Whatever happens, we can be pretty sure that trump is currently shitting himself at the thought of jail time.
Here's that resignation. Someone must have helped him with the long words

“I take full responsibility for my actions, and deeply regret any hurt, pain or embarrassment I may have caused my family, friends, constituents and fellow West Virginians,” Evans stated.

“I hope this action I take today can remove any cloud of distraction from the state Legislature, so my colleagues can get to work in earnest building a brighter future for our state. And more importantly, I hope it helps to begin the healing process, so we can all move forward and come together as ‘One Nation, Under God.’”
Right, so at no point is he sorry. And his only "regrets" are for the "hurt, pain or embarrassment" anyone he's directly invested in might have felt. Not for trying (really poorly, it must be reiterated) to stage a coup.

I mean, on one level, fair fucks; he believes what he believes and ain't going to pretend otherwise by giving a disingenuous apology.

Still an absolute thundering idiot, though.
The main reason for not prosecuting him is that it would set a dangerous precedent of politicians actually being held to account. ETA 'he' being Trump, rather than some no mark from Virginia.
Yes I'd have thought Biden would feel a bit uneasy about the end of his term if angry Republicans had control of both houses and there was a precedent of the previous outgoing president being impeached.
Republicans on twitter are all talking about ‘healing’ and unity now. :rolleyes:
Fairly confident now that's what they're likely to get too. There may be consequences for Trump - although even that's looking increasingly limited to me - but very few for the wider party, as long as they drop him.
What would dropping him look like though, voting for his removal / impeachment or just writing sad tweets about how disappointed they feel.
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