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US election 2020 thread

As well as inciting a deadly riot, there is also the stream of inflamatory statements and lies and the phone call to the georgia governor.
I think they have more than enough to nail him if they want to.
And why wouldn't they? In the eyes of the political establishment and the judicary, he has shat on the most sacred symbols of american democracy, the stuff they get misty eyed over. And a cop got beaten to death.
He now has very few friends and influential allies. Im not sure the ire of his dwindling band of nutjob fans are much of a disincentive to crushing him. Until recently, in most countries he would have been facing execution for treason.
His supporters are being very quiet, and i cant see many repubs choosing to stand up for him. Hes a pariah.
Having said all that bidens is exactly the kind to soft soap and let him off with a waggy finger, but there will be considerable pressure to prosecute.
Whatever happens, we can be pretty sure that trump is currently shitting himself at the thought of jail time.

There is some talk of 'felony murder' for participants. Why not for Trump? Unlikely to happen

Lin Wood has moved Parler after he was banned by Twitter, and is now being censored on there. :D

“Get the firing squads ready. Pence goes FIRST,” Wood wrote on Parler early Thursday morning.

That post no longer appears on his timeline.

Early Friday morning Wood also claimed that Ashli Babbitt, the woman shot dead by Capitol Police on Wednesday, is still “alive.”

That post, which is completely baseless, is also now no longer on his timeline.

UPDATE (01/09/2021) 11:40 AM EST: Following publication, Parler CEO John Matze told Mediaite they had taken action against some of Wood’s “parleys,” including the message about the “firing squads.”

“Yes, some of his parleys that violated our rules were taken down,” Matze told Mediaite. “Including the ones you are talking about.”

it is actually incoherent rambling and non sequiturs tbf. the human mind (especially Abramson's mind) just likes to create patterns out of chaos.

Yes, a lot of it was - the bits where he wasn't reading from the autocue. Very interesting to look at the bits that had been crafted (by someone else I assume) though, but it did take an entire evening to get through and gave me weird dreams, so I wouldn't urge anyone to read it all. I think some parts of Abramson's analysis were reaching a little, but others - eg exactly how Trump sicced the crowd on Pence - were pretty convincing. I think it might be a useful bit of writing for students of this sort of thing anyway - whether it helps with anything else (impeachment etc) I don't know.
Really? Life expectancy of a 78 year old in America is way more than 4 years and with the healthcare benefits you get as PotUS, it's highly likely he'll survive until the end of his term and probably even his second.

Did you see his walk to the lectern the other night? He doesn't look fit as a fiddle to me. Maybe he just has piles though.
Lin Wood has moved Parler after he was banned by Twitter, and is now being censored on there. :D

One of the comments on that is along the line of "you will love how this movie ends" How disconnected from reality are these people? Do they really think Trump is suddenly going to appear at Biden's inauguration wearing a white cowboy hat, defeat the bad guys and be declared President as the end credits roll?
Yes, a lot of it was - the bits where he wasn't reading from the autocue. Very interesting to look at the bits that had been crafted (by someone else I assume) though, but it did take an entire evening to get through and gave me weird dreams, so I wouldn't urge anyone to read it all. I think some parts of Abramson's analysis were reaching a little, but others - eg exactly how Trump sicced the crowd on Pence - were pretty convincing. I think it might be a useful bit of writing for students of this sort of thing anyway - whether it helps with anything else (impeachment etc) I don't know.
Have you come across abramson before? This is his stock-in-trade - lengthy tweet threads pulling together other people's research, borderline conspiracy theories, pop psychology and some obvious truths and creating a grand narrative out of that soup. He's a total hack, and anything useful in his megathreads is compromised by the stuff he makes up.
Have you come across abramson before? This is his stock-in-trade - lengthy tweet threads pulling together other people's research, borderline conspiracy theories, pop psychology and some obvious truths and creating a grand narrative out of that soup. He's a total hack, and anything useful in his megathreads is compromised by the stuff he makes up.

:D No, I haven't. Fair enough.
:( Why do I think there's going to be some retaliatory DDoS escalations

Don't know why you're worried. One of the reasons that people choose Amazon Web Services is because they're too big to DDoS for anyone who isn't a well-resourced state actor. If the chuds decide to get retaliatory, then all AWS has to do some re-routing and a little bit of expansion, and suddenly they'll be like "DDoS? what DDoS?"
The closing of the neo-liberal ranks - from social media billionaires, to finance capital; from the manufacturers organisations previously cautiously supportive to previously supportive elements within the GOP - against Trump demonstrates the extent to which the ruling elite, backed by all the forces of the state are determined to restore a neoliberal status quo. Their analysis is that liberal democracy remains the best option for the restoration of their control.

As the article states the restoration of bipartisan neoliberal stability under Biden is both now inevitable and a return to precisely what created the conditions for the extreme right’s growth in the first place.

As the authors write “the riots in Washington have not emerged from a division within the ruling elite and have left the American capitalist class more unified than ever. They have not only extended their support to liberal democratic state processes in general, but also to the Democratic Party and Joe Biden in particular.

To be sure, the Trumpian right will hardly vanish from the political stage when the transfer of power does occur. Nor will GOP primaries stop serving as engines of far-right radicalization once Trump leaves office. Indeed, Trump himself is an outcome of this very dynamic....”

They conclude “Only by organizing and fighting, both on the terrain of the state and in the streets, can the Left hope to make any real progress toward addressing the climate emergency, mitigating the social crisis wrought by decades of neoliberalism, and expanding vital programs for social provision, such as Medicare for All. And this will mean not just defeating the Right, but also taking on Biden and the Democratic establishment, now poised to serve as the crucial vehicle for renewing the neoliberal consensus”

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A lot of talk about something else happening on the 20th when Biden is inaugurated.

I don't think there will be anything happening in Washington DC, security will be tight, but I think there could be similar armed putsch attempts at a state level in the South.

There were armed militias rallying outside Kentucky State Capitol yesterday.

These guys aren't capable of a putsch of the federal government, but in a state like Kentucky (just for example), they may have sufficient support in the general population as well as (especially) in law enforcement, legislature and local government to be able to forcibly seize control of a state and hold it. Storming the US Capitol does appear to have emboldened some of them:

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