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US election 2020 thread

In some ways I'm surprised no other president has tried to pull sth like this. If you have some kind of elected 18th Century monarch then the kind of person who wants to be one may well not like to relinquish their considerable power.

Another obvious facet of USA as monarchy is its apparent need for dynastic families. However successful disbarring Donald Sr may prove to be, there are Trumplings to take over. Or have they collectively screwed the pooch?
However successful disbarring Donald Sr may prove to be, there are Trumplings to take over. Or have they collectively screwed the pooch?
I have absolutely no idea about this, but certainly curious.

I have, fairly successfully, tried to avoid them as much as possible, but my impression is that Ivanka is generally the most ahem 'respected' and seen as the least completely moronic, and then there's the bearded son (genuinely still don't know which one's which) who is a coke-addled ranter in the true tradition of his father?
Talking of parody; some of the stuff coming out is beyond it... :facepalm:

It's not often I express any sympathy for law enforcement, but these Capitol cops seem to have mainly been glorified security guards protecting a building that last experienced a mass security breach in the war of 1812 - if I was in the same job and the building was being stormed because the bosses had failed or deliberately neglected to provide enough manpower to protect the building, and the person who had encouraged the invasion was the insane president, I'd probably stand back and say "whatever" instead of getting myself killed by an angry mob that had the president's blessing.
seen this threading on twitter shame most trump diehards won't accept it

A few people drawing comparisons with the loonstorming of the reichstag in august and speculating about coordination.
This (long thread) is pretty convincing, the reasons why if he was acting rationally and out of pure self interest, and if he had a decent lawyer, Donald would probably choose to resign now without delay today.

I thought so too. The only thing I wasn't sure about was her premise that he will be impeached. Is that so certain?
I thought so too. The only thing I wasn't sure about was her premise that he will be impeached. Is that so certain?
I don’t really understand how impeaching works, at what point it’s actually deemed to have happened. Not happening yet anyway.
I don’t really understand how impeaching works, at what point it’s actually deemed to have happened. Not happening yet anyway.
Impeachment is done by a simple majority in Congress (this would be relatively easy), conviction by a supermajority in the Senate (more tricky, but a number of republic senators have said they'd do it, so not impossible). He would still have been impeached even without the conviction though. Chances are he's resign before it gets as far as conviction if it looked like the numbers were stacking up though (cf Nixon)
So it will probably happen on Monday? Even if 0 republicans vote for the impeachment and even if the trial doesn’t happen until 2027 Trump would still be impeached already, twice. Which in itself has all those real consequences.
this explains it quite well if anyone else was confused too
yeah, the congress bit is definitely going to happen. I'm not sure if there would be a Senate trial after he's left office though
yeah, the congress bit is definitely going to happen. I'm not sure if there would be a Senate trial after he's left office though

Is just the first stage going ahead enough to prevent him running again etc.?

(Presumably not as he’s been impeached once already?)
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