Paper over the windows!Secret count rooms
The GOP staffers and representatives should be distancing themselves at a rate from this utter bilge. It’s embarrassing to call regions and cities utterly corrupt . He will find himself very isolated very quickly if the GOP have any instinct for survival
And they need to come out publicly, like right now, to stop people from being killed as a result of it.GOP need to clean up this fucking mess if they have any credibility and bundle this cunt out of the fire exit using his head to open the doors
I must say the level of organisation it's taken on the part of the Democratic Party to nobble the count of mail in ballots in practically every precinct and county in the nation is astonishing
Ahhhh, but that's the clever part, don't want to make it obvious. Like when you answer a couple of questions wrong on a test that you've already seen the answers CNN just pointed out its especially impressive to do it just in his race, rather than all the other ones on the same ballot
BBC was being way too fucking polite. Even saying 'he must be tired'. ffsGood CNN summary 'this is just pathetic'