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Urban v's the Commentariat

How do you know he's an ex-squaddie?
Look, why don't you get off your lazy arse and check out my posts,should take about 20mins tops,and stop boring people with this disingenuous trollin bollocks...And where's my apology for being a sneaky underhand prick by insinuating i'm a racist and using pictures of lynched people to try and do it?You've been called out, get a spine and deal with it you sad cunt.Can ye feel it yet jc,ye haven't got much rope left.
Here's a wee nudge for ye, coley admitted he used to be a squaddie on a thread last year when he was defending a peelers right to call a black man n*gger.These are your allies you desperate prick...Now get on with it there's a good lad.You're not going to get what you want so just give it up.
You really are one nasty disingenuous fucker.You do realise that other people read this nasty underhand shit don't ye?
Now i'm done here,i think i've clearly made my point...

You know, when you talk with all the swearing and frothing, it makes you seem so powerful.

So.... potent.

I kinda like it.:oops:

Ooh! I think I'll go for a liedown. :)
It's a bit more than being a cunt imo it's downright nasty,and all because he's been shown up for the useless troll that he is,again.This started on a different thread with him and dandred yesterday, and they've ,weirdly, been carrying it across other threads since.Sad fuckers with little else to do by the looks of it
It's a bit more than being a cunt imo it's downright nasty,and all because he's been shown up for the useless troll that he is,again.This started on a different thread with him and dandred yesterday, and they've ,weirdly, been carrying it across other threads since.Sad fuckers with little else to do by the looks of it

Could you please swear and call names just a few posts more?

Ooh! :oops:
Could you please stop insinuating that other people are racists because they show you up for the sad troll ye are

I have a suggestion.

I honestly can't recall whatever exchange it is that you're on about - no offence.

Tell me what thread and what posts it is that are offending you. I'll look at them. If I was unfair, I'll offer an apology.
I have a suggestion.

I honestly can't recall whatever exchange it is that you're on about - no offence.

Tell me what thread and what posts it is that are offending you. I'll look at them. If I was unfair, I'll offer an apology.
I've a better suggestion,find em yourself...but you won't cos you're a liar...anyways you've just done it again in post 213 you thick twat
I've a better suggestion,find em yourself...but you won't cos you're a liar...anyways you've just done it again in post 213 you thick twat

I have many posts. You've suggested some transgression involving insinuations of racism. You've gone on and on about it in many posts, in different threads.

If I did you wrong, I'll apologize for it. But I have no idea when or in what thread it happened.

You seem to have a clear recollection of it all. Just post up what thread and what posts. If I was acting like a dick, I will apologize for it.
I have many posts. You've suggested some transgression involving insinuations of racism. You've gone on and on about it in many posts, in different threads.

If I did you wrong, I'll apologize for it. But I have no idea when or in what thread it happened.

You seem to have a clear recollection of it all. Just post up what thread and what posts. If I was acting like a dick, I will apologize for it.
Case is closed mug
You keep asking for me to apologize. I'm prepared to do it if I was in the wrong.

Just tell me which thread it was. I'll read the whole thing and find the posts myself.
You keep asking for me to apologize. I'm prepared to do it if I was in the wrong.

Just tell me which thread it was. I'll read the whole thing and find the posts myself.
See your post 213 above for starters,then find the other stuff yourself you disingenuous...
See your post 213 above for starters,then find the other stuff yourself you disingenuous...

I apologize for post 213. It was uncalled-for for me to say that.

As for the rest, if you're genuine about wanting an apology, just go a small part of the distance, and reveal the name of the thread where I slighted you.
You're making out I just don't 'get' him. I think you're right to a certain extent. I'm not of his time, his part of the country and not of his class for starters (he wasn't working class).

Got any more, though? Maybe something about 'pakis,' 'nignogs' or 'benders.'

I'm sure there are hundreds if you care to search. Can nobody on here figure out how Youtube works? I don't think anybody's denied the fact that some of his material was fuckin disgraceful, and best forgotten. But most of it wasn't and as I said, technically, he was brilliant. It all comes down to context. Like it or not, the 70s early 80s was an offensive neck of the woods...another country...they did things differently. I got called into school a few years back when my lad had been in a fight..sort of long-winded conciliation process, involving both parents which minutely involved the 'background' causes, and seemed to end with both lads making a pledge to avoid doing it again. In the 70s, they just hit us both with a stick and threatened more if it happened again. Thinking back, I'm totally offended. Most stuff was offensive. Things have progressed, but there's a bit chunk of the 'condescension of posterity' going on here.

For me, Manning was easily the best on 'The Comedians'...which early on was enormously popular. It used to rival Coronation Street. And, in fact, he was widely regarded as such by most people who watched it...it had a huge working class following. Now, other than the 'arresting and charging the 1970s' type reaction which emerged over Saville, what are you do about it. In retrospect, it was a big offensive, fucked up decade...like every previous decade. So do we all just write off the past as racist and a bit unpleasant and congratulate ourselves on our right-on progressiveness?
That's a lot of assuming there...there's funny and there's the racist idiot down the pub.I like working class comics as much as the next man,if they're funny,i don't think class has much to do with being funny though if i'm honest...it's either funny or it's not.
BM seems to have made a career out of telling the worst racist shit jokes that you can hear in any pub across the land,told by pissed idiots on a saturday night.If that's your thing fair enough,it's not mine ...

Yeah but you fail to take the following into account..

1) 95% of people in the pub were racist...not the odd idiot. I dare say most wouldn't think of themselves that way but certainly by modern standards...I mean they even said 'coloured' back then and that was way before POC became acceptable..again
2) Most of his stuff wasn't racist. Also, the popular image of Manning comes from the end of his career by which time he was hopelessly out of step and, indeed, a major fuckin embarrassment. He stuck around way too long and, in the end was playing largely to bespoke bigots who still wanted that sorta stuff.
I can't quite believe this one has got shouty *already*

(And when did Bernard Manning join the Commentariat :hmm:)
Is This Why We Can't Have Nice Things?

No, Dave. :p

The reason we can't have nice things is that the pissy proles, with their swinish demands for bottom-up political and social change and self-government, make it difficult for the decidedly bourgeois commentariat to realise their lust for "nice things", especially revolution. How can you have a revolution (which some members of the commentariat would naturally form the vanguard of!) when the cannon fodder refuse to be cannon fodder? :D

Sometimes (okay, most of the time!) I get the feeling that the commentariat are a deliberate construction, designed to channel inclination toward change into triviality. :(
Owen's alternative

Owen Jones@OwenJones84 6 Aug
An alternative: living wage; let councils build houses; German-style industrial strategy; public investment bank; anti-tax avoidance crusade

the centre left of capital

If Owen had a good grasp of German industrial strategy, he'd know that the two points I've bolded are indivisible in the German lande. Each lande has the responsibility of sustaining a low-cost banking system for industrial and public investment.
bernard manning, really? :facepalm:

Fundamentally, this isn't about Manning. It's about a tendency to dismiss any figure from the past as all bad on the basis of a modern sensibility. I'm guessing you wouldn't totally disown all of, say, Jesus, Francis of Assissi, Joan of Arc, Tom Paine, Gandhi, the Pankhursts, Rosa Luxembourg...the list is literally endless...on the basis of attitudes or actions which were totally acceptable, even laudable, in the historical context. Unfortunately for some people they get caught on the wrong side of a radical shift in societal consciousness. Manning is one such...as are most people's grandparents, and virtually all of everyone's great grandparents.

In twenty years, you may be looking back and defending your own present position re. "twitter celebrities". Possibly by then, it'll be generally accepted that a healthy society needs the sacred cows of the commentariat for whom a different set of standards apply and to whom we'll readily defer. I mean, after all..."someone's gotta police Twitter"...apparently. Why not the people who are best at it...who have the most followers, and a mainstream column, and an expensive education and a little coterie of like minded hip, trendy on-message mates. Thre's a fuckin answer to this whole "one man's troll is...etc": let Laurie Penny decide.
Obviously, I like to think I'm kidding but that's more or less the way the whole debate is going.
Incidentally, most of them stated early on that they were going to retweet and highlight all subsequent abuse. Thing is, since then, I've seen about 10...most of which look like they came from 14 year olds and yet the line is still about a constant stream of misogynistic abuse. So where is it? And if it's all arriving via email or whatever, why isn't it being exposed publicly? Or is it so shocking it'd freak us all out?
The whole thing is nothing less than a demand for deference...respect for "authority".
no, loads of people thought he was unfunny at the time. its fuck all to do with laurie penny and frankly theres not much to choose between them.
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