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Unite General Secretary Election

Sharon Graham has formally announced her intention to run ‘when there is a vacancy’. I wonder when that might be? Wednesday I guess
The runners so far:

Steve Turner​
Sharon Graham​
Howard Beckett​

All are soft left/right careerists.


Don’t know who the full-Blairite candidate will be.
The runners so far:

Steve Turner​
Sharon Graham​
Howard Beckett​

All are soft left/right careerists.


Don’t know who the full-Blairite candidate will be.

They all confirmed then? Thought HB was supposed to the ‘close’ to the SP?
If only there were a millionaire solicitor who helped to fuck over miners’ pensions running....

Didn’t know the right wing had confirmed its candidate.

They all confirmed then? Thought HB was supposed to the ‘close’ to the SP?

More or less confirmed, as far as I know. But there will be skirmishes (already have been in the NW) re who ends up getting the UL nomination.

HB spoke at the NSSN national meeting the other day, so I suppose you could say he’s ‘close’ in that very limited respect. SG was also there, and made contributions . As for ST, he apparently used to be a member of Militant.
You’ve already mentioned him. Twice now.

I was born quite a few years after the miners’ strike. Not aware what ST and HB got up to during it.

However, I do know that they are both soft lefts who are not going to rock the boat.

I also know that there are forces within Unite that will want a figure even further to the right than ST and HB. So no, the full-Blairite candidate has not been named yet (as far as I know).

EDIT: just googled it and found this: Top Unite official fined in miners’ payout scandal

HB is a complete rat as he showed in 2018 when he supported Len in blocking Open Selection in Labour.

So did Lenny....

He denies it when asked publicly (“never believe anything until it’s been officially denied”, and all that).
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Well, the UL hustings went well. The report below only hints at the brewing row. I’ve been told that HB is planning a formal challenge after some of his supporters were excluded from the ballot. These include 3 of his supporters from the Birmingham bins dispute who had recorded videos backing him.

BBC article on the election, which looks decent from my limited knowledge:

Based on mainly paying attention to the construction and Manchester bus disputes, it feels like I'm seeing Graham's name come up a lot more than any of the others, dunno how it seems to anyone else though?
BBC article on the election, which looks decent from my limited knowledge:

Based on mainly paying attention to the construction and Manchester bus disputes, it feels like I'm seeing Graham's name come up a lot more than any of the others, dunno how it seems to anyone else though?
That's an interesting article, if understandably limited.

As a very recent workplace rep, I'll be attending a virtual branch meeting in a couple of weeks to discuss who, if anyone, my branch is going to nominate.

At this point I don't feel like I have much info to go on, so would be interested to hear what others think (as well as doing a bit of reading for myself, obvs...)
They are all bureaucrats (plus one ex-bureaucrat) and none of them really have 'the answer.'

Of the likely nominees, well, maybe not actual nominees cos it is less obvious that Coyne will get enough nominations this time. He's an ex-bureaucrat now, without much of his old base and the nomination criteria makes it a bit harder for him to get on. Good. There isn't much to choose between Turner & Beckett (who I'd place as marginal favourite), the latter talks a bit more left and is clearly playing it up as the fighter for Corbynism. But they dont actually talk that much about organisation.

Which is why I'm supporting Sharon Graham. She is perfectly decent politically (as far as TU leaders go), although she hasn't really raised many 'political' issues in her campaign so far, but she is all for bolstering the Organising & Leverage department (which she ran) and that is more important, to me, than having the right view on the level of Labour Party affiliation fees.
I’m leaning towards voting for Graham as well. And for largely the same reasons as Belboid.....

She’s the candidate most interested in rebuilding organisation and bolstering leverage as far as I can see. Her emphasis on building locally places her slightly ahead of the other ‘left’ candidates from what I’ve read.

But if Coyne does get the nominations then Graham, Beckett and Turner can’t all run.
That's an interesting article, if understandably limited.

As a very recent workplace rep, I'll be attending a virtual branch meeting in a couple of weeks to discuss who, if anyone, my branch is going to nominate.

At this point I don't feel like I have much info to go on, so would be interested to hear what others think (as well as doing a bit of reading for myself, obvs...)
Yeah, here's Graham's site, fwiw:

As above, in the absence of a candidate running on a full anarcho-syndicalist platform, someone whose selling point is being more focused on decent workplace organisation than internal Labour politics sounds good to me.

Also, since I don't think we have a separate RMT elections thread, might as well put this here, don't particularly have any opinions about that one either:
Also, since I don't think we have a separate RMT elections thread, might as well put this here, don't particularly have any opinions about that one either:

RMT also seems to have had 3 left candidates running against each other: Lynch (AGS possibly a Labour left/CP type), Headley (who seems to lead a group who’ve fell out with Cash/Lynch) and an AWLer. No idea why or what the differences are but all of these contests are revealing of the atrophied democratic participation in unions, and the relative weakness of genuine rank and file groups - as left bureaucrats fight it out and get elected on minuscule turnouts.

ETA: if I remember correctly the PCS union also had 3 ‘left’ candidates for its GS elections: Mark Serwotka, an SP candidate and a AWLer.
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This was posted on the Starmer thread, but I suppose can go here as well:

Also in Labour/Unite news, Steve Turner gave an interview where he said this:
I want to see Labour councillors elected on May 6. I want to see Labour mayors. And it frustrates me, it angers me sometimes, that some of the union’s campaigning right now is pitched against our Mayors, against Sadiq and Andy Burnham. What’s that all about? I find that incredible that we would do that.

The context to that comment being that as part of the Go Ahead fire-and-rehire dispute, Unite was campaigning to put pressure on Burnham and Khan to say that they wouldn't support Go Ahead being given further contracts unless they dropped fire-and-rehire. So Turner's basically signalling there that, if he was Unite leader, and a company was attacking Unite members, Labour politicians would be free to carry on giving fat contracts to that company and Unite would definitely not take any effective action to pressure them out of it.

I also did a quick trawl of what the various left groups were saying, not sure if it's too trainspottery to post but I can confirm that every non-Coyne candidate has at least one leftist outfit backing them.
OK, here goes:
AWL say they're all bad, but Graham and Turner are the least worst: Unite election: no good options | Workers' Liberty
SP say Graham or Beckett: Unite general secretary election nomination stage
Skwawkbox seem to luv Beckett: Beckett – SKWAWKBOX
Socialist Appeal also backing Beckett: Unite elections: Howard Beckett for general secretary
CP are backing Turner: Communist Party backs Steve Turner to lead Unite
RS21 and SWP both saying Graham:
OK, here goes:
AWL say they're all bad, but Graham and Turner are the least worst: Unite election: no good options | Workers' Liberty
SP say Graham or Beckett: Unite general secretary election nomination stage
Skwawkbox seem to luv Beckett: Beckett – SKWAWKBOX
Socialist Appeal also backing Beckett: Unite elections: Howard Beckett for general secretary
CP are backing Turner: Communist Party backs Steve Turner to lead Unite
RS21 and SWP both saying Graham:
I'll have to do some proper reading around this this weekend, and this stuff will certainly be a part of that.

May even share my thoughts here...
RS21 and SWP both saying Graham:
This bit made me laugh

While Graham recognises the importance of politics and includes political action in her organising and leverage campaigns, a General Secretary election campaign without clear positions on issues from climate change to Palestine to Labour is a cause for concern for how she would act in office.

The fact that Graham doesn't find it necessary to declare a position on Palestine actually makes me more like to vote for her, not less.
This bit made me laugh

The fact that Graham doesn't find it necessary to declare a position on Palestine actually makes me more like to vote for her, not less.
they do affect how the union is run though. More especially re climate change, but it is pointing out how she is (almost) pretending that 'politics' doesn't exist. When, of course it does. Its better than pretending how we organise doesn't matter (for a union leader), but it is still an oversight.
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