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Unite Executive Council By-Election

I couldn't find much, sounds like Natalie Osbourne is "United Left", so aligned with the old Labourite bureaucracy? Can't find much about the other two though.
not my union and not quite my sector any more (I was NALGO or TSSA when i worked for bus operators, and i'm back in local authority / UNISON now) and i'm a bit out of touch with london bus operators.

(didn't realise you did buses - for some reason i'd got the idea you were railways or underground. i must have got you confused with someone else.)

Natalie Osborne appears to be the 'united left' candidate

can't find anything apart from a locked down linkedin profile for St John Bram

O'Neil Lewis was the subject of Unite Rank + File appeal for funds for some legal action in 2020. nothing more recent about him, their website was last updated early 2022 so may not be active any more, and has later links to unite for our society

i don't know a lot about any of those three groups. i'm not entirely sure i like the whole 'union within a union' concept (although sometimes it's necessary for the grass roots to stand up to the union machine which can seem to forget just who and what they are there for - UNISON has 'time for real change' for example)
I couldn't find much, sounds like Natalie Osbourne is "United Left", so aligned with the old Labourite bureaucracy? Can't find much about the other two though.

Osborne is ‘United Left’ and is very much aligned with the Labourite bureaucracy.

O’Neil Lewis is a working class rank and file bus driver, was suspended for leading a dispute in his employer and won reinstatement and he’s a supporter of Sharon Graham’s manifesto. His election address is below. Never heard of the other candidate but will try to find out more

Osborne is ‘United Left’ and is very much aligned with the Labourite bureaucracy.

O’Neil Lewis is a working class rank and file bus driver, was suspended for leading a dispute in his employer and won reinstatement and he’s a supporter of Sharon Graham’s manifesto. His election address is below. Never heard of the other candidate but will try to find out more

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