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Ukraine: Unsubstantiated rumours and speculation

Probably hasn't recovered from his serious back injury:

Or maybe he was just being socially uncomfortable due to his Asperger's:

Perhaps he's still experiencing chronic pain from dental surgery:

Maybe, but if he's just been diagnosed, he's unlikely to be showing signs of dementia just yet, unless IC3D wants to speculate even further
It's just been diagnosed by IC3D. His own doctor may have told him about it several months or years earlier.

He looks fucked and it's a speculation thread.
A Doctor writes :

Previously, retired Royal Navy Admiral Chris Parry said he believed President Putin could be battling cancer, and suggested it could be this alleged medical condition that prompted the decision to press ahead with war.
Speaking to children at Portsmouth Grammar School on March 4, former pupil and Falklands veteran Rear Admiral Chris Parry said: “He has been using these very long tables to interview people.“I think his immune system might be suppressed at the moment. So he is a man in a hurry."

The Daily Star quotes an unnamed US intelligence source who claimed his ‘puffy face’, seen in recent photographs, is a side-effect of chemotherapy drugs or steroids.

Valery Solovei, political scientist and former head of the Public Relations Department at Moscow State Institute of International Relations, has previously claimed Putin has cancer as well as symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. He claimed Putin had emergency surgery in February 2020.

Another Russian source went on to claim it was an abdominal cancer operation.

In 2020 Professor Solovei spoke of Putin’s health traumas: “One is of psycho-neurological nature, the other is a cancer problem.
”The second diagnosis is a lot, lot more dangerous than the first named diagnosis as Parkinson’s does not threaten physical state, but just limits public appearances.”
He added: “But there is a fatal diagnosis.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “increasingly erratic behavior” could be caused by ‘roid rage or a brain disorder such as dementia, according to a new report.

The publication also reported that Putin as pursued an alternative path to address his health issues. Siting acquaintances of the president, the news outlet says Putin bathes in an extract made from boiled deer antlers.

“I personally think he’s unhinged,” James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, said Sunday on CNN. “I worry about his acuity and balance.”

Is Putin immune-compromised? Maybe. He’s clearly petrified and paranoid of death. His extreme botox treatments, which gives his skin the look of melting wax, are yet another desire to turn back the clock.

– As the war in Ukraine exploded in intensity, Japanese researchers analyzed snippets of Russian President Vladimir Putin's voice over several weeks. As his stress levels rose, the researchers said, his mental health distress became evident.In an email interview, Okazaki said his company is continuing to analyze Putin's voice but stops short of making any predictions about whether or when he might surrender.

Russian President Vladimir Putin hides a secret that he will follow religiously and that guarantees him a better sexual performance in the bedroom: bathing in deer blood.

According to the British newspaper The Daily Star , Putin regularly resorts to the strange and bizarre ritual, using blood taken from the antlers of deer slaughtered in the Altai mountains of Mongolia. The ancestral ritual allegedly helps improve the president's sex life.

You may have never noticed it, but Russian President Vladimir Putin walks a little funny.Now researchers think they know why: It’s most likely KGB weapons training at work.
“Searching for possible explanations, we encountered a training manual of the former Russian KGB,” they wrote.“According to this manual, KGB operatives were instructed to keep their weapon in their right hand close to their chest and to move forward with one side, usually the left, presumably allowing subjects to draw the gun as quickly as possible when confronted with a foe.”
They saw the same strange gait in Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, two former defense ministers and a military commander named Anatoly Sidorov.“We propose that this new gait pattern, which we term ‘gunslinger’s gait,’ may result from a behavioral adaptation, possibly triggered by KGB or other forms of weapons training where trainees are taught to keep their right hand close to the chest while walking, allowing them to quickly draw a gun when faced with a foe,” they concluded.

He is exhibiting behaviours of psychosis and psychotherapist Noel McDermott says it appears Putin is displaying symptoms of paranoia,

A specialist in political psychology says Vladimir Putin is a political psychopath who is likely to take pleasure from seeing the bloodshed and death he inflicts on Ukraine.

It's just been diagnosed by IC3D. His own doctor may have told him about it several months or years earlier.

He looks fucked and it's a speculation thread.
It's the unsubstantiated rumour and speculation thread, not the post complete bollocks thread.

I neither know nor care whether Putin has Parkinson's or any of the many other conditions he's been remotely diagnosed with; what I was questioning was the idea that if he had been diagnosed with Parkinson's, that would be relevant to current events, which I took as meaning that it explains in some way his decision to invade.

But whatever, I'm not going to pursue this any further.
He's got shaking hands, he looks like shit, he's aggressive and he's making a lot of shitty, apparently capricious decisions - maybe he's just gotten into vodka in a big way after many years of claiming to be almost entirely teetotal.
It's just been diagnosed by IC3D. His own doctor may have told him about it several months or years earlier.

He looks fucked and it's a speculation thread.

Could be his 8-year-old spine cancer relapsing:

A Doctor writes :
So what you're saying is there have been persistent rumours about Putin's health for a number of years? 🤔
So what you want is well-evidenced unsubstantiated rumours and speculation?
No, what I'd like is relevant unsubstantiated rumours and speculation.

You could speculate about what Putin had for his tea the day before the invasion if you wanted, but if you suggested that was what had led to the invasion you'd rightly be dismissed as talking nonsense.
No, what I'd like is relevant unsubstantiated rumours and speculation.

You could speculate about what Putin had for his tea the day before the invasion if you wanted, but if you suggested that was what had led to the invasion you'd rightly be dismissed as talking nonsense.
The health of the main belligerent may be relevant to the outcome though whereas whether or not he puts salt in his borscht probably isn't.

Where can I speculate about Putin's health?
Putin was sixtyish during his topless horse-riding phase, when was the last time the cunt was seen doing anything more vigorous than sitting in a chair or standing at a podium?

Has Moscow released any photos of the heroic wartime leader going for brisk walks?
In what way would it be relevant?

My daughter's grandfather lived with Parkinson's for years and never showed any inclination to invade Ukraine.
Isn't your daughter's grandfather either your, or her mother's father?

One of my grandfathers had Parkinson's. He became increasingly anti-semitic. He seemed to forget that my grandmother was Jewish.
Isn't your daughter's grandfather either your, or her mother's father?

One of my grandfathers had Parkinson's. He became increasingly anti-semitic. He seemed to forget that my grandmother was Jewish.

In this case, it's her mother's father.

At the stage when I knew him (ie before I split up with my daughter's mother), his mind wasn't affected at all. Can't comment on what might have happened later, in his final few years before he died.

ETA and sorry to hear about your grandfather
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Fwiw I think the evidence level for both threads has been set too high. We end up with people talking about cowboy films on the main thread because anything that hasn't reached the Guardian newsdesk is dismissed as unproven, whereas stuff like early reports of the sinking of the Moskva, when something big had obviously happened and was worth keeping an eye on, ends up in this thread.
The stuff diagnosing Putin with psychological disorders is particularly off the wall. For a start, there’s a whole massive branch of psychology that doesn’t even think that a medical model for psychology that includes the idea of “disorders” even makes sense. Then you have the branch that does believe that the complex structures of the brain can produce distinct, reliable and valid aetiological flaws that can be labelled. However, they wouldn’t professionally and clinically diagnose somebody they have never met based on a few television reports. So I’m left wondering what kind of quacks are doing this diagnosis and why the hell anybody believes them.
So I’m left wondering what kind of quacks are doing this diagnosis and why the hell anybody believes them.
Writing that made me decide to look up who these diagnosers are.
A Doctor writes :
He is exhibiting behaviours of psychosis and psychotherapist Noel McDermott says it appears Putin is displaying symptoms of paranoia,
Noel McDemott is presumably this “CEO and founder of mental health companies

Can’t find anything there suggesting he is in any way professional qualified. So, basically, a quack. His view has no more relevance than anybody else’s, in other words.
Shouldn’t be surprised. What the hell is “symptoms of paranoia”? Paranoia IS the symptom.
Writing that made me decide to look up who these diagnosers are.

Noel McDemott is presumably this “CEO and founder of mental health companies

Can’t find anything there suggesting he is in any way professional qualified. So, basically, a quack. His view has no more relevance than anybody else’s, in other words.
Shouldn’t be surprised. What the hell is “symptoms of paranoia”? Paranoia IS the symptom.
It can be broken down into more specific symptoms. You could have paranoia without displaying all of the following:

Symptoms of Paranoia
The symptoms of paranoia can include:

Being defensive, hostile, and aggressive
Being easily offended
Believing you are always right and having trouble relaxing or letting your guard down
Not being able to compromise, forgive, or accept criticism
Not being able to trust or confide in other people
Reading hidden meanings into people’s normal behaviors
It can be broken down into more specific symptoms. You could have paranoia without displaying all of the following:

Symptoms of Paranoia
The symptoms of paranoia can include:

Being defensive, hostile, and aggressive
Being easily offended
Believing you are always right and having trouble relaxing or letting your guard down
Not being able to compromise, forgive, or accept criticism
Not being able to trust or confide in other people
Reading hidden meanings into people’s normal behaviors
In that case, the whole of urban displays symptoms of paranoia
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