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Ukraine: Unsubstantiated rumours and speculation

That long twitter feed reads Russia has loads of tanks and guns.
But all the expensive not obvious or immediately coolstuff like recce communications extra fuel tankers spares the training to get fuel to the tanks in front coordinate the entire show is sadly lacking.

This isn't the 3rd shock army of cold war nightmares a huge armoured fist steam rolling towards Paris stopping for nothing.

Its lots of small units uncoordinated blundering about ukarine short on everything and the High command being of the caliber of General Melchett
Ok that's good. Verifiable proof that things genuinely aren't going well and it isn't just an effective Ukrainian propaganda game.

Actually I can't find another source on this. Ukrainian media is part of a total war effort, can't be taken at its word really.
I can recommended RT for some light relief. A reporter said earlier that all the major elements of the Ukrainian armed forces had now been eliminated.

Currently they're comparing the current situation to the second world war with respect to who the baddies might be.
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