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Ukraine and the Russian invasion, Feb 2022 - tangentially related crap

Gaming company Frogwares who did an enjoyable Sherlock Holmes game a few years ago are crowdfunding for another tweeted this the other day .

Centre of Prague yesterday: I blundered into a 70,000 strong demonstration by Czech fascists. The themes were anti-Islam, anti-immigration ("they are taking our homes"), anti-Ukrainian refugees, anti-NATO, anti-EU, and pro-Putin. Many, many Nazi t-shirts worn openly, which isn't terribly unusual here but to see them in such numbers was. Some seriously weird Putin t-shirts depicting him as semi-naked and muscular. Protest was organised by SPD (far right), KSČM (Communist party, just a racist pro-Putin group) and some other extremists.

Seventy fucking thousand.

There are serious social problems here: 15% inflation, rocketing property prices for years, energy prices etc. Prague vs. the rest. City vs. country. Things are starting to bite. Unemployment, as far as I know, is still very low, and has been for years and years. Seventy thousand marching in support of this shit though, is terrifying.

Edit to add: I've lived in this country almost ten years. From the start, I've known people from all walks of life and never had any illusions about it: casual racism is the norm for many. This wasn't that though, it was a fucking huge crowd fired up with hatred by manipulative people. Can't help but think of "Tomorrow Belongs to Me" and all that shit. Maybe it will be a wake up call for liberals and for the government, but I can't see it. I am afraid for the future.
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This person thinks harm missile's were added quickly to Ukrainian aircraft due to the USAF's aggressor squadron's (i.e. flying enemy jets). US has lots of experience in maintaining MiG aircraft and so knew what was needed to add US harm missile's

Centre of Prague yesterday: I blundered into a 70,000 strong demonstration by Czech fascists. The themes were anti-Islam, anti-immigration ("they are taking our homes"), anti-Ukrainian refugees, anti-NATO, anti-EU, and pro-Putin. Many, many Nazi t-shirts worn openly, which isn't terribly unusual here but to see them in such numbers was. Some seriously weird Putin t-shirts depicting him as semi-naked and muscular. Protest was organised by SPD (far right), KSČM (Communist party, just a racist pro-Putin group) and some other extremists.

Seventy fucking thousand.

There are serious social problems here: 15% inflation, rocketing property prices for years, energy prices etc. Prague vs. the rest. City vs. country. Things are starting to bite. Unemployment, as far as I know, is still very low, and has been for years and years. Seventy thousand marching in support of this shit though, is terrifying.

Edit to add: I've lived in this country almost ten years. From the start, I've known people from all walks of life and never had any illusions about it: casual racism is the norm for many. This wasn't that though, it was a fucking huge crowd fired up with hatred by manipulative people. Can't help but think of "Tomorrow Belongs to Me" and all that shit. Maybe it will be a wake up call for liberals and for the government, but I can't see it. I am afraid for the future.

Just read a long report from someone there that paints an even bleaker picture than you, grim and scary.
Can you post it, please? I've only seen it reported in Czech media so far.

It wasn't public, I'll check if they're ok with that first, or could PM you it. On long train journey abroad atm though, so sporadic connection.
Long article, suggests Putin is in a weak position

Good, clear sighted article that. Makes the case that cutting off the gas supplies is a "last throw of the dice" for Putin because if it doesn't force Europe to abandon Ukraine (which it wont) it leaves Russia with nobody to sell its gas to and will accelerate European moves to end its dependence on Russia hydrocarbons - so when the shit show finally comes to some sort of conclusion Russia will have lost it market share and its key tool of economic and political influence.
Meanwhile, on Russian telly:

View attachment 341496

So the Nazi USA, embedded in the feminised pink womb of lies, is mobilising its Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Catholic, Ukrainian Orthodox (and Satanist, don't forget the satanists) allies worldwide, propped up by German Odinist workers' power and flanked by the incipient hordes of AK-wielding Ukrainians waving the banner of the Islamic shahada to, um ... gang up on Russia, right? (Also note to graphic designer: points deducted for not getting enough rainbow flags in there. Have you forgotten the central strategic role of the western LGBT lobby in weakening glorious Russia, Ivan?)
This was broadcast in May but I've only just seen it. Interesting, definitely not "crap".

Brave people.

Good, clear sighted article that. Makes the case that cutting off the gas supplies is a "last throw of the dice" for Putin because if it doesn't force Europe to abandon Ukraine (which it wont) it leaves Russia with nobody to sell its gas to and will accelerate European moves to end its dependence on Russia hydrocarbons - so when the shit show finally comes to some sort of conclusion Russia will have lost it market share and its key tool of economic and political influence.
I learnt a new word too:

Not directly related to the war in Ukraine, but "Visegrad24" post a lot about it on twitter, and are often used as a source for info on it.
Found this through Anne Applebaum, an article on their dodginess.

The members of this group are exceptionally close to Victor Orbán, but also to Donald Trump, although he has nothing in common with the Visegrad Group.

It was Trump’s statement that illustrated the occasional video on the anniversary of Warsaw Uprising. Among Polish politicians, besides Duda and Morawiecki, they also show statements by right-wing MEPs: Dominik Tarczyński and Patryk Jaki.

But the most interesting is the recognition of Visegrad24 among Polish diplomats. Does the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have anything to do with this account? We are waiting for a response from the MFA.

[Visegrad24] featured several fake news, including:

– Leonardo DiCaprio’s donation of $10 million to Ukraine

– Polish politicians' support for the idea of creating a Polish-Ukrainian Union

blocking of PornHub for users in Russia.

Visegrad24 also happens to publish photos from years ago as photographs of current events and misrepresent the troops.

These false or controversial reports are reproduced around the world – Visegrad24 has become very popular on Twitter since the full-scale invasion, many of its posts are war news and because the account is run in English, its tweets are easy to understand (unlike Ukrainian or Russian ones).

Visegrad24 - Trump fans close to Polish Foreign Ministry. Anonymous account mystery revealed
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