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Ukraine and the Russian invasion, Feb 2022 - tangentially related crap

The BBC and CNN have repeatedly asked for interviews since the war started, and been given none. Carlson's claim that they haven't is ridiculous.
tucker interview will be with us in the morning

wonder if Carson is going to go full galloway in his fawning "oh you so brave Putin daddy"

it pure propoganda from Tucker.. will be the nasty west and Biden will not accept my peaceful actions in Ukraine
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it could be a hard hitting journalistic interview :thumbs: although we'd never see that because he'd fall out of a high window somewhere.

so there's always hope
hmm maybe they should save time after the interview and put tucker in the red wall necropolis
Finally someone from the warmongering Western MSM works up sufficient courage to interview Vladimir Putin. Unless I'm much mistaken, this will turn public opinion decisively against throwing more money down the bottomless pit that is Zelensky. The end of this insane war may finally be in sight:
BBC and one of the US mainstream networks (ie not some fella with a youtube channel) have stated they have had applications to interview Putin declined.

opps skyscraper already pointed that out
oh I would not worry about Dwyer he is 2 thing either a dedicated troll

or some deluded gobshite who think the USA pulling out of NATO and showing weakness to Putin will somehow stop his expansionist idea

just think of him as chamberlain
Carlson is an embarrassment to journalism. A pointless puppy dog craving personal fame while delivering absolutely nothing of substance. No wonder Putin was happy to talk at such a spineless waste of space.

During the American's much-hyped encounter with the Russian president, his fixed, fascinated expression slipped a few times.
Especially when Putin's promise of a 30-second history lesson became a 30-something minute rant.
But for the most part, Carlson seemed to lap up what Russia's president was telling him.
Putin was fully in charge of this encounter and for large parts of it his interviewer barely got a word in.

Carlson is an embarrassment to journalism. A pointless puppy dog craving personal fame while delivering absolutely nothing of substance. No wonder Putin was happy to talk at such a spineless waste of space.

He's talked to him because he knows that in the sorry state the world is in politically speaking, millions of US citizens, and others across the globe, do take the likes of TC seriously. In the case of the former they are mostly Republicans and relied upon for electoral victory. Many influential Republicans want a stop to the war in Ukraine so the US can focus properly on the looming war with China.
Carlson is an embarrassment to journalism. A pointless puppy dog craving personal fame while delivering absolutely nothing of substance. No wonder Putin was happy to talk at such a spineless waste of space.

As I said previously Putin was banging on about his 1645 long before becoming President...Didn't know about the wanting to do overfly Poland to bomb after Czech invasion, but as Hitler coming to power was much about countering Russia. Be interested in what Guy Burgess had to say about that..(he was UK interface with France at the time, and they also favoured acting then...(UK may have said peace in our time but was playing for time UK wasn't ready - Russia was,had biggest airforce mid 30s) Can't say Poland would be best pleased about how he described Russian- German Polish carve up. Stilin and Lenin 'wrong' but conveniently no evidence...
Not the the best setup for his take on stuff he had first hand dealings with....And he still managed to belittle Carlson with his I was KGB you got turned down for CIA.

Presume the people enthralled to Carlson are waiting for Brand et al to do their thinking for them but not that much to work with imo
he not even a journalist.. look how fox news lawyers defended the fella

arguments of Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "

She wrote: "Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statement he makes."
he not even a journalist.. look how fox news lawyers defended the fella
As I said just above, to tens of millions it doesn't matter at all how bad Carlson may be, as they either don't see it or else refuse to. You don't even have to go to the US to find people who believe that he's one of the few who 'speaks the truth.'
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Full thing is here. Man is it boring. Carlson just lets him talk ad nauseam about Russian history going back 700 years. I'm 18 minutes in, and Putin is only just up to the 1600s :D :facepalm:

This is embarrassing No credible journalist would've allowed this. Carlson looks like a confused doofus. Which of course, he is.

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As I said just above, to tens of millions it doesn't matter at all how bad Carlson may be, as they either don't see it or else refuse to. You don't even have to go to the US to find people who believe that he's one of the few who 'speaks the truth.'

aye we have our own poor deluded tucker fan right here on the boards
Full thing is here. Man is it boring. Carlson just lets him talk ad nauseum about Russian history goin going back 700 years. I'm 18 minutes in, and Putin is only just up to the 1600s :D :facepalm:

This is embarrassing No credible journalist would've allowed this.

Back in Yeltsins day was a speech in St Petersburg where he was emergency stand in ...he did 2 hours on it.
That sort of made sense it was St Petersburg and those battles with Sweden were important in Russias development...not so much here.

Well at least I hope not otherwise UK could end up annexing Florida cos of the War of the Roses or something
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kinda what I mean Trevor would of taken Putin to task not sat like a nodding gobshite whilst he rambled
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