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Ukraine and the Russian invasion, Feb 2022 - tangentially related crap

I dont wear a watch but if I did id get an old soviet era one, some amazing designs I think
The urban watch thread inspired me to look at some on ebay
...I was sad to see that the majority of sales were coming from Ukraine... I may be reading too much into it but hawking your watch has that air of wartime survival, like you'd hear of people selling their coat/shoes in WW2
(professional/semi-professional sellers tbh, but still)
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I dont wear a watch but if I did id get an old soviet era one, some amazing designs I think
The urban watch thread inspired me to look at some on ebay
...I was sad to see that the majority of sales were coming from Ukraine... I may be reading too much into it but hawking your watch has that air of wartime survival, like you'd hear of people selling their coat/shoes in WW2
when i looked before february 2022 the majority were coming from russia. something may have changed in the interim of course
Not sure to be honest but I wonder if the map might be based on their previous forecasts which in the latest report where ska invita's figures come from they say were underestimated.
Yeah. I think the page I pulled is three months old, so maybe there's been a swift change-about, or maybe you just can't trust economists :hmm:
Here's the FT article that the table ska invita posted came from

and an article in the FT about Russian bank profits 30/01/2024 which also adds context

Some months ago Ukrainian sociologist and socialist Volodymyr Ishchenko wrote an article ( not sure if I posted it here ) suggesting that Russia had adopted measures that resulted in some form of military Keynesianism.
The answer is that the 2023 numbers sre still estimates, and - of course - so are the 2024 figures. The last accurate results were in that map. Russia is managing well by burning cash reserves. They had a lot of cash after a decade of selling gas into Europe. There's 1.5, maybe 2 years of cash left at current spending rates and when that runs out... Well, they're fucked. No foreign investment and no money left for domestic investment. Either investment stalls, or you go for hyperinflation.
on another topic I heard an interesting thing today saying that the territory of Kaliningrad was up until recently Russias key strategic position against NATO due to its location and the reach of missiles fired from there.

However Finland joining NATO has made Kaliningrad basically useless, with all advantage lost. So much so that there is speculation that separatist movements from within Kaliningrad, spurned on in reaction to the Ukraine war, might more plausibly come to power, as there are signs Russia is pivoting away from its reliance on Kaliningrad and repositioning to its new southern Ukrainian territory instead

Or something like that, you get the general gist.
on another topic I heard an interesting thing today saying that the territory of Kaliningrad was up until recently Russias key strategic position against NATO due to its location and the reach of missiles fired from there.

However Finland joining NATO has made Kaliningrad basically useless, with all advantage lost. So much so that there is speculation that separatist movements from within Kaliningrad, spurned on in reaction to the Ukraine war, might more plausibly come to power, as there are signs Russia is pivoting away from its reliance on Kaliningrad and repositioning to its new southern Ukrainian territory instead

Or something like that, you get the general gist.
There's also Belarus, which is effectively a puppet state of the Kremlin now. 😟
on another topic I heard an interesting thing today saying that the territory of Kaliningrad was up until recently Russias key strategic position against NATO due to its location and the reach of missiles fired from there.

However Finland joining NATO has made Kaliningrad basically useless, with all advantage lost. So much so that there is speculation that separatist movements from within Kaliningrad, spurned on in reaction to the Ukraine war, might more plausibly come to power, as there are signs Russia is pivoting away from its reliance on Kaliningrad and repositioning to its new southern Ukrainian territory instead

Or something like that, you get the general gist.
some some articles on this

....it also means that the likelihood of Russia moving on the blatic states is greatly reduced (whether it was ever a serious suggestion is neither here not there)

also this video which has an interesting comment beneath it

I was in the Soviet Military in the 1980s then the Lithuanian Army. Russia's holding of Kaliningrad was always an annoyance to me and not just because of a few armed incidents on the border during the 90s. The behavior of some of its residents when visiting the Courland Spit border where they simply ignored the border is more serious. They were actively encouraged to act as if the border didn't exist and border guards had no authority. Some even acted as if Lithuanian police and soldiers were real. It seemed like this was part of the holiday entertainment. At least until the cuffs came out.

I expected there to be shooting with Russians pulling out guns and getting themselves killed.The attitude was always Lithuania being independent was just a temporary nonsense soon to be fixed. That we were play acting at being a country and no country took us serious. Russians have been fed this for decades. It seems to be the foundation of the expectation NATO would do nothing if Russia invaded. Russians within the Baltics have also been subjects of this propaganda. They have in my presence while being arrested said what they expected to happen to us in the militsya and then police "when Russia came back".If you live in Lithuania you generally believe Russia will at some point try to "come back". My opinion was always to act in the belief that attempt would never be successful and would be disastrous for the Russians living here. W

e still have Russians who refuse to accept Baltic citizenship or even foreign resident status. They carry around tattered Soviet IDs. It's been made to easy for them. Since it was thought forcing them to take citizenship was likely to encourage animosity among that population. That attitude has changed. The interference in Belarus and invasion of Ukraine excited these people and they with a little vodka could not contain their glee filled belief Russian tanks would soon be rolling over borders into the Baltic States again. The ramshackle nature of the Russian military, it's embarrassing failures against a weaker army carrying a smattering of western weapons, killed their enthusiasm.

The policy now is to squeeze Russian culture out of state spending. Russians who refused to take citizenship are no longer secure in the belief they will receive state benefits or pensions. If they want Russian pensions they will have to take full Russian citizenship. They have always refused since that would be their primary citizenship and block claims to Baltic state benefits. Receipt of a minuscule Russian pension would stop any chance to a Lithuanian one.

They would also likely have to pay for a private medical insurance to access state health resources like any other foreign resident. No access to state nursing homes only available to citizens. There's many difficulties they should have experience just as in any country but were allowed to escape.

That permissive attitude has gone just like the willingness of younger Baltic people to acknowledge Russian language in shops and businesses. Like I dd in my twenties, younger people see no reason or value in learning Russian. They don't want to go to Russia and see no gain or profit in dealing with Russians.
Finally someone from the warmongering Western MSM works up sufficient courage to interview Vladimir Putin. Unless I'm much mistaken, this will turn public opinion decisively against throwing more money down the bottomless pit that is Zelensky. The end of this insane war may finally be in sight:
Finally someone from the warmongering Western MSM works up sufficient courage to interview Vladimir Putin. Unless I'm much mistaken, this will turn public opinion decisively against throwing more money down the bottomless pit that is Zelensky. The end of this insane war may finally be in sight:

First thing, you're an idiot.

Secondly, the BBC etc have been consistently knocked back by the Kremlin when they've asked for interviews.

Putin surrounds himself with lackeys and yes men, and Tucker is just the next in line to kiss the ring for a sackload of dollars. From lying on Fox to lying with a warmongering dictator.

Remember, if Ukraine falls, so does Poland, so does Czechia, so does Finland, so does Georgia and Armenia. If you support WWIII, you're not just "Phil Dwyer", you're Lord Haw-Haw.
Finally someone from the warmongering Western MSM works up sufficient courage to interview Vladimir Putin. Unless I'm much mistaken, this will turn public opinion decisively against throwing more money down the bottomless pit that is Zelensky. The end of this insane war may finally be in sight:

I've explained this to you before, Tucker Carlson is not part of 'MSM' anymore, not since Fox News ejected the twat.

TCN is not 'MSM', it's the 'Tucker Carlson [egotistical] Cunt Network'.
Finally someone from the warmongering Western MSM works up sufficient courage to interview Vladimir Putin. Unless I'm much mistaken, this will turn public opinion decisively against throwing more money down the bottomless pit that is Zelensky. The end of this insane war may finally be in sight:

can we give him another 30 days just for being a plank and get it over with

first few post back

Putin Arselicker comrade Tucker is the savior of the western world

fuck of back to watching youtube Dwyer :D
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