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Ukip - why are they gaining support?

If UKIP were around in the 80's, like they are now (which would have meant they would have formed in the late seventies I guess), would they be as 'powerful' as they are now?
If UKIP were around in the 80's, like they are now (which would have meant they would have formed in the late seventies I guess), would they be as 'powerful' as they are now?

If (and it's a big "if" IMO) they'd managed to grow beyond their Libertarian roots into an "alternative right-wing" challenger to the Tories, then while I don't think they'd have made political headway beyond council seats in the '80s, I think they might have had a stab at Parliamentary seats come Major, "the bastards" and his Europhobes problem.
Where? From who?

If you're going to come out with stuff likes this (and you repeatedly do) have the guts to specify what you mean rather than just posting passive-aggresive asides.

calling people racist is fair is it?,

btwm I'm usually the one who gets the above because I bring up subjects like migration
If UKIP were around in the 80's, like they are now (which would have meant they would have formed in the late seventies I guess), would they be as 'powerful' as they are now?

No. The EU pre-Maastricht was a very different entity and didn't energise people the same way over matters of national sovereignty.
No. The EU pre-Maastricht was a very different entity and didn't energise people the same way over matters of national sovereignty.
That's not really what's driving UKIP's current success though. I do agree with you and VP that they would've have flourished in the 80s though - there just wasn't the political space for them.
yes, but 700+ who packed out The Sage people there booed the ones doing it.

The Sage is seriously expensive to hire, must be serious money going into UKIP now.
Someone shared this on my Facebook so thought i'd add it here too :D

There is forever an England where Ukip is nothing more than a joke on Twitter, the Daily Mail is something that no one you know actually reads, where Christianity is a misguided thought process, where everyone understands that taxation is absolutely the right price to pay for the things we value. Maybe you live in that England. Lucky you. I visit it, of course, but I don't come from it. My family were that not-so-rare breed, working-class Tories. Turkeys not only vote for Christmas, I soon realised, they enthusiastically talk about the various ways in which they will be stuffed, every day of the week.


Suzanne Moore, who as she says comes from a W/C Tory background on UKIP and in her view, 'lessons for the left'

not sure if I agree with her, but I have seen a lot of social media posts largely from young middle class graduates patronising and sneering at its voters.
That's not really what's driving UKIP's current success though. I do agree with you and VP that they would've have flourished in the 80s though - there just wasn't the political space for them.

Also we had the SDP in the 80s to provide UKIP style political self-trepanning for those disillusioned with the old two party politics.
Their candidate (a wealthy businessman, quel surprise) paid. They weren't too happy about opponents pointing out it was built/operated with about five million quid of EU money...
Their candidate (a wealthy businessman, quel surprise) paid. They weren't too happy about opponents pointing out it was built/operated with about five million quid of EU money...
I read they managed to deal with it by pointing out that the EU money involved is simply the same money that the UK taxpayer paid into the EU. Which is good politics as it moves the focus away from the main issue and lines up UKIP alongside the long-suffering UK taxpayer against the EU's madness.
Urgh it sounds like the exact same argument Ayn Rand gave for taking medicare. You're right though it is good politics if you're electioneering.
Fuck! I missed the Ukips!

You know how it is: you sit at home and nothing comes, then the minute you nip to the shops the ukips appears, pushing leaflets through your made-in-England British sized letterbox (or as the filthy wogs would doubtless call it, a 'lettrebeaux').

I was realy looking forward to chasing some fool down the street shouting abuse and facts. It's just typical of the ukips to deny me that. Now all i have is this silly leaflet.

"Our politicians have allowed open-door immigration"

As opposed to...closed door immigration? The door-is-ajar immigration? The hinges-need-oiling immigration?


(insert face of the flangemeister).

"We need to build a United States of Europe with the Commission as government" - Viviane Reding, EU Commissioner, January 2014.

This is the chilling headline that leads a personal message from Nigerian Flange which I won't post. It's the usual bollocks: apparently 77% of people want a reduction in immigration, the political elite in this country don't care, the EU coststhe UK£55 million a day just in membership fees, and only the ukips is prepared to say 'enough's enough'.

"How to vote UKIP on May 22nd to get our country back"

Yes, there are actually instructions; like some apocalyptic and xenophobic quote from the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy. DO PANIC! I will read them:

1. read the facts about the EU (hah!), and Britain's brighter future ouside it, on pages 6-8.
2. Put the poster on pages 4-5 in your window (not really a poster, more the words UKIP in big letters, which i have corrected to 'racist scum UKIP').
3. Fill out your postal vote if you have one, placying your X against UK Independence Party (UKIP).
4. Or go to the Polling Station on Thursday, 22nd May between 7am and 10pm, and place your X against UK Independence Party (UKIP).

Thanks Nige!

In the South West our candidates, representing all walks of life:

the Earl of Dartmouth (a chartered accountant called William).
A research scientist called Dr Julia Reid 'formerly in the NHS', which seems a rather odd phrase.
Gawain (!) Towler, journalist, researcher and publicist (probably just the latter). There's actually a man in the ukips called Gawain ffs! Doesn't sound like a beautiful british name to me!
Tony McIntuyre, retired teacher and, of course, company director.
Dr Robert Smith, child and educational psychologist, probably on hand to refute evidence for conditions such as ADHD, dyslexia and autism, etc.
Keith 'the Craw' Crawford, businessman and former serviceman (i'm assuming special ops).

NOT CAREER POLITICANS! (emphasis mine)

Facts at your fingertips (?) about Britain and the EU.

This is the stuff alluded to earlier.

We're likely to have MORE jobs after we leave the EU.

Er, how? Apparently the EU is shrinking as a 'world player'. I'm not sure how that even makes sense; is the continent shrinking? Is this some weird allusion to the rise of the BRIC countries and their peers? the EU is hardly going away - and we are right next to the continent. Soooo?

Apparently the idea that '3m jobs would be risked by leaving the EU is just a big lie'. Phew, glad that was sorted...with facts and evidence. Oh wait, there is none.

Food and fuel will be CHEAPER outside the EU.

each family (and odd division) is estimated to be £400 a year better off without he EU's agricultural and fiheries policies to contend with. Huh? How do families currently contend with it? Surely if we take our toys away they will just charge us more.

We'll SAVE enough to mend our economy for our children.

That being the economy wrecked by global capitalist and financial interests that are not beholden to the EU and are largely US based? Or policies enacted by home grown financial terrorists like George Osborne or the kinds of instution that spawned Farage? No, simply we save the £55 million a day we spend. 'It's reckoned (by whom? doesn;'t say) the EU costs us around £165 billion a year. Jesus wept!

We can tell the European Court of Human Rights where to go.

Why? I like human rights! 'The Uk has a proud tradition of liberty and freedom (Yarls Wood for instance)' This is apparnetly preventing us from deporting foreign criminals 'even if they have a cat; we won't have to give votes to prisoners; and we can give whole life sentences to the worst criminals'. Hip hip hooray!

We can TRADE with the world, not subsidise it.

Like we can now, presumably. But no apparently we are already giving 'your' money to countries like Turkey, Serbia, Albania, Armenia, Libya, the Ukraine.

I may be wrong, but I don't think all of those are in the EU.

And of course we'll be able to control immigration...

"We're one of the EU's best customers. Anyone who says that 3m jobs are at risk if we leave the EU is simply telling a big lie... Love Britain (notsomuch these days, mainly beause of the rampant xenophobia) Vote UKIP.

4,000 people a week come to live in Britain from the EU (apparently the ONS said so on 27/2/2014 - no mention of the number of people going to live in the EU, or working in or dependent on it)"

FFS. Just don't vote for these wankers. No evidence, just scaremongering and pandering.
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