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Ukip - why are they gaining support?

The tactics of the mainstream left wing british media are so obvious that i dont see it affecting peoples view of ukip.Farage will just ride out the smear tactics
What mainstream left wing British media?

Is the Morning Star still published?

If so is it mainstream?

Socialist Worker maybe?

What's norwood on about?
What mainstream left wing British media?

Is the Morning Star still published?

If so is it mainstream?

Socialist Worker maybe?

What's norwood on about?

The Times and Telegraph are running a unique joint special edition tomorrow under the headline "Seize The Means Of Production Now!" and the BBC commissioned a major 10 part series on commodity fetishism within days of arch-leftie Chris Patten becoming Chairman of Governors. You can't make this stuff up.
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I blame the permissive society.

You know, you'd think you'd get used to the insanity of claims that the BBC or the UK media in general is Marxist/liberal/leftwing/soshlist/OMG it's the EUSSR etc, but every time it genuinely amazes me that this stuff can be trotted out without the slightest acknowledgement of the fucking facts. For instance any given Telegraph columnist claiming CBeebies shows are specifically designed to corrupt kids into something commie like being nice to each other or something.
Is the evidence for an implosion in their support/vote? I can't see any. At best the usual peaks and troughs of smaller party support can be pointed to and they are having a trough moment right now - but at a far higher level of opinion polling than they or any similar party has done for many many years, and at a consistently higher level than the lib-dems.

Yep. This dip is perfectly timed for a wave of rejuvenating hype in the new year and build up to The Euros.
And remember, the areas the UKIP vote can reasonably be expected to influence general election outcomes is heavily (almost wholly) concentrated in tory seats where it can do most damage - it won't cost labour seats even if there are many UKIP voters coming from labour (which there are are and which is very important outside of the electoral sphere).
They continued their excellent local election performances last night. An 18.5%, a 20% and a 43% and another one in the 20s - beating tories into 3rd in a number of them.
Dip or trough, or not, this graph from Opinium does show the 'mirrored' fortunes of the tories and 'kippers:-


The young lady is commenting on the position of the Lib Dems, which is flat on their backs, ready for sale to anyone, irrespective of the political ethos of the client. Without the Lib Dems, the present appalling government would not be in place. That said, we would still have had Labour, would things have been much different?
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They continued their excellent local election performances last night. An 18.5%, a 20% and a 43% and another one in the 20s - beating tories into 3rd in a number of them.
Any idea on turnout?

I've always been sceptical of Council/Euro/etc elections as much of an indicator as I've assumed the turnout is even lower (by a lot) than the GE - and the smaller the sample size the smaller the shift in volume needed to generate something that *looks* dramatic in percentage terms. But admittedly that's purely an assumption, so it's be interesting to see how turnouts compare.
A relevant quote from Mr Birchall in a recent article by Brian Whelan for Vice

Sean Birchall wrote the book Beating the Fascists, detailing how the BNP were physically beaten off the streets in the early 90s. But he says the political vacuum that allows the far right to thrive will continue to throw up racist movements. “The underlying conditions that facilitated the BNP’s rise are still there," he explained, "disillusionment with the neo-liberal centre and a Labour party that has long turned its back on the working class.”

“Ukip are now partially filling that vacuum in working class political representation... the neo-liberal right and the nationalist right over recent decades have dramatically out-thought the left in terms of political strategy. They have identified tactics, narratives and constituencies, while the left has succeeded in alienating its core constituency of the working class.

“The EDL was always in any case more symptom, not cause," he continued. "Rather than generating hostility it merely reflects antagonism. There is a counter-strategy however: for those radically opposed to fascism and neo-liberalism to get on the landings and take on the fascists there, by engaging with and responding to working class concerns.”
Farage was on Steve Wright's afternoon show on radio 2 earlier giving a "non - political" interview. It was one of those "isn't he a lovely chap and just like us normal people" affairs.

Good. Let's hope loads of tory waverers were impressed!
Oh look, the British pro EU group are trying to get a charity to stitch up UKIP, Guido Fawkes reports.

The cross-party pro-EU group “British Influence” – backed by Danny Alexander, Kenneth Clarke and Peter Mandelson – has written privately to a charity to ask for their help campaigning against UKIP in the European elections next year. That despite campaign director Joe Coney knowing this to be a breach of strict laws against charities getting involved in party politics. He wrote “We realise that your charity status means that” – as a charity you – “can’t campaign…”.

Can someone who has the Sun article give a fuller context?
got 5 paragraphs into that article before i had the urge to scream at my computer screen. The cognitive dissonance that man displays is frightening; the fact he got voted into office more so.
Proof that even shit on a stick can get elected.....
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