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UK Snooker Championship 2017

Ergh. It pains me to type it but it looks like Shaun Murphy is the man to beat :(
Ergh. It pains me to type it but it looks like Shaun Murphy is the man to beat :(
I get that impression.

I don’t really like Shaun Murphy, but idk why. (Tbf, I haven’t really been able to watch snooker for about ten years. But there you go).
I get that impression.

I don’t really like Shaun Murphy, but idk why. (Tbf, I haven’t really been able to watch snooker for about ten years. But there you go).
I know what you mean. I can't put my finger on it, but there's something that's just not likeable about him.
I know what you mean. I can't put my finger on it, but there's something that's just not likeable about him.
For me he seems to think hes the bees knees, he seems full of himself and his views about other players. Those little pieces where players get analysed by Parrot or Davies with him and he comes across as thinking he's an unquestionable expert who's views are 'special'. No doubt he knows his onions, just seems a bit up himself? I reckon he classes himself as one of the 'greats'

Needless to say... Come on Ronnie!!!
moneys on murphy here. He's got the jazz

and pro ronnie shouters/mobile phone havers are first against the wall CTR
Good response from Ronnie after the first frame, still got hope :cool:

The Ronnie shouters do fuckng annoy me.
after that fast first session some more difficult frames, that last one down to the black ball man. Ronnie ahead
The Ronnie shouters do fuckng annoy me.

I get annoyed by people who say they'll only watch snooker "if Ronnie's playing". It immediately signals that they haven't watched much snooker.

Murphy carried over his long game from yesterday, so O'Sullivan needs to find the baulk cushion or get behind the baulk colours on every safety shot. He played some very erroneous positional shots this afternoon. Bring on this evening.

And for all Ebdon's faults, at least Virgo isn't there.
This is fucking great :cool: if any of you snooker fans aren't watching, get it turned on!
This has been s fucking excellent final and a top drawer performance from Ronnie :cool:
thinking about ronnie at 42, it does make me wonder if there's much uk young blood coming through, or if all the club closures mean this is the last of a golden age of uk snooker :(
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