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UK courtroom to hear evidence against the official narrative of 9/11

So the source for that is the mother... who, according to the visitor to her house that CNN reported, is a Grade-A loonspud.

Hmmm... the Jason Burke article I linked earlier suggests that the mother's conspiraloonery may be part of the background to the brothers' becoming bombers.

That, and being "first-generation migrants with 'identity issues'."

I predict it'll emerge that they, or at least the elder, were conspiraloons too.
Have you given any thought to the fact that if this was a "false flag" mission by the US government, they might have made it somewhat more forceful, and concealed any Federal involvement from, say the mother? You know, possibly by wasting the mother so that could be blamed on the sons too?
It was quite forceful enough to introduce martial law to Boston for a few days. Have you considered that it makes little sense as an act of terrorism?
A little background on David Lory VanDerBeek, fringe party candidate and frequent YouTuber:


"You will also be very, very surprised to learn that Mr. VanDerBeek is worried about flouride. And vaccinations. And chemtrails. But he does trust Dr. Jerome Corsi, PhD and Alex Jones.

It’s almost as if a supercomputer took a compilation of the craziest stuff it could find and vomited out a synthetic, computer-generated simulacrum of a gubernatorial candidate, isn’t it? That might explain the hair.
VanderBeek is running for election to the Governor of Nevada. VanderBeek is seeking the Independent American Party nomination in the primary. source: http://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php/David_Lory_VanderBeek

The Independent American Party is the Nevada affiliate of the national Constitution Party ... a right-wingpolitical party in the United States. source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitution_Party_(United_States)

Edit: The video isn't really worth watching as he just repeats the "there was a drill therefore the government did it" argument and "the pressure cookers didn't look like they had shrapnel damage".
“I learned about the incident from TV. My opinion is: the special services have framed my children, because they are practicing Muslims. Why did they kill Tamerlan? He was supposed to be caught alive. The younger is on the run now. He was a sophomore at a medical school in the U.S. We expected him to come home for vacation. Now I don’t know what’s going to happen. Tell you once again: I believe special services have framed my children.”

Father Of Boston Suspects: US Security Services Set Up My Sons

So now we have supposed culprits who make no demands, claims of responsibility and whose family think they had nothing to do with it. One gets silenced for evermore and the other will surely be tortured to the extent nothing he says may be taken to mean anything. Meanwhile terror drills take place concerning the exact events that transpire which are officially denied. This is state-sponsored terrorism with patsies. Anyone who believes what they are told by the mainstream media here has some serious waking up to do.
“I learned about the incident from TV. My opinion is: the special services have framed my children, because they are practicing Muslims. Why did they kill Tamerlan? He was supposed to be caught alive. The younger is on the run now. He was a sophomore at a medical school in the U.S. We expected him to come home for vacation. Now I don’t know what’s going to happen. Tell you once again: I believe special services have framed my children.”

Father Of Boston Suspects: US Security Services Set Up My Sons

So now we have supposed culprits who make no demands, claims of responsibility and whose family think they had nothing to do with it. One gets silenced for evermore and the other will surely be tortured to the extent nothing he says may be taken to mean anything. Meanwhile terror drills take place concerning the exact events that transpire which are officially denied. This is state-sponsored terrorism with patsies. Anyone who believes what they are told by the mainstream media here has some serious waking up to do.

If they live, nothing they say can be trusted. If they die they are an essential witness who has been silenced.

The house always wins, when it comes to ct's.
Personally, I do not believe in UFOs or zombies and neither does anyone in the federal government. It is quite likely that our government has a created a bio-chemical weapon that can induce zombie-like behaviors in humans and therefore assist in a mass murder event to promote global depopulation without taking the blame. In fact Dr. Steven Schlozman, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School has made public statements stating how a contagion event could result in a zombie apocalypse. But because of government/elitist propaganda in the media and Hollywood, millions of people will accept it as a zombie event from aliens rather than a chemical weapon attack by other humans. The UFO piece of the propaganda is to induce the public to accept the depopulation event as a “culling” of the human herd by a “higher intelligence” life form that has been watching earth. These alleged UFO aliens will be executing judgment as they see fit because they feel that we are destroying our earth and therefore many of us need to die in order “re-balance” nature. This is the emerging earth-worship religion combined with the new UFO-alien/ufology religion. Both are promoted by the elite who have take over our government and feed this propaganda to us through popular culture movies and video games. Of course, these are silly stories, but through the use of technology, media, science, and even holograms, it will be possible for world governments to convince large sectors of the general public that these events are real. My position is and always has been that these events are HUMAN CONSPIRACIES. The fact that the federal government is actually noting these events on official websites and generating events for drills in response for these events is an indication that they are ready to move. These events will cause global chaos to which the only solution proposed by the elite will of course be global government. In the bigger picture, these events will be used to justify the final surrender of our national sovereignty as the dictators of the earth including Obama claim we must form a global government to combat this alien invasion. Yes, it is insane, but then the elite of this earth are insane people. Surrendering our national sovereignty will conveniently include paying global taxes and forming a global army. One reason they believe this will work is because they want to convince religious people that these UFOs are the ‘messiah’ event long awaited. I can agree with the elite on one thing, this FEMA event of their is certainly a sign of the times.

Damaged man,


Why do you think this person and their arguments are especially credible on this jazzz. Explain what parts you find convincing and what evidence he used to reach those conclusions that you both agree with and what method of evaluation you both used on this evidence.
Why do you think this person and their arguments are especially credible on this jazzz. Explain what parts you find convincing and what evidence he used to reach those conclusions that you both agree with and what method of evaluation you both used on this evidence.

Jazzz should not be allowed to post until these points have been answered.

His posts have been a flagrant beach of the FAQs and the policy on conspiracy shit. He's linking-up loonery without comment, which is a no-no, and he's avoiding debate. Why is he allowed to get away with it on EVERY FUCKING THREAD?

Tobyjug got banned for doing what Jazzz does regularly, and Tobes was multiple orders of magnitude more entertaining. Whilst a few Tobyjug threads have become legendary, all Jazzz does is piss people off with his astonishing arrogance.
On the jazzz endorsed loon-candidates website he outlines his plan to end all taxation in nevada. In the comments section someone says:

oh come on

pretty soon , you will be advocating the end of usury !

THEN how will the jew bankers continue to rape us ?

to which he doesn't reply with 'take your anti-semitism away from here right now', instead he thanks the poster:

No, interest on investment spurs investment. I’m a true free market capitalist. Thank you, Najhoa! Read the plan. It requires investment interest.
It was quite forceful enough to introduce martial law to Boston for a few days. Have you considered that it makes little sense as an act of terrorism?

Many acts of terrorism make little sense.
That's because they're not about making sense, they're about making a statement.
I am fast coming to the conclusion that Jazzz doesn't actually believe in the stuff that he posts, but merely posts it to wind people up.
His unnaturally unwrinkly skin for a 75+ years-old guy who lives in a sunny climate! It's obvious he has the poswer to shed his wrinkly old skin for a less wrinkly new one!


You might be onto summat here....:hmm:
I am fast coming to the conclusion that Jazzz doesn't actually believe in the stuff that he posts, but merely posts it to wind people up.

Not necessarily contradictory points, those. I think he DOES believe his stuff or at least most of it -- but I also agree he's on a windup as well -- at least sometimes.
During that whole day Paul looked as if his nappies needed changing. I hope her majesties expression is the result of having let off a particularly vicious break of wind. If so, I imagine the partially obscured lady on the far right's expression is due to change shortly!


I love the way the Youtube video makes it seem like he's the gov of Nevada and then down below it mentions' he's only a "candidate".

Remind me to update my CV to include all the jobs I applied for but never got.
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