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UK courtroom to hear evidence against the official narrative of 9/11

Fuck that. Much easier just to refer the reader to Umberto Eco's Foucaults Pendulum, the perfect deconstruction of all CTs. Especially the bit about cretins, fools, morons and lunatics.

I've got that upstairs ... one of those books I never got round to reading .... <ponders ... :cool: >>
sihhi has picked up on a really key point in his last few posts in highlighting the movement (as in changing opinions and base-ground beliefs) that these people and their beliefs and form of (non)activism produce, the contexts they demand that politics starts from the sort of warped perspective he outlines, and it demands everyone else also starts from it too.

Now, if you are naive OMG mine eyes have been opened! type like CM (and the hero worship just intensifies this) then it appears to be very easy to lose your bearings - and the same thing will be played out for many many other angry people just coming to political conclusions in a society where alternative (say left-wing for ease for now) viewpoints and organisations don't have much rootedness or even visibility in w/c communities, but where this sort of thing does offer a set of psuedo-answers and a pseudo-community for them to be involved in. That really is a poisonous situation.

(Someone linked a few months back to a doco about the growth of conspiracy theories in inner city black communities in the US recently, can't seem to find it now)

To follow this up here's an excellent challenge to deepening interest in Illuminati nonsense in (US) in some black communities and politics:

How to Overthrow the Illuminati

Everyone talks about the Illuminati. You may have heard Jay Z and Beyonce are members of the Illuminati, and channel demons when they perform. You may have heard Obama is a member of the Illuminati, and plans to implant microchips in all U.S. citizens, to prepare for martial law. You may have heard the dollar bill contains secret symbols, which reveal the U.S. has been controlled by the Illuminati for hundreds of years.

Illuminati theory helps oppressed people to explain our experiences in the hood. Society throws horrible stuff in our faces: our family members get locked up for bullshit. Our friends kill each other over beefs, money or turf. Our future is full of dead-end jobs that don’t pay shit. We struggle to pay bills while others live in luxury. On TV, we see people all over the world dying in poverty, even though we live in the most materially abundant society in history. Most people act like none of these terrible things are happening. Why does this occur? We start looking for answers, and Illuminati theory provides one.

We believe Illuminati theory is wrong, and we wrote this pamphlet to offer a different answer. We wrote this pamphlet because we know people who think about the Illuminati usually want to stop oppression and exploitation. They’re some of the smartest people in the hood today. Forty years ago, Illuminati theorists would’ve been in the Black Panther Party. Today most of them sit around and talk endlessly about conspiracies. This is a waste of talent. The world is in a deep crisis, and big protests, rebellions and revolutions are happening. In Egypt, South Africa, Turkey–and even in the U.S.–these movements are already taking 


People who 


we can’t 


anything because no 




fighting are simply refusing to join the fight themselves. With the right tools, we can participate in these actions, and make history with millions of others.

This pamphlet is a tool to help you understand the world around you. It offers a brief history of Illuminati theory: who invented it, when and where. It shows how Illuminati theory became popular in the hood after the defeat of the movements of the 1970s. It reveals that Illuminati theory is unable to explain how society works, or provide solutions for how to end oppression and exploitation. It offers an alternative explanation of why exploitation and oppression exists, and what we can do to change it. First, we have to unearth the origin of Illuminati theory itself.

Here's the real damage that 9/11 loons are doing.
Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev possessed right wing extremist reading material which was seemingly supportive of white supremacist beliefs, owning further literature on conspiracy theories, BBC's Panorama program claimed.

The program alleged that one right-wing article belonging to the suspect advocated some beliefs characteristic of white supremacists and argued that “Hitler had a point.”

The 26-year-old, who was killed in a shootout with police after the deaths of three people during April's Boston Marathon bombing, also read up on “the rape of our gun rights,” the report adds.

According to the program, he possessed materials, deemed to be "government conspiracy theories," which accused the US government of orchestrating the 9/11 attacks and the Oklahoma bombing in 1995. Reportedly, Tamerlan also had literature that explored the psychology behind mass killings and how the perpetrators “murdered and maimed calmly.”
To follow this up here's an excellent challenge to deepening interest in Illuminati nonsense in (US) in some black communities and politics:

How to Overthrow the Illuminati

Not had time to read the full article yet but it sounds right up my street. I've long stated that I only continue to bother looking at conspiracy theories and those trapped by that sense of reality because it's such a waste of momentum, anger etc. And I've tried unsuccessfully in the past to get a discussion going about how some of these theories have long been popular with sections of black american communities. Truth be told I didn't know all that much about that particular angle, other than getting a strong sense that it was not a new phenomenon simply of the last decade, and that there are understandable reasons why such communities may have had even more reason to buy into such narratives. So I shall read the full article ASAP.

This stuff is certainly a symptom of failure of more productive movements, and I fear the road back will be hard.
Only read the first page of the illuminati thing, heart appears in the right place, but it mentions the Rosicrucians as being a real group but afaiwa these were a pure fabrication too. *pedant*
The layers of real damage that set the scene for more people to buy into the theories in the first place is where the action is I reckon.

Or rather, as you suggested above, the real damage is from the massive distraction from thought and action that could, if developed as mass movements, save hundreds of thousands or millions of lives. Beside which nutty bombers pale into insignficance.
That's because they're an acutally existing fabrication. Like homeopathy and the Harry Potter fan-club :)

The Harry Potter fan club doesn't offer a step by step guide to enlightenment (including levitation) for a flat monthy fee though.
Only read the first page of the illuminati thing, heart appears in the right place, but it mentions the Rosicrucians as being a real group but afaiwa these were a pure fabrication too. *pedant*
No, they were real. It's just that the texts they based themselves upon (written by the 'original' Rosicrucians) were completely made up. By writing the story down, they made it into a real thing.
No, they were real. It's just that the texts they based themselves upon (written by the 'original' Rosicrucians) were completely made up. By writing the story down, they made it into a real thing.

Isn't that more or less the same as with the Jews or the Harry Potter fan club, then?
Only read the first page of the illuminati thing, heart appears in the right place, but it mentions the Rosicrucians as being a real group but afaiwa these were a pure fabrication too. *pedant*

Nah, the original early 17th century Rosicrucians did exist, they just weren't a "society" in the way that the Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria (the Illuminati) or the Masons were, so the actual "secret society" was more of a loose philosophical brotherhood of people/school of thought using allegory to probe the meaning of life than anything more conspira-tastic.
The SRIA (Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia) which is a society, has existed for about 150 years, and works along the same philosophical lines as the original Rosicrucians, but is about as secret as Simon Cowell's bastard.
To follow this up here's an excellent challenge to deepening interest in Illuminati nonsense in (US) in some black communities and politics:

How to Overthrow the Illuminati


That's pretty good stuff.

Seems like it'd be a constructive thing to be sharing with well-meaning people who have got tangled up in all that shite while looking for an understanding of politics.

Unlike almost everything else I've seen in this area, they actually take the fact that this gibberish is now a very common interpretation among potentially radicalised young people seriously and try to address it in a non-patronising way.
Don't know where to put this but a good analysis of hard right (incl some anti-semitic and conspiracism here) trends promoted on Counterpunch chief editors veteran leftists Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St Clair.


Paul Craig Roberts 264
Franklin Lamb 170
Bill & Kathleen Christison (includes individually and jointly written articles) 78
Gilad Atzmon 46
Israel Shamir 45
Alison Weir 42
Ron Paul 19

As can be seen above, articles supporting Ron Paul on CP outnumber those opposing him by a ratio of more than 2:1.


Of seventeen articles published by CP about Atzmon (not counting those actually written by him), exactly one is critical of Atzmon’s racism. The rest are explicit apologias for Atzmon that regularly misrepresent criticisms or defame his critics. It is this latter category that includesGilad Atzmon’s [sic] A Guide for the Perplexed, by CP editor Jeffrey St. Clair.


Of the individual issues examined for this piece, explanations for US support for Zionism afforded one of the richest collections of material for analysis, with 108 articles found on the subject. To recall the onus of proof, if the Querfront hypothesis is valid, at least a substantial percentage of CP’s output should be supportive of the notion that the US backs Zionist crimes because of the nefarious activities of a ‘foreign lobby’.

In the event, of 108 articles found, fully 87 promote the Lobby version of history. Articles that take no clear position are in second place (16 of 108), whilst only five approach the question from a perspective that acknowledges the strategic value of Is to US imperialism. In other words, well over 95% of relevant articles on CP advance the notion that the implicitly just foreign policy of the United States is being subverted by foreign (Jewish) influence, or at least do not dismiss the idea.
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