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UK courtroom to hear evidence against the official narrative of 9/11

there was an interesting article in, i think, international journal of intelligence and counterintelligence some years ago about whether st paul was a roman intelligence agent and the foundation of the xian church was some sort of roman intelligence operation.
Thijs Voskuilen, 'Operation Messiah: Did Christianity start as a Roman counterinsurgency operation?', in Small Wars and Insurgencies 16:2 (2005), pp. 192-215

Through examining the life and work of the man who is generally known as the Apostle Paul, I hope to challenge the idea that the founder of Christianity was a saint and replace it with the possibility that he really was an agent-provocateur working for the Roman administration in Palestine and various other parts of the Empire. Paul's biography and his own letters, both of which were taken up in the New Testament, hold numerous clues to the effect that this former persecutor, originally named Saul of Tarsus, never left the ranks of the government, but instead went undercover after his famous ‘conversion’ en route to Damascus. The self-proclaimed successor-to-Jesus was not only treated dramatically differently from Jesus by the Romans, but they were his friends and allowed him to live and work for 20 years instead of crucifying him. Jesus' original followers distrusted Paul, and made various attempts to kill him throughout his life. I will conclude by arguing that Paul's claim that Jesus, this candidate-king of the Jews, was the Messiah and had been crucified as the will of God (the prime assumption upon which Christianity is based) should be read as a sadistic mockery of Jewish faith, meant to divide a Jewish resistance organisation and pacify it.

butchersapron frogwoman
as long as i have been here you have postulated some sort of conspiracy on every single western terror attack, and many major news events. can you tell me if there have been any "terrorist" attacks in recent years that have not been organised by the state?
That went well :(
He turned a revolutionary political movement into one that accepted roman rule, caused the ultimate schism with the jewsh people (with whom they could ally to end roman opression) and began to build a highly hierarchical church with its HQ in, where is it again?

It's got more going for it than colloidal silver

(cheers picky!)
What did the Romans ever do for us?

Didn't that A.N. Wilson write an attack on St. Paul years ago? I remember a Jesuit I knew complaining about it.
What did the Romans ever do for us?

Didn't that A.N. Wilson write an attack on St. Paul years ago? I remember a Jesuit I knew complaining about it.
there are many, many, attacks on St Paul. That he utterly changed the nature of the church (or movement) is hard to deny. Many people have argued that the modern church is built on Pauline principles, rather than Christian ones.

I have this horrid feeling the new Julian Cope book will quote Voskuilen and his like often
Why are you calling him Madame Butch?

Are you trying to undermine him by implying he is a woman? What's wrong with being a woman? Or are you questioning his sexuality?

It has nothing to do with a positive or negative view of females. It has to do with the fact that females have tended to figure most in the profession of circus psychics.

Sometimes I have just called it his "psychic act".

Butch has posted here and previously as if he knows what lots of other people think about me, even though his own estimation of what I think is often a miscalculation.

Not that he has answered on this, demonstrated it further or explained where his deep seated arrogance comes from or what qualifies it. I don't know if you have challenged him on that, but I
I hope this post answers your original question.
I like the way that you've substituted yourself for humanity here. If he's having a pop at me he must hate all humanity given my Christlike standing :D

Seriously, saying that you are yet to openly say that something is a conspiracy is not a defence from a long career/record of saying that things are conspiracies and being held firmly in the grip of the conspiracy mindset. See for example your immediate pulling in of vast historical conspiracy theories to relate to the boston bombs and fall out. Classic example of those ideas having you rather than you having those ideas.

(Few bits of free advice, lay off the skunk, go to bed nice and early, stop whining).

Butchers attack was personal against me. Thus the defence was personal from me. It has nothing to do with Christ, blasphemy isn't a thing of mine. You are exaggerating to an absurd degree. He twists and twisted words to have a personal go at someone, it's one of his standard MOs. I don't know if you ever bother to have a go at him about it or not, and I don't generally know why this forum becomes so over personalised.

I do not have an analysis of the Boston events which fits in with a conspiracy narrative, so I'm not going to bother trying. I know this may jar with what some people would rather think of me. So be it. I probably know less about the Boston details than most people posting here.

I am not one of those people who, following a terror attack, killing spree etc. rushes straight to YT and various conspiracy sites to find out what the many suppositions are. But neither do I over digest the mainstream stuff. It's a time thing as much as anything else and I don't like the style in either case - the lurid fascination of 24/7 MSM or the rather exploitative and desperate nature of the conspiracists.
Butchers attack was personal against me. Thus the defence was personal from me. It has nothing to do with Christ, blasphemy isn't a thing of mine. You are exaggerating to an absurd degree. He twists and twisted words to have a personal go at someone, it's one of his standard MOs. I don't know if you ever bother to have a go at him about it or not, and I don't generally know why this forum becomes so over personalised.

I do not have an analysis of the Boston events which fits in with a conspiracy narrative, so I'm not going to bother trying. I know this may jar with what some people would rather think of me. So be it. I probably know less about the Boston details than most people posting here.

I am not one of those people who, following a terror attack, killing spree etc. rushes straight to YT and various conspiracy sites to find out what the many suppositions are. But neither do I over digest the mainstream stuff. It's a time thing as much as anything else and I don't like the style in either case - the lurid fascination of 24/7 MSM or the rather exploitative and desperate nature of the conspiracists.
fucking give it up you dull fucktard
fucking give it up you dull fucktard

Blimey, an overtly offensive personal attack with no attempt to discuss what was said. On Urban of all places. Would you rather I said that I thought the Boston events were false flag even though I don't? Then you could have called me a fucktard too.
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