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UK courtroom to hear evidence against the official narrative of 9/11

it's just popped up on my facebook feed


If you waste your time watching the video that links to, the twat tony Brooke claims he "didn't get convicted".

Seriously, if these people can't get a basic grasp of the fairly uncomplicated legal proceedings that have just happened to them, and will have been explained in a script read to every convicted criminal, pitched at the least intelligent of a bunch who often aren't that bright, to leave no room for misunderstanding, then how can they expect us to believe they understand Isaac Newton (a name they invoke in the video as evidence of truther rightness...)?
hah - mine too. It there a brief debunking of this pile of nonsense I can post in reply?
This post is a good start:
Five observations:

1. The loons can't even spell their own man's name right.
2. It wasn't in any sense a victory: he was hauled up for not paying his TV licence and convicted. The fact the court decided to give him a conditional discharge just means that the District Judge let him off lightly for reasons best known to himself.
3. The above being so, it doesn't imply the BBC has any case to answer.
4. Not calling Neils Harrit was not a 'legal technicality.' The charge was not paying the TV licence: everything else is irrelevant. If everyone in court on a minor charge was allowed to pontificate about whatever they felt like, the system would grind to a halt.
5. Why 'would' the District Judge have read Harrit and the others' statements, except perhaps out of curiosity?

And that's just from one paragraph...
I'd say it's a perfect representation of how the 'truth movement' deals with reality.
And for an update to that, just look how that loathsome piece of shit Alex Jones has just responded to the Boston bombing. He spreads fear more effectively than terrorists.
And for an update to that, just look how that loathsome piece of shit Alex Jones has just responded to the Boston bombing. He spreads fear more effectively than terrorists.
Well this one has false flag written all over it.

Amazing that it's already known there was a 'drill' involving bomb sniffing dogs at the finish line. We can add this highly coincidental drill to the 7/7 bombings drill which almost perfectly mirrored the attack, and the 9/11 drills - 25 of them - which involved air hijackings and a plane crash into a high-rise government building

If you are anywhere near a terror-related drill, run as fast as you can
Well this one has false flag written all over it.

Amazing that it's already known there was a 'drill' involving bomb sniffing dogs at the finish line. We can add this highly coincidental drill to the 7/7 bombings drill which almost perfectly mirrored the attack, and the 9/11 drills - 25 of them - which involved air hijackings and a plane crash into a high-rise government building

If you are anywhere near a terror-related drill, run as fast as you can
Oh dear, oh dear. If was as you say a false flag op why is the death toll so low? If you believe they could do 3000 in '01 then why can't they do 30 in '13?
Less than 24hrs after people have been killed and maimed, this arse is attempting to fit it into his fucked-up agenda.

Fuck off.
It just goes to show how far he is prepared to go in drawing unfounded conclusions from evidence it is simply too early to have.
Yes I noticed that article. It is indeed ridiculous to claim he 'won a court victory' when the bottom line is that he was found guilty. It's no good at all for a truth movement.

Fucking hell Jazzz - you type that and then give the false flag shit the day after the Boston bomb before there's any actual information. It's like your brain is infected with something that makes you sneeze every time you see a bright light.
Well this one has false flag written all over it.
Based on what, Jazzz? Your own paranoid fantasies that are never, ever backed up by anything resembling facts or actual evidence.

People like you spread more fear than terrorists. You're doing their job for them.
Based on what, Jazzz? Your own paranoid fantasies that are never, ever backed up by anything resembling facts or actual evidence.

People like you spread more fear than terrorists. You're doing their job for them.

I think you overrate their importance tbh. How many people read Jazzz's posts and feel afraid compared to those who point and laugh or just ignore him?
I think you overrate their importance tbh. How many people read Jazzz's posts and feel afraid compared to those who point and laugh or just ignore him?
I specifically said 'people like you' because the web is already crawling with these 'false flag' claims. Here they get challenged and torn apart. In certain parts of the web, they spread like wildfire are are - seemingly - taken as fact.
That bloke who stands on the side of the waltzer and spins the cars round as they go by, that's what people like jazz do, except they're all in the cars and all spinning each other round faster and faster.
I specifically said 'people like you' because the web is already crawling with these 'false flag' claims. Here they get challenged and torn apart. In certain parts of the web, they spread like wildfire are are - seemingly - taken as fact.

Mostly by their own bunch of inward looking loons though as far as I can tell. Who seem to feel more of a smug feeling of self satisfaction than fear.
Fuckit, I didn't even know there'd been a bomb in Boston until now (I tend to update myself on here ahead of checking the BBC etc :oops: ).

Good job I never rely on Jazzz for updates ...
UM Coach: Bomb Sniffing Dogs, Spotters on Roofs Before Explosions

University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach, who was near the finish line of the Boston Marathon when a series of explosions went off, said he thought it was odd there were bomb sniffing dogs at the start and finish lines.

"They kept making announcements to the participants do not worry, it's just a training exercise," Coach Ali Stevenson told Local 15.

Stevenson said he saw law enforcement spotters on the roofs at the start of the race. He's been in plenty of marathons in Chicago, D.C., Chicago, London and other major metropolitan areas but has never seen that level of security before.

"Evidently, I don't believe they were just having a training exercise," Stevenson said. "I think they must have had some sort of threat or suspicion called in." CNN reports a state government official said there were no credible threats before the race.

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