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UK courtroom to hear evidence against the official narrative of 9/11

Are you Gold Standard on there, jazzz?

Makes you wonder. They were running drills in the London bombing at the same place those bombs exploded, they we running drills for NATO at the WTC on 9/11, they were running drills the same day at Columbine, they were running FEMA drills near Newtown the day of those shootings. Now running drills at the Boston Marathon.?

We had a fire drill at work today. Obviously the government are planning to burn down our college tomorrow.
If there was a fire at your work, the chance of the fire coinciding with a drill would be...?
If you're basing your entire false flag claim on this, surely you've already thoroughly researched these facts and know exactly how many drills take place per building per year, and the amount of people involved?

No? Then your theory is worthless.
Marathon winning standard of conclusion-jumping here.

"There were bomb sniffer dogs!!! That must mean they KNEW ABOUT THE BOMBS!!!"

A question for you Jazzz. If you, as a police force, have (1) highly trained sniffer dogs and (2) an extremely high profile sporting event with thousands of spectators in an un-ticketed public arena, do you:

(a) leave the dogs at home for a day off?
(b) take the dogs out for a sniff around?

If there was a fire at your work, the chance of the fire coinciding with a drill would be...?

No, you're right. Yeah, it's a coincidence that there were sniffer dogs on marathon day :facepalm:
Marathon winning standard of conclusion-jumping here.

"There were bomb sniffer dogs!!! That must mean they KNEW ABOUT THE BOMBS!!!"

A question for you Jazzz. If you, as a police force, have (1) highly trained sniffer dogs and (2) an extremely high profile sporting event with thousands of spectators in an un-ticketed public arena, do you:

(a) leave the dogs at home for a day off?
(b) take the dogs out for a sniff around?

No, you're right. Yeah, it's a coincidence that there were sniffer dogs on marathon day :facepalm:

Say the police had decided not to bring the dogs, and the bombs had gone off. I wonder if Jazzz's mates would be going 'the lack of dogs clearly suggests they had no idea there might be an explosion.'
If pretty much every single world event that ever happens is a conspiracy, doesn't it turn the whole affair inside out?

If you go to the shops, buy a loaf of bread and come back home unscathed, isn't that itself mysterious? You have to ask the question: 'Why did They let that happen to me? What's wrong with this Warburtons Farmhouse 800g? What subplot have I missed?'

I imagine that the only answer is to kill yourself. Pow, outfoxed! Noone expects that!

Certainly not me.
Well, we have about six drills a year, so a one in sixty chance. Far from impossible.

enough to win the Grand National in fact.

I saw some horrific picture earlier of the guy with his legs blown off with a supposed analysis by a 'SFX expert' dismissing his injuries as fake.

who the fuck are these cunts. and why does Jazzz like them so much :(
enough to win the Grand National in fact.

I saw some horrific picture earlier of the guy with his legs blown off with a supposed analysis by a 'SFX expert' dismissing his injuries as fake.
No, really? That disgusts me. Who is this filthy 'SFX expert' scumbag (broken link, if you please!)
Right then Jazzz or any other lunatic, i'm confused. Which is it?

(a) the government [knew about]/[planted]* the bombs because of the sniffer dogs to create a climate of fear and justify the introduction of further attacks on civil liberties for the average Freeman On The Land;


(b) there weren't any bombs, the photos of limbless "victims" are fake. It's all a big con to create a climate of fear and justify the introduction of further attacks on civil liberties for the average Freeman On The Land.

*delete as applicable

I doth detect dissent among the deranged fringe.
I saw some horrific picture earlier of the guy with his legs blown off with a supposed analysis by a 'SFX expert' dismissing his injuries as fake.

who the fuck are these cunts. and why does Jazzz like them so much :(
Someone at work mentioned that today. They also said someone has dug up some photo that purports to be the same bloke in a military uniform, as if this proves anything, even if true. I'm not googling, before you ask. This stuff fucking sickens me.
No, really? That disgusts me. Who is this filthy 'SFX expert' scumbag (broken link, if you please!)

too cowardly to put an actual name to it it seems on second viewing. according to the site i saw this on, the original picture has been altered to fix the narrative being given.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/ hphotos-ak-snc7/420814_10151451264510674_724706957_n.jpg

who are these cunts? who does this shit on purpose.

*editor - link put behind a spoiler
Right then Jazzz or any other lunatic, i'm confused. Which is it?

(a) the government [knew about]/[planted]* the bombs because of the sniffer dogs to create a climate of fear and justify the introduction of further attacks on civil liberties for the average Freeman On The Land;


(b) there weren't any bombs, the photos of limbless "victims" are fake. It's all a big con to create a climate of fear and justify the introduction of further attacks on civil liberties for the average Freeman On The Land.

*delete as applicable

I doth detect dissent among the deranged fringe.
How terribly linear and logisheeple of you. Through the properly medicinal application of ones penis to the light socket and regular infusions of yak urine, it is possible for he liberated mind to overcome Jew inspired unipolarity and believe two or more wildly different piles of bollocks at the same time
Well this one has false flag written all over it.

Amazing that it's already known there was a 'drill' involving bomb sniffing dogs at the finish line. We can add this highly coincidental drill to the 7/7 bombings drill which almost perfectly mirrored the attack, and the 9/11 drills - 25 of them - which involved air hijackings and a plane crash into a high-rise government building

If you are anywhere near a terror-related drill, run as fast as you can


You know damn well that

A) The Drill was a paper exercise for a london firm that had 6 people sitting around a table that had no command or relationship with London Emergency services. and to back that up no commuter on the day every reported seeing or hearing anything about a drill at any point.

B) Of course anyone wanting to do a drill about a terror attack on the under ground will use Kings Cross as a example, because the 80s fire gives people real information as to how a emergency at that station would enfold.


This is purile bullshit Jazzz, as a London commuter you should know all this is bullshit.
Jazzz, can you envisage a terrorist event that you wouldn't regard as NWO/false flag/bloodlines related? What would it be about that event that would stop you seeing it in those terms? And if you are willing to answer those questions, can you see where I'm going?
If there was a fire at your work, the chance of the fire coinciding with a drill would be...?
Just about the same chance as a fire happening at any time.

The chances of intelligent life evolving on a specific planet are extremely rare (right elements, temp, gravity etc). What do you read off from the fact that this planet has intelligent life? Does it prove intelligent design arguments or simply that very rare events have to still happen somewhere?
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