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UK courtroom to hear evidence against the official narrative of 9/11


This is honestly Jazzz's opinion

Jazzz said:
No, you do not understand the point. Suppose I tell you that pigs fly. "nonsense" you say. But then I go, "aha! What if you were to see a flying pig tomorrow, what would you say then?"

My position is that 9/11 was an inside job and any proper investigation will reach the same conclusion. So you can't ask me to consider a hypothetical position that I am saying is impossible.

A few years ago I asked Jazzz what evidence could be presented that would convince him "9/11 was NOT a inside job". And the answer was simple, there isn't away.

It is not Jazzz opinion that 911 is a job, it is a article of faith with him, he is convinced 9/11 was a inside job, he is convinced he beat the architect in that thread, he is convinced Cynthia Mc Kinney is a the spokesperson of the 9/11 truth movement but she can't come out and say "9/11 is a inside job", and there is nothing you can say or do that will dissuade him. You're not arguing with a rational person here. Jazzz is as sane and rational as any creationist.

There are many deeply unpleasant and heinous things he's said and done on this forum, be it claiming Ian Huntley is innocent, and his victims were murdered by American soldiers, to his defence and friendship with holocaust deniers and 7/7 conspiracy theorists who have harassed members of this forum.
There are many deeply unpleasant and heinous things he's said and done on this forum, be it claiming Ian Huntley is innocent, and his victims were murdered by American soldiers, to his defence and friendship with holocaust deniers and 7/7 conspiracy theorists who have harassed members of this forum.


Find me one other person who could get away with doing that.

Let's tell some yank veterans that he's going round saying that about them, that'd be pretty funny :D

EDIT btw I didn't link the "architect" thread http://www.urban75.net/forums/threads/9-11-media-happenings.116208/ here ya go, anyone who wants to see a thoroughly controlled demolition of Jazzzism here's the best one
Has there ever been any troofer or conspiracist anywhere, ever, who is demonstrably and functionally rational and logical? Or even sane?

Threads like this make me strongly doubt it ... though tbf I've always doubted it.

of course it's possible. and threads like this don't prove it, they seem to be doing better than the left in getting their narrative into popular culture etc tbh.
The black people/conspiracism thing is interesting sihhi and it matches stuff that i have heard/seen myself with the muslim community in britain and lots of people in the community believing those theories. At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist myself, I can't help but be reminded of the harsh but disproportionate treatment given to Black Panthers in US prisons and the fact that people have been put in solitary for years for trying to organise a branch of the party, as well as the fact that the CIA was implicated into drug smuggling in black communities. Could it be that sections of the US ruling class would probably have an interest in trying to promote this type of thinking/politics as opposed to working class politics? Again I hope this doesn't sound too paranoid, it's late at night I had a busy day today and I'm quite tired.

By the way, on the BDS thing, I would absolutely agree with you that BDS is not in itself anti-semitic, I don't agree with the campaign however I think in its current form (a single issue and not linked to the wider issues of militarisation, the defence industry and imperialism, not just Israeli) it can be argued in a very counterproductive. I have heard about anti-semitic incidents increasing whenever some universities in the US have things like "Israeli Apartheid Week" and so on. Like any liberal single issue campaign it attracts people with their own hobby horses and many of these people behind these campaigns are not opposed to US or more often Russian or Chinese imperialism. The big issue is how to develop a campaign about this stuff and link it to imperialism and militarism in general and w/c issues back at home without developing a sort of economic nationalist/anti-"welfare" approach (soke of the emails i get from the US campaign to end the occupation are fuckin horrendous like that) , I think we discussed this a few weeks back it could have even been on the same thread.

But no it's not anti-semitic. I don't agree with it but there are lots of good people involved in those campaigns despite the fact that I don't agree with their politics.
of course it's possible. and threads like this don't prove it, they seem to be doing better than the left in getting their narrative into popular culture etc tbh.

Well some CTers might be scarily effective at promoting their stuff sure. But that doesn't in any way mean that they know how to make their theories consistent with rational rules of fact and evidence though does it?

Call me biased (guilty!), but to me, the way CTers are able to get their theories out there and get taken more seriously than you might expect, says as much about their audience as about the CTers themselves.
TBF though, the best thread (IMO) covering the disjunct between CT thought mode mode and, erm, common sense :D , was that mega 'Conspiraloons in the Ascendancy?' thread from three/four years back ... the whole subject of fact/evidence vs selectively believing what you want to believe(and ignoring everything else that's inconvenient) was done to death on there ... Delroy if you have a few days free time :p you might want to look at it.

I'm sure you're able to see froggy why so much conspiracy theory comes over as rank insanity to those not in the select inner circle of knowledge ;)
TBF though, the best thread (IMO) covering the disjunct between CT thought mode mode and, erm, common sense :D , was that mega 'Conspiraloons in the Ascendancy?' thread from two or three years back ... the whole fact/evidence vs selectively believing what you want to believe thing (and ignoring everything else that was inconvenient) was done to death on there ... Delroy if you have a few days free time :p you might want to look at it.

I'm sure you're able to see froggy why so much conspiracy theory comes over as rank insanity to those not in the select inner circle of knowledge ;)

of course I do, that's why I've posted many times on the stupidity of it, exposed why their anti-semitic hate preaching is bullshit, etc. By saying this I'm not endorsing their views, given my background i'm hardly likely to agree with what they say!!. What I'm saying is that this stuff isn't as marginal and confined to a few loons as many on urban seem to think, or why would people I knew from uni etc believe this stuff? why would i regularly hear it from random strangers on trains and buses? Why can you buy their shit books from waterstones etc? There's obviously a huge demand for it.
Could it be that sections of the US ruling class would probably have an interest in trying to promote this type of thinking/politics as opposed to working class politics? Again I hope this doesn't sound too paranoid, it's late at night I had a busy day today and I'm quite tired.
My guess is that, even if it's not promoted, conspiracy nonsense in the US gets an easier ride from the authorities, doesn't get repressed like leftism or black power groups, since it's not seen as a political threat.
of course I do, that's why I've posted many times on the stupidity of it, exposed why their anti-semitic hate preaching is bullshit, etc. By saying this I'm not endorsing their views, given my background i'm hardly likely to agree with what they say!!. What I'm saying is that this stuff isn't as marginal and confined to a few loons as many on urban seem to think, or why would people I knew from uni etc believe this stuff? why would i regularly hear it from random strangers on trains and buses? Why can you buy their shit books from waterstones etc? There's obviously a huge demand for it.

My impression (evidence free, of course) is that there's quite a lot of very 'soft' interest in conspiracy theories. People who will read a one-paragraph Facebook status and take it at face value, or think 'there must be something in it,' but that's about as far as it goes for them. My brother is a bit like that tbh, and it doesn't take much to convinve him he's wrong (until the next one comes along) if you actually force him to think about it.
As a slight aside - and because there is no way I am starting a thread on this - one of the people I work with was telling me how big freemasonry is in Korea. I was all WTF, but apparently there's tons of CT nuts over there and they believe the freemasons are behind everything (including all the major Korean corporations of course) and to top it all the freemasons are SATANISTS!!!!!

As a slight aside - and because there is no way I am starting a thread on this - one of the people I work with was telling me how big freemasonry is in Korea. I was all WTF, but apparently there's tons of CT nuts over there and they believe the freemasons are behind everything (including all the major Korean corporations of course) and to top it all the freemasons are SATANISTS!!!!!


pft, everyone knows that this freemasonary stuff is just mis-direction being pulled by the real secret society that rules the world.
As a slight aside - and because there is no way I am starting a thread on this - one of the people I work with was telling me how big freemasonry is in Korea. I was all WTF, but apparently there's tons of CT nuts over there and they believe the freemasons are behind everything (including all the major Korean corporations of course) and to top it all the freemasons are SATANISTS!!!!!

I'm a Freemason, and it's all true. You have no bloody IDEA how long we spend - and how much money we spend - buying up nanothermite, goats, lime jelly, owls, and pyramids. We can barely afford our ten course dinners. It's only the Illuminati and alien gold reserves that keep us afloat.
I'm a Freemason, and it's all true. You have no bloody IDEA how long we spend - and how much money we spend - buying up nanothermite, goats, lime jelly, owls, and pyramids. We can barely afford our ten course dinners. It's only the Illuminati and alien gold reserves that keep us afloat.
You forgot to mention the FEMA camps...
I think CTers are having an existential crisis brought on by modern life. I wonder if their brains are trying to skip to the next level of consciousness but are restrained by the cultural references of humanity and when they see Jews and lizards they are actually visualising human consciousness far into the future, something to think about.
I think CTers are having an existential crisis brought on by modern life. I wonder if their brains are trying to skip to the next level of consciousness but are restrained by the cultural references of humanity and when they see Jews and lizards they are actually visualising human consciousness far into the future, something to think about.

No they're people with over active and unoriginal imaginations, delusions of grandeur, and a inability to look at the world rationally.
I never did get round to asking where they keep the nanothermite at shul. It might come in handy for other things apart from blowing up the world trade centre, like cooking and DIY.
I never did get round to asking where they keep the nanothermite at shul. It might come in handy for other things apart from blowing up the world trade centre, like cooking and DIY.
Worth asking, because you never know when you might need it and you don't want to find out it's 'in a safe place'...
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