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UK courtroom to hear evidence against the official narrative of 9/11

Jazzz (assuming it's the same one 'Dr Jazzz') being mates with Cynthia McKinney and Annie Machon:


The Saturday was the main day of events, starting with a light lunch for international activists at Les Halles des Oliviers at La Bellevilloise, with impromptu music from Dr Jazzz. In the afternoon we convened for a planning session, followed in the evening by a public meeting. Debora ably hosted the event with Cynthia McKinney, Giulietto Chiesa and Niels Harrit and myself as the speakers, discussing different aspects of government cover-ups and lack of accountability, all drawn from our own experiences.


Here is Jazzz's organisation Reinvestigate 9-11 shamelessly using Palestinian suffering for their vile purposes in a Dalston venue.
Watch for the poem performance at 1'50 onwards.

This is part of their "soup" - people who are wholly very sinister The People's United Community TPUC, Zeitgeist Movement,Paradigm Shift TV] or people who just don't check out who they're dealing with:


The Mahogany Blog, Happenstance Radio, Conscious FM, Positive TV, BBC5.tv, Run Riot, Paradigm Shift TV, Media Roots, Jungle Drums Magazine, Guestlist Network Magazine, We Are Change UK, Make Wars History, Reinvestigate 9/11 Campaign, The Zeitgeist Movement UK [Jacques Fresco technological anti-(Jewish) currency types], 9/11 Truth Bristol, 9/11 London Truth Action, One Taste, Reggae Roast, Humanitad, Amaru Global Hemp Solutions, Naturewise, Kew Ecovillage, The Forum (Secret Garden Party), Satsang Collective, Antic Establishment, Movimientos Latin American Network [Music Event organisers], The Hackney Globetrotter, 12 Tone Collective, Tree House Cafe, United Diversity, Little Blue Ball Records, Stranger Than Paradise, Small World, Urgent Union, The People's United Community [Freeman-On-the-Land organisation]
No don't make it a crime. I'm uneasy about "state bans" on things as it could so easily be used against other stuff,i would hope anti-fascists disrupt their meetings to such an extent that they can't hold the meetings any more (although i don't know if enough people are around to do this any more :() and there should certainly be absolutely no tolerance on the "left" for anyone who knowingly appears on a platform with known anti-semites and holocaust deniers. If you ask me a lot of this stuff shoudl be viwed in the same light as fascism, I was shocked to see organised 9/11 conspiracy nutters on the october 20th demo when if you ask my opinion they should have been excluded in the same manner you would exclude fash, because in my opinion that is usually what they are.

that's not to say that everyone who believes this stuff has racist views but this stuff is all the more dangerous for that imo
I find it all so insidious the way that fascist agendas become intertwined with anti-semitism, racism, sexism, homophobia etc.

Isn't holocaust denial outlawed somewhere in Europe? France? I'll go check...
I find it all so insidious the way that fascist agendas become intertwined with anti-semitism, racism, sexism, homophobia etc.

Isn't holocaust denial outlawed somewhere in Europe? France? I'll go check...

It is aye, it's banned in France and Germany. I'm not sure that's the answer though, the problem is when you ban holocaust denial that it becomes easier for them to say "well there must be something in it then" and it becomes easier for them to blame on a Jewish conspiracy. It does make me sick that people would deny something that lots of people I know were affected by, but banning it would probably make the problem of anti-semitism worse because they could point to it and go "look you can't even say this without breaking the law".
It's illegal in many European countries and Israel, many of which have sites where genocide occurred - 17 countries in total.

As for a Europe-wide law:
Full implementation was blocked by the United Kingdom and the Nordic countries because of the need to balance the restrictions on voicing racist opinions against the freedom of expression.[50] As a result a compromise has been reached within the EU and while the EU has not prohibited Holocaust denial outright, a maximum term of three years in jail is optionally available to all member nations for "denying or grossly trivialising crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes."[51][52]
The EU extradition policy regarding Holocaust denial was tested in the UK during the 2008 failed extradition case brought against the suspected Holocaust denier Frederick Toben[53] by the German government. As there is no specific crime of Holocaust denial in the UK, the German government had applied for Toben's extradition for racial and xenophobic crimes. Toben's extradition was refused by the Westminster Magistrates' Court, and the German government withdrew its appeal to the High Court.

From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laws_against_Holocaust_denial
It is aye, it's banned in France and Germany. I'm not sure that's the answer though, the problem is when you ban holocaust denial that it becomes easier for them to say "well there must be something in it then" and it becomes easier for them to blame on a Jewish conspiracy. It does make me sick that people would deny something that lots of people I know were affected by, but banning it would probably make the problem of anti-semitism worse because they could point to it and go "look you can't even say this without breaking the law".
It is difficult to balance it against freedom of speech. It's why the UK and Nordic countries blocked implementation of a Europe-wide law. Incidently, the Czech Republic's law goes further and denial of any atroticity perpetrated by the communists is outlawed.
The Mahogany Blog, Happenstance Radio, Conscious FM, Positive TV, BBC5.tv, Run Riot, Paradigm Shift TV, Media Roots, Jungle Drums Magazine, Guestlist Network Magazine, We Are Change UK, Make Wars History, Reinvestigate 9/11 Campaign, The Zeitgeist Movement UK [Jacques Fresco technological anti-(Jewish) currency types], 9/11 Truth Bristol, 9/11 London Truth Action, One Taste, Reggae Roast, Humanitad, Amaru Global Hemp Solutions, Naturewise, Kew Ecovillage, The Forum (Secret Garden Party), Satsang Collective, Antic Establishment, Movimientos Latin American Network [Music Event organisers], The Hackney Globetrotter, 12 Tone Collective, Tree House Cafe, United Diversity, Little Blue Ball Records, Stranger Than Paradise, Small World, Urgent Union, The People's United Community [Freeman-On-the-Land organisation]
The venues below are listed as "supporting venues" but I wonder how many have just taken a booking for events and aren't actually 'supporting' the loons' nutty beliefs in any way at all.

Notting Hill Arts Club, Vibe Bar, Hootenany, 93 Feet East, Inspiral Lounge, Brixton Jamm, Arcola Theatre, Rio Cinema, Zigfried's, Three Blind Mice, Off Broadway, Cordy House, Child of the Jago, Junction Bar, The Old Boy's Club, Pogo Cafe, Junction Rooms, Trolley Gallery, Visions Video Bar, 512 Bar, The George Tavern, The Pattern Market, Cordy House, Coffee Plant, Tina We Salute You, The Bird's Nest, Juno Bar.
And what does this mean?
Beardyman, Rodney P, David J, Congo Natty, Portico Quartet, MC Xander, Excentral Tempest
I disagree with a ban. No way do we give these fuckers any more martyr status.

That's the thing, it would just make martyrs out of them and personally I don't want to give anyone a reason to even suspect that this bullshit might be true, it wouldn't stop them believing it and promoting it behind closed doors either, by bringing the issue into the public eye more it might even result in an increase in openly held anti-semitic views and right now this shit is usually pretty marginal. If it was banned it would just become part of their thing, more than it is already "look you cant even say this without going to jail, you can say other stuff and get away with it" and they would find ways to say it without saying it.

Also in France where holocaust denial is banned, I think they've got much bigger problems with anti-semitism (and racism in general) than we do in the UK, there have been murders, people been violently attacked quite regularly etc. It's not a result of the ban obviously but I don't think it has helped.

Besides think about how insufferable they would get, "help help i'm being repressed!" etc. Not having it
There's a point where it gets too tiresome to correct rubbish. I have as much interest in arguing about race as I have in seeing it. Cynthia McKinney being antisemitic! ffs. :rolleyes:

If people want more on Cynthia McKinney here is some including the Mahatir's advisor connection. Mahatir who said all this:

"It cannot be that there is no other way. 1.3 billion Muslims cannot be defeated by a few million Jews. There must be a way. And we can only find a way if we stop to think, to assess our weaknesses and our strength, to plan, to strategise and then to counter attack. [...]
We are actually very strong. 1.3 billion people cannot be simply wiped out. The Europeans killed 6 million Jews out of 12 million. But today the Jews rule this world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them. [...] The enemy will probably welcome these proposals and we will conclude that the promoters are working for the enemy. But think. We are up against a people who think. They survived 2000 years of pogroms not by hitting back, but by thinking. They invented and successfully promoted Socialism, Communism, human rights and democracy so that persecuting them would appear to be wrong, so they may enjoy equal rights with others. With these they have now gained control of the most powerful countries and they, this tiny community, have become a world power."

This (orated by notorious identity-swaping antisemite Israel Shamir) is what McKinney posts supportingly on her facebook page:

The Jewish state (It is not a Jewish state. It is a Zionist state. S1000+) focuses Jewish power all over the world into action. Without a Jewish state, this power would disperse; it would remain local, it would remain chaotic, probably it would be subdued by the forces of assimilation. Israel focuses these chaotic forces and concentrates them into action. This action is against Islam. Not only against Islam, but Dar ul Islam (the Islamic world) is a prime target. In the US , the Jewish Neocons led their country into a crusade against Iraq and Afghanistan ; now they are spearheading the push against Iran. They have formed a powerful front against President Obama and have turned him into a laughing stock after he uttered a few words of wisdom about Palestine .

In Europe , if you inspect the coffers of anti-Muslim neo-Nazi groups, you'll find that they thrive on Jewish support. In Russia, Jewish nationalists and Zionists try to rally the Russians against their Muslim brethren. Sometimes they do it under cover of the Russian Church , or of Russian nationalism. I wrote about this recently, as I had discovered that the most fervently anti-Muslim forces in Russia are organised by crypto-Zionists. Even if a Palestinian state were to be established and recognised, it wouldn’t stop Israeli attempts to undermine its neighbours, to bomb Iran , to sow the seeds of discord from Russia to France, from Turkey to India. Israel's too powerful intelligence services would keep meddling. Neither would it neutralise the armed forces of Israel

Here is McKinney with her antisemitic friend Shamir:


We should also remember that Shamir is also fairly sexist:

There is an understanding between the holders of power that feminised men are easier to control. Unmanning men is a linchpin in the reprogramming of mankind into an obedient herd, because strong men are unpredictable. Strong men are prone to rebellion, ready for sacrifice and primed for action. It is no coincidence that the enemies of Empire are all masculine males, be they Qaddafi, Castro, Chavez, Lukashenko, Putin – or Julian Assange. It appears the men have been targeted for elimination; the working ants need no sex.
The feminist agenda became the easiest way to lock the man up, as we learned from the DSK case. Dominique Strauss Kahn lost his coveted job at the helm of the IMF, and this powerful position passed to a woman who is not likely to jeopardise the US dollar supremacy.

Did DSK’s advances constitute “harassment”? Perhaps, but so what? I am continuously harassed by banks that send me offers of credit – are these less damaging to my psyche than an offer to frolic in the hay? Is a business proposition less annoying than an amorous one? These women simply refused his advances, just as I refuse the banks – and yet I do not resort to the courts, whereas they have sought both compensation and revenge. Might we not just as well sue the Zuleika Dobsons of this world for the sexual power they hold over their unwilling thralls? Must we castrate our men, cover our women, or erect separation walls like the ones on Indian trains? The attacks on Assange, DSK and Qaddafi are all part and parcel of the campaign to unman humanity. The Empire hates Lukashenko and Putin not only because they do not let them seize the country’s assets, but also for their outspoken masculinity.

When you start defending Lukashenko for outspoken masculinity you are basically agreeing with Lukashenko's line that says "what they [European Union and United States] are doing here, how they are trying to they are feeding our citizens with illicit drugs, how they are spreading, disseminating gayness here, which methods they are employing" This is the racism, sexism and homophobia that McKinney is friends with.
The venues below are listed as "supporting venues" but I wonder how many have just taken a booking for events and aren't actually 'supporting' the loons' nutty beliefs in any way at all.

And what does this mean?

That's why I didn't include them. The media bodies and the organisations - a large wide set from pro-cannabis/ hemp/ new age/ alternative medicine/ deep green politics / wicca is where these people bait around looking for action.
He's not really a jew either, he just claims to be because it gives his lies more credibility. He's actually a Russian nationalist. He's a proper scumbag. What the fuck is she doing with this scumbag?

sorry. :(
If all the posters on this thread can do a thousandth of the work against racism that Cynthia McKinney has achieved, that will be notable.
If all the posters on this thread can do a thousandth of the work against racism that Cynthia McKinney has achieved, that will be notable.

You're unbelievable. You and your cesspit of anti-semitic fuckups can rot in hell.

Go harass some of the victim of Sandy Hook or something, don't waste your time on here expecting people to take your bullshit seriously, that's more your level.
Fuck her.

Jazz says "Cynthia McKinney being antisemitic" is "tiresome to correct"

Cynthia McKinney posts on her open facebook page "In Europe , if you inspect the coffers of anti-Muslim neo-Nazi groups, you'll find that they thrive on Jewish support."

Presumably, if all Jews were deported back to a tightly controlled Khazar space, presumably, anti-Muslim neo-Nazi groups rapidly diminish without funding.

Yes, but that's batcake crazy, you say? No, not according to McKinney's other "friend" Lady Michele Renouf who has outlined her plan to the Muslim heroes in Iran:

"to this day a Jewish Autonomous Region called Birobidjan exists peacefully and available on Russia’s south-east border with China, having never displaced an indigenous people for its creation. Today some Jews try to claim that it was an act of anti-semitism when Stalin gave this region of 30,000 sq. km (the size of Switzerland) to Jews. The truth is that Stalin was providing every ethnic group comprising the Soviet Union with its own autonomous region, and nothing “anti-semitic” has ever endangered Birobidjan. Furthermore in 1945 when European Jews were crying “We have no homeland, we need and deserve Palestine” – again they lied, for in 1945 there was no political impediment to prevent European Jewry heading for the welcome arms of their vast and long-established Jewish Autonomous Region in Birobidjan. ... My hope is that our President Ahmadinejad, who speaks the whole truth bravely, will promote awareness of the first Jewish homeland and that there is no need for European Jews to go back to Germany, Poland or Austria when they have their own state whose first language is Yiddish. Please view my first homeland option website at www.birobidjan.co.uk for, in the spirit of Imam Khomeini, there you will find a campaign for moral and morale rearmament. The Palestinians whose Nakba constitutes the greatest tragedy of the 20th century – those brave voters who democratically elected the long heroic Hamas - deserve the return of every inch of their tormented land, and not any part in the specious “one-state two-state” farce. The immediate vacation of European Jews from all of Palestine and compensation to the indigenous Arab people is more than overdue to those who, for more than a century, continue to fight for Reason at the front line of historical truth and international justice for all of us."

Except Renouf is a neo-Nazi active in Britain who wants stricter barriers to entry, deportation of immigrants and a revitalised national neofascist Britain and other white nations.

A sinister anti-classist, separatist trail from all Cynthia McKinney's new friends. Does this mean anything? Hell, no! McKinney treats people equally, Jazzz says it damages anti-racism massively if suspicion is cast on the repeated racist behaviour of non-racists (like McKinney and Kollestrom, forget about him you're not meant to care about him now). Notice has been taken, Jazzz will no longer discuss McKinney.
That restaurant in France where they all went - the cheapest starter is 7 euros most items on the menu are about 16 or 17 with the most expensive being 38! how many people at my local synagogue could afford that shit? i hope they fucking choke on their 38 euro steak for 2.
A lot of money in complaining about "rich jews". Does seeing these people in those opulent surroundings not tell you something Jazzz?
Didn't she claim the us. Government used hurricane katrina to cover the execution of 5000 black men whose bodies were dumped in swamps?
Yes she did
No links these sites are vicious
Give me one McKinney over 10,000 armchair internet activists....

When I returned to Georgia, I wrote a friend in the UK about my hope to interview McKinney. My friend related a story about the “Dignity” ship, carrying food and medical supplies to Palestine, in 2008, rammed by the Israeli Navy in international waters. McKinney was on that ship, and when it was rammed, she turned to my friend’s brother and said, “David, I can’t swim.

Nothing I had ever heard about McKinney revealed her character more succinctly. This is a woman willing to put her life on the line in support of her principles.


CORSERI: Let’s start with a big one. The day that changed everything: 9/11. In 2004, you signed the 9/11 Truth Movement statement, calling for new investigations of “unexplained aspects of the 9/11 events.” More than 7 years have passed since then. What would you say are some of the more egregious “unexplained events”? One big question is: Where was our air force on 9/11? Why didn’t they prevent it?

MCKINNEY: We know where they were. The question is: Why didn’t they follow standard operating procedures?

MCKINNEY: Our “democracy” is neither democratic nor representative! The only stake that I have in this is that I want to see a free and independent Africa. That the type of government Libya has should be determined by the Libyan people. It’s inexcusable to ask another country to bomb your fellow countrymen if you really care about your country!

Libya had the highest living standard in all of Africa. It had free education up through the PhD level. Free health care. Free utilities. Subsidized housing. And free housing if you were poor. Subsidized food. Subsidized transportaion, including car expenses. The necessities of life were paid for by the direct democracy known as the Jamahiriya.

Can you imagine this: I have a cousin who is $120,000 in student debt in the U.S. She has a Master’s degree as a social worker. If she had been born in Libya, she would have no such debt! I went to a university outside of Tripoli and asked the students about their “tuition fees”. The words didn’t translate. I asked them about what they paid to attend the university. It was nine dollars a year!

MCKINNEY: Let me tell you something. The first time my daddy got into trouble was when he said, “racist Jew.” I had a Jewish friend who was trying to smooth things over. I asked her, “Is Jew a bad word? I didn’t know the word “Zionist” at that time.
Here’s the thing: the Anti-Defamation League says they represent all Jews—that’s what they tell us. AIPAC too. So I didn’t know there was a word called “Zionist” until I became involved with the Bertrand Russell tribunal on Palestine. And there was a famous Jewish lawyer who was one of the leaders in that tribunal, and I went up to him and I said, “Daniel, how does your family feel about your being in this tribunal?” And he said, “My family are anti-Zionist Jews.” And I said, “I don’t know what that is!” I was 50-something years old, and I’d never heard such language! Now of course I’ve been exposed, and I’m more sensitive that there’s a difference. Now I have marvelous Jewish friends. And I understand the difference between Judaism and Zionism. Whoever prays to whatever God they wish, that’s fine with me, but a political ideology is quite different. I know I have a lot to learn when it comes to Zionism and Judaism. I’m not very religious, but I am spiritual. And I’m very interested in people’s beliefs. But I’m more interested in the way people behave. So I would always say, Judge me on what I do more than on what I say. And, I acknowledge I can be wrong about what I say. And my father can be wrong about what he said…


Someone that has the balls to take humanitarian supplies to Gaza and be taken prisoner by the Israelis, has the balls to travel to Libya when it was put in the firing line for the US destabilisation

not forgetting the balls to interrogate Donald Rumsfeld over the missing $2 trillion in the Pentagon Accounts

If just a tiny percentge of politicians had the guts of McKinney the world would be a far, far better place.

it's pretty clear when someone is anti-zionist and not racist and that couldn't be clearer with McKinney. Won't stop the zionist lobby crying 'anti-semite'.
If just a tiny percentge of politicians had the guts of McKinney the world would be a far, far better place.

Unless you happen to be Jewish, in which case I dread to think.

Won't stop the zionist lobby crying 'anti-semite'.

What, so all the people on here who've been calling her an anti-semite are part of the (not at all dripping with anti-semitism) "zionist lobby?" Fuck right off.
What, so all the people on here who've been calling her an anti-semite are part of the (not at all dripping with anti-semitism) "zionist lobby?" Fuck right off.
Not sure where your logic comes from. Person A makes statement Z. I say group B makes statement Z. That doesn't mean that I am saying person A is a member of group B. But of course you assume that I would also make guilt by association arguments.
Not sure where your logic comes from. Person A makes statement Z. I say group B makes statement Z. That doesn't mean that I am saying person A is a member of group B. But of course you assume that I would also make guilt by association arguments.

The logic is fairly simple. Your saying that these accusations of anti-semitism headed in McKinney's direction are down to the influence of the mysterious evil puppetmasters the "Zionist Lobby" what i'm saying is no, these accusations are down to her presence within movements that are undisputably anti-semitic, and of course standing arm in arm with fucking Israel Shamir and quoting his anti-semitic diatribes on her facebook account is pretty conclusive. This is what makes me suspicious of her, not because I'm the agent of a Jewish conspiracy.

For someone who's so keen to stress how good they are at uncovering the "truth" about things it's pretty amusing that you can remain to blind to all this, but then again your the idiot who was encouraging people to stick copper wire into plug sockets to "earth" themselves coz your gullible enough to believe some outrageously blatant scam to sell you grounding mats and other crap, so I wouldn't put anything past you. I would like to think your a dupe, and that you don't honestly think of yourself as anti-semitic, but I don't think so I think you know fully what this is all about, I think you're well aware this is anti-semitism re-branded for the Youtube generation, and your denials here and elsewhere are utterly insincere.

Incidentally I haven't even said McKinney herself is anti-semitic, because in all honesty I don't know her politics in depth enough to judge. What I can say with some confidence however is the political project she's engaged in, and the groups she's part of, undisputably are anti-semitic. I say the same thing about you, you might not be personally anti-semtitic, god knows your capable of conjouring up some mental gymnastics to convince yourself your not, taking these euphemisms about "zionists" at face value, but what you're doing is undoubtably part of a wider anti-semitic movement. So it hardly even matters if you personally feel this way or that, what you're doing (and McKinney) is materially aiding anti-semitism.
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