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UK courtroom to hear evidence against the official narrative of 9/11

There's a point where it gets too tiresome to correct rubbish. Cynthia McKinney being antisemitic! ffs. :rolleyes:
Of course, you can show this claim. You will remember your last problems with claiming to be able to read Mckinney's mind won't you? Oh. No, you won't.
There's a point where it gets too tiresome to correct rubbish. I have as much interest in arguing about race as I have in seeing it. Cynthia McKinney being antisemitic! ffs. :rolleyes:

How's about sorting out that last 25 threads you ran away from after getting your arse handed to you?

Bit of a 'corrections' backlog forming there...
There's a point where it gets too tiresome to correct rubbish. I have as much interest in arguing about race as I have in seeing it. Cynthia McKinney being antisemitic! ffs. :rolleyes:

So what do you make of her anti-semitic friends then? Is it like you and your anti-semitic friends?
How's about sorting out that last 25 threads you ran away from after getting your arse handed to you?
How curious that you think matters which you believe were fully sorted out should be further discussed.
How curious that you think matters which you believe were fully sorted out should be further discussed.

Tell you what then - let's not do that.

Let's not do any more 9/11.
Any more vaccine shite.
Any more gold/silver/colloidal horseshite cscams.
Any more Jewish banker shit.
Any more of kind of thinly-veiled anti-Semite shite of any stripe.
Let's do more of any of that shit ever fucking again.

The claim:

"Cynthia McKinney being antisemitic!"

is entirely yours.
No that is entirely incorrect. You know that too, as I am huge McKinney fan. I have no obligation to discuss anything with someone who is trying to be so sneaky. You should aspire to being fair in debate. How can you think you have a righteous position when you need to resort to rubbish like that? I am answering no further of your questions, or addressing your points.

TAKE NOTICE butchersapron that your attempts to paint my position as being this or that are without merit and I have no need to correct you.
No that is entirely incorrect. You know that too, as I am huge McKinney fan. I have no obligation to discuss anything with someone who is trying to be so sneaky. You should aspire to being fair in debate. How can you think you have a righteous position when you need to resort to rubbish like that? I am answering no further of your questions, or addressing your points.

TAKE NOTICE butchersapron that your attempts to paint my position as being this or that are without merit and I have no need to correct you.


That'll tell him!
No that is entirely incorrect. You know that too, as I am huge McKinney fan. I have no obligation to discuss anything with someone who is trying to be so sneaky. You should aspire to being fair in debate. How can you think you have a righteous position when you need to resort to rubbish like that? I am answering no further of your questions, or addressing your points.

TAKE NOTICE butchersapron that your attempts to paint my position as being this or that are without merit and I have no need to correct you.
It's entirely correct. Why can't you find the post saying "Cynthia McKinney being antisemitic!"? Because, and you KNOW THIS, you made it up. I'm being righteous above all the nations here. You, you ain't.
No that is entirely incorrect. You know that too, as I am huge McKinney fan. I have no obligation to discuss anything with someone who is trying to be so sneaky. You should aspire to being fair in debate. How can you think you have a righteous position when you need to resort to rubbish like that? I am answering no further of your questions, or addressing your points.

TAKE NOTICE butchersapron that your attempts to paint my position as being this or that are without merit and I have no need to correct you.

What sort of logic leads to the bolded? What logical step is there from a to b?
No that is entirely incorrect. You know that too, as I am huge McKinney fan. I have no obligation to discuss anything with someone who is trying to be so sneaky. You should aspire to being fair in debate. How can you think you have a righteous position when you need to resort to rubbish like that? I am answering no further of your questions, or addressing your points.

TAKE NOTICE butchersapron that your attempts to paint my position as being this or that are without merit and I have no need to correct you.

You are essentially fraudulent and leave a snail trail of hard-right filth.

In 2012, Cynthia McKinney attended (notorious antisemite Mahathir Mohamad's) Perdana Global Peace Foundation's 9/11 Revisted: Seeking the Truth conference in Malaysia (opened by Mahatir). What was her speech on? The Jewish lobby in all Western (but not Eastern) countries.

Cynthia McKinney and friends from the SPLC article (not a single refutation from you).

Day job of the friend on the left


Day job of the friend to the right for the vile BPP


Do you want more examples of Cynthia McKinney assisting antisemitism whilst promoting truthist conspiracism? She's a key figure for you on a site like this because she was a Congressional Black Caucus member Green Party etc ie leftie image, you want her to be defended to retain some purpose to your posts, but she won't be defended/
I am reminded of his claims that William Rodriguez, wouldn't hang around with racists. Jazzz shut the fuck up when it was shown that Rodriguez not only was good friends with Chris Boyln (another Holocaust Denier) but that Rodriguez spoke at a event with a former member of the Waffen SS.

How curious that you think matters which you believe were fully sorted out should be further discussed.
None of the threads you recently started contain 'matters which were fully sorted'. You ran away from the discussions.
Jazzz do you understand why people get so upset at all this? Being happy to speak with and pal up to anti-semites, publically, while speaking about the same things they're speaking about, and not challenging their views, it makes them complicit in the promotion of anti-semitism (and not just anti-semitism, it's very rare that you get somebody on a political level who just hates jews and that's it, they're usually homophobic, racist, sexist etc as well) and sometimes worse stuff as well, like actual violence, could be violence against random minorities or it could be violence committed by a state.

nobody is saying these people are themselves anti-semitic but being happy to appear in public with and in agreement with hardcore anti-semites and others on the extreme right means their political judgement is extremely dodgy at best.
I am reminded of his claims that William Rodriguez, wouldn't hang around with racists. Jazzz shut the fuck up when it was shown that Rodriguez not only was good friends with Chris Boyln (another Holocaust Denier) but that Rodriguez spoke at a event with a former member of the Waffen SS.


Its funny innit how almost everyone Jazzz respects happens to hang out with Holocaust deniers. Mere coincidence of course.
I get upset about this because these are people I know, they aren't bankers or goblin-like characters sitting in caves and counting their money, these are people i know, done stuff with, worshipped with etc. the idea of the "number of rich jews" being criticised by people who are making a living out of preaching hate and selling gullible idiots their colloidal gold/silver/platinum/earthing/electricity scams is actually fucking sickening, as is jewish conspiracies being blamed by people who themselves held state power and have blood on their hands like that twat mathir mohammed.

you don't seem to get this at all.
Did I mention how most of these websites are usually full of homophobic filth as well? the gay agenda being a plot by the jews or just being unnatural, or being a conspiracy all olf its own.
Holocaust denial should be a crime, in my opinion. How can such a horrific experience of so many be denied?
Did I mention how most of these websites are usually full of homophobic filth as well? the gay agenda being a plot by the jews or just being unnatural, or being a conspiracy all olf its own.
Homophobia really pushes my buttons. Two members of my family are gay.
No don't make it a crime. I'm uneasy about "state bans" on things as it could so easily be used against other stuff,i would hope anti-fascists disrupt their meetings to such an extent that they can't hold the meetings any more (although i don't know if enough people are around to do this any more :() and there should certainly be absolutely no tolerance on the "left" for anyone who knowingly appears on a platform with known anti-semites and holocaust deniers. If you ask me a lot of this stuff shoudl be viwed in the same light as fascism, I was shocked to see organised 9/11 conspiracy nutters on the october 20th demo when if you ask my opinion they should have been excluded in the same manner you would exclude fash, because in my opinion that is usually what they are.

that's not to say that everyone who believes this stuff has racist views but this stuff is all the more dangerous for that imo
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