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UK courtroom to hear evidence against the official narrative of 9/11

Hence the conspiracist movement continues to grow so you get it infecting virtually all parts of social struggle, meaning they have to be incorporated and it is harder to isolate them because they have their fingers in so many pies.
oh my god that's disgusting. wasnt rees in the SWP leadership? And he's appearing alongside people who are defending that cunt mahathir mohammed etc?

That was McKinney defending Mahatir, although Gallowayist Yvonne Ridley did do a very soft interview with him for the Islam Channel where Mahatir essentially adopted a conspiracist worldview entirely unchallenged:


Yvonne Ridley: "Why do you think George Bush and Tony Blair are so afraid of Islam?"

Mahathir Mohammad: "Well, it's very difficult to say, but they overlook their own faults, that they actually cause these people to act the way they did, by creating the State of Israel, by allowing Israel to occupy Palestinian land and do all kinds of things to the Palestinians, which angered people, and now because these people want to get back at them, people who cause all these problems - and that's Britain and the U.S. So they are afraid, because they are... They may be rich, they may be powerful, they may have atom bombs, but Americans and British are no longer safe anywhere in the world."

Yvonne Ridley: "In what way? Are you talking individually? You know, passport holders?"

Mahathir Mohammad: "They like to give travel advisories - not to go to this country, to that country - which means that they are not free anymore. They have to restrict themselves. They are not able to enjoy the benefits of their wealth, their ability to travel. Their jet planes and all that are useless because they can't go to certain countries because they fear being attacked. Of course, these people - they cannot attack their military. They attack... They will attack anybody else. That would be collateral for them. So, what is to prevent an American walking in a street in some country from being shot dead? So they live in a state of fear now."
It may not be a plane crashing into a building, but there would be other things that can happen. It may be against individuals, it may be against groups, against small towns, against buildings. With terrorists and their unconventional ways, you can never be certain where and how they would strike. So whereas America in the Second World War was totally free from attacks, it is no longer free from such attacks. And I think it is feeling very uncomfortable.
They may perhaps be able to put Al-Qaeda out of commission, but that does not mean that there will not be other groups. They have been killing so-called terrorist all these years, but there'll simply be more and more terrorists. In Iraq there were no terrorists before - now we have terrorists in Iraq. And now because of this attack on Lebanon, many, many new terrorists - so-called terrorists - are going to make that decision that, well, that if we cannot fight them with guns and bombs and airplanes and all that, we'll fight them by killing at random. That is what is going to happen.

Yvonne Ridley: "We can't finish with the war on terror until I ask about your views on Osama bin Laden, what do you think of him, and if you think he's still alive."

Mahathir Mohammad: "I think he is still alive. He is the creation of the Americans, as everybody knows. You play with the devil, then of course, you get hurt. You created Osama bin Laden to serve your purpose, and this is something that the Americans have done very many times. Noriega was one of the people whom they created, and now they have arrested him and put him in jail for life. But Osama bin Laden has caught the imagination of a lot of people. And the present leader of Hizbullah, Nasrallah, he's not Osama bin Laden's man, but he fights in the same way, for the same reason. So there will be very many people whom we may call Osama bin Laden also - people who are very angry and who have no other means of fighting except the way Osama fought. He may be killed one day, but it's not going to stop the terrorist... the so-called terrorist attacks."

Obviously Ridley didn't challenge these remarks:

"Jews 'invented socialism, communism, human rights and democracy' to avoid persecution and gain control of the most powerful countries. Mahathir added that '1.3 billion Muslims cannot be defeated by a few million Jews,' but he suggested using political and economic tactics instead of violence."
Now a staple at holocaust denial websites.

David Pidcock was the fellow speaker at the Conference Rees was a speaker at. Author in the early 1990s of the work Satanic Voices Ancient & Modern subtitled A Surfeit of Blasphemy Including The Rushdie Report From Edifice Complex to Occult Theocracy still available in some Muslim bookstores which essentially claimed that "Zionists" were responsible for the Gulf War not Saddam, not the US refusal to discuss linkage but instead assemble a global war coalition and that Lincoln was assassinated for being a closet Muslim/ Advocate of Islamic finance.
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Recently appeared on the Big Questions with Nicky Campbell as a Muslim voice on the death penalty (in favour of it alongside physical punishments amputations etc)

Part of Pidcock's book attacks reports of rising antisemitism in the post-COMECON world:

"It is a pity that Peter Hillmore was not as observant or as impartial as Robert Wilton, seventeen years Russian correspondent for The Times, and an eye-witness of exceptional value of all the events of the Russian Revolution. [or more accurately the Zionist Revolution that took place in Russia]
It is a noteworthy fact that the English edition of Wilton’s book ‘The Last Days of the Romanovs,’ published in September 1920 by Thornton-Butterworth, did not contain the data obtained from the painstaking French study of the Russian Bolshevik Revolution based on official reports and original documents, confirming his own narrative. He says: “I have done all in my power to act as an impartial chronicler”. After Robert Wilton had written in 1920: “ The Jewish domination in Russia is supported by certain Russians... They are all screens or dummies behind which the Sverdlovs and the thousand and one Jews of Sovdepia continue their work of destruction,” his chances in English journalism were gone. It is a well-known fact that he died in straitened circumstances in January, 1925. So perhaps Peter Hillmore does know what he’s not talking about? If not, we will try to refresh his memory with the benefit of information from undoctored history and unsolicited Jewish testimony as to their part in originating revolutionary global subversion and Zionism’s policy of malevolent terror. ...

Before people like Peter Hillmore dismiss the evidence of people who have been on the receiving end of JudeoBolshevik-Zionism they should be sure of their facts and in turn, amplify and communicate these facts to enlighten the world outside, rather than playing for more time, when it is high time to put matters right. If he is still unconvinced then, hopefully, the following examples will help him and others to come to their senses. It is patently obvious to any unbiased, unprejudiced mind that Bolshevism was the culmination of the age old conspiracy of evil against all humanity, Jew and Gentile alike."

and updates the Protocols-are-the-plans-of-Herzl line:

Norman Jaques, M.P., Canadian House of Commons: “ Those who feel libelled by the Protocols have the most obvious remedy in the world; All they have to do is denounce the policy of them, instead of denying the authorship ... But when you come to read them, how can any reasonable man deny the truth of what is contained in them.” [July 9th 1943]
In fact the most likely author of the Protocols is Theodor Herzl. The disclosure by Dr Marcus Ehrenpreis, Chief Rabbi of Sweden in 1924, adds further weight to identifying Herzl as the author of the “compressed” version of the Protocols. Quoted in ‘The Effective Judaism’, Rabbi Ehrenpreis states:“Long have I been well acquainted with the contents of the Protocols, indeed for many years before they were ever published in the Christian press. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, were in point of fact not the original Protocols at all, but a compressed extract of the same. Of the 70 Elders of Zion, in the matter of origin and of the existence of the original Protocols, there are only ten men in the entire world who know.”
These disclosures by Rabbi Ehrenpreis are altogether consistent with the evidence provided by Nesta H. Webster in her ‘Secret Societies and Subversive Movements’ published in the same year, 1924. ...
Rabbi Ehrenpreis says: “I participated with Dr. Herzl in the first Zionist Congress which was held in 1897. Herzl was the most prominent figure at the Jewish World Congress. Herzl foresaw, twenty years before we experienced them, the revolution which brought the Great War and he prepared us for that which was to happen. He foresaw the splitting up of Turkey [a proven 100% Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy], that England would obtain control of Palestine. We may expect important developments in the world.” [In 1962 David Ben Gurion made similar predictions]

To sum up then, the Protocols are either a mere plagiarism of Maurice Joly’s work, in which case the prophetic passages added by Nilus or another remain unexplained, or they are a revised edition of the plan communicated to Joly in 1864, brought up to date and supplemented so as to suit modern conditions by the continuers of the plot. An international circle of world revolutionaries working on the lines of the Illuminati, of which the existence has already been indicated, offers a perfectly possible alternative to the ‘Learned Elders of Zion.’ It would be easier, however to absolve the Jews from all suspicion of complicity if they and their friends had adopted a more straight forward course from the time the Protocols appeared.
When some years ago a work of a similar kind was directed against the Jesuits, containing what purported to be a ‘Secret Plan’ of revolution closely resembling the Protocols [Revolution and War or Britain’s Peril and Her Secret Foes, by Vigilant, 1913], the Jesuites indulged in no invectives, made no appeal that the book should be burnt...
But from the moment the Protocols were published the Jews and their friends had recourse to every tortuous method of defence, brought pressure to bear on the publishers succeeded, in fact, in temporarily stopping the sales appealed to the Home Secretary to order their suppression, concocted one clinching refutation after another, all mutually exclusive of each other...

All his bracketing. The basic conclusion is:

The Qur’an, as usual, sets the record straight on such issues. Practically all secret societies and subversive movements derive their spiritual direction and inspiration from the genius of Lucifer/Satan. For they are one and the same, to follow one or the other is only the same as jumping out out of the frying pan into the fire.
That was McKinney defending Mahatir, although Gallowayist Yvonne Ridley did do a very soft interview with him for the Islam Channel where Mahatir essentially adopted a conspiracist worldview entirely unchallenged:


Yvonne Ridley: "Why do you think George Bush and Tony Blair are so afraid of Islam?"

Mahathir Mohammad: "Well, it's very difficult to say, but they overlook their own faults, that they actually cause these people to act the way they did, by creating the State of Israel, by allowing Israel to occupy Palestinian land and do all kinds of things to the Palestinians, which angered people, and now because these people want to get back at them, people who cause all these problems - and that's Britain and the U.S. So they are afraid, because they are... They may be rich, they may be powerful, they may have atom bombs, but Americans and British are no longer safe anywhere in the world."

Yvonne Ridley: "In what way? Are you talking individually? You know, passport holders?"

Mahathir Mohammad: "They like to give travel advisories - not to go to this country, to that country - which means that they are not free anymore. They have to restrict themselves. They are not able to enjoy the benefits of their wealth, their ability to travel. Their jet planes and all that are useless because they can't go to certain countries because they fear being attacked. Of course, these people - they cannot attack their military. They attack... They will attack anybody else. That would be collateral for them. So, what is to prevent an American walking in a street in some country from being shot dead? So they live in a state of fear now."
It may not be a plane crashing into a building, but there would be other things that can happen. It may be against individuals, it may be against groups, against small towns, against buildings. With terrorists and their unconventional ways, you can never be certain where and how they would strike. So whereas America in the Second World War was totally free from attacks, it is no longer free from such attacks. And I think it is feeling very uncomfortable.
They may perhaps be able to put Al-Qaeda out of commission, but that does not mean that there will not be other groups. They have been killing so-called terrorist all these years, but there'll simply be more and more terrorists. In Iraq there were no terrorists before - now we have terrorists in Iraq. And now because of this attack on Lebanon, many, many new terrorists - so-called terrorists - are going to make that decision that, well, that if we cannot fight them with guns and bombs and airplanes and all that, we'll fight them by killing at random. That is what is going to happen.

Yvonne Ridley: "We can't finish with the war on terror until I ask about your views on Osama bin Laden, what do you think of him, and if you think he's still alive."

Mahathir Mohammad: "I think he is still alive. He is the creation of the Americans, as everybody knows. You play with the devil, then of course, you get hurt. You created Osama bin Laden to serve your purpose, and this is something that the Americans have done very many times. Noriega was one of the people whom they created, and now they have arrested him and put him in jail for life. But Osama bin Laden has caught the imagination of a lot of people. And the present leader of Hizbullah, Nasrallah, he's not Osama bin Laden's man, but he fights in the same way, for the same reason. So there will be very many people whom we may call Osama bin Laden also - people who are very angry and who have no other means of fighting except the way Osama fought. He may be killed one day, but it's not going to stop the terrorist... the so-called terrorist attacks."

Obviously Ridley didn't challenge these remarks:

"Jews 'invented socialism, communism, human rights and democracy' to avoid persecution and gain control of the most powerful countries. Mahathir added that '1.3 billion Muslims cannot be defeated by a few million Jews,' but he suggested using political and economic tactics instead of violence."
Now a staple at holocaust denial websites.

please don't post little in future.

"Jews 'invented socialism, communism, human rights and democracy' to avoid persecution and gain control of the most powerful countries. Mahathir added that '1.3 billion Muslims cannot be defeated by a few million Jews,' but he suggested using political and economic tactics instead of violence."
Now a staple at holocaust denial websites.


Suppose what im asking really is how worried should we be? I always thought it would be worth producing a booklet of some sort on the differences between Marxism and conspiracism. Dunno if it would make any difference tho.
Moeen Yasin is another figure wholly aligned with Jazzz's perspective on thermite

Only a couple of weeks ago he attended the STWC major conference at Friends Meeting House Euston
to push the conspiracist line, which is then faithfully reported by Tony Gosling

"from Global Vision 2000 Moheen Yaseen wrote:
.... thermite i.e. military grade nuclear material was used in bringing down the twin towers.

Thermite is about as nuclear as my nipples. :facepalm:
Aye, excellent.

A number of people complain about calling Jazzz an anti-semite but that post shows exactly why this shit has to be identified and stopped, otherwise it just spreads and infects all kinds of movements that people are involved in.

I don't think people realise how wqidespread this shit actually is.
This is who Rees now appears with:

To be fair to John Rees, the conference with John Pidcock - a hardened, inveterate antisemite - was a one-off.

John Rees does however frequently do talks in favour of B.D.S. movement

Two weeks ago he was at this Middlesex Uni's Palestine Society (heavy domination by its Islamic Society compared to leftist figures) event in Hendon, Barnet.


Lauren Booth is a pro-Islam evangelist activist who bitterly denounced the Palestine Solidarity Campaign for being excessively pro-Israel and Zionist for disciplining a guy called Sami Ibrahim, a local PSC rep, who runs the Shoah - the Palestinian Holocaust that summarises a story about the US Zionist ADL group by picturing its Jewish chair as a baby post-circumcision, that just runs up trial haux-holocaust conspiracy videos without comment, that often defends hardened conspiracists such as former US Governor Jesse Venture. She also denounced it for not wanting to work with Gilad Atzmon in any form because he is repeated magnifier of conspiracy theories about Zionist power in all capitals of the non-Muslim world. This might be something to do with her solid support for Atzmon.

Asghar Bukhari is the founder and main force behind MPACUK. His worldview sometimes is close to the edge: 'The Muslims are born to die, to live like slaves, to be murdered, executed, jailed & demonised. We are not human, we are not even animals' occasionally just beyond it: 'We the Muslims are just like the black slave. Denied our freedom and killed after calling us savages' . Are we?
He himself gave donations and support to David Irving during the Lipstadt case apparently without reading any of his work but instantly assuming "I was of the belief he was anti-Zionist, being smeared for nothing more then being anti-Zionist."

MPACUK itself represents the worst of a soft Western nationalist (freed of Zionist influence) anti-Israel approach to the Palestine issue.

Pressure @UEFAcom to move the European Under-21 Football Championship to England from warmongering Israel http://www.mpacuk.org/story/030213/move-european-under-21-football-championship-england-israel.html #BDS

Isn't England a warmongering country? England is the heartland of a state that has invaded or bombed five separate countries in just over the past decade, and armed countless others to do even more from Africa to Georgia. (Only on their conspiracist world-view is Israel worse because Israel's victims are almost wholly Muslims, and Israel causes Britain to supply weapons to it, Israel's influence causes Britain to attack Afghanistan and Iraq etc, whilst other British equipment victims in Congo, on the Georgian-Russian border, in Papua can be forgotten because they are not Muslim). Lunacy.

Then it goes and compounds it tactical soft-headedness by equating the flag of Israel with that of the Nazi Third Reich via a meaningless photographs.

So John Rees is stuck in the middle of these speakers, apparently he understands well enough the politics of it all (source might be suspect): “Biggest recipient of military & civilian aid. Can by US military aid to [sic] use weapons and armaments. This is a REALLY a SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP. Israel would not exist without USA”

in which case why not boycott the USA why ask for the USA to impose sanctions on Israel?


It is tactically risky, there's no freeze on military exports from the West to Israel, yet there's the claim 'BDS is essential, nothing else will do, it's the only path to sustainable non-chauvinism in the region'.
i know it's stupid and it doesnt really matter much but i get proper upset and angry by this stuff. as much as I find groups like JFJFP etc very annoying at times politically and tactically but I'm actually quite shocked that JVP's founder shared a platform with a known anti-semite and also that John Rees did so as well, I mean isn't he meant to be a marxist? Not that that means anything but wouldn't his time in the SWP have given him some background about marxism and why conspiracy theories are bullshit? I know I probably shouldn't be but I am especially shocked at them two.
that lauren booth woman did convert and she's also cherie blair's half sister. how many of these celebrity anti-semites are tied into the "elite networks" themselves? afer reading that article by her about atzmon i felt physically sick.
Wondered what happened to Booth,seemed to have made a living making the most out of her connection to Blair,ob lost that gig when he stepped down a few years ago,always found her shallower than a puddle.
it really is a putrid fuckin cesspool these people are in. just looked at that "shoah" site, there's an article on there now about the jews and the catholic church which includes the following comment:

It seems that if this Cardinal Andres Rodriguez Maradiaga of Honduras is elected Pope, then he will be subjected to the same process of beastification by Jewry as was the now retiring Pope Benedict (until he collapsed into a philo-semitic, Israel-adoring, ‘Holocaust’ guilt-riven heap of nervous twitches).

there's another promotional plug from an obvious white supremacist:


No fuckin Platform for these cunts. John Rees should be ashamed of himself.
Looking around it seems to be an attempt to bring the Islamist far right and the American/British anti-semitic far right together. "WAKE UP AMERICA" etc.



ed note–one of the benefits to mankind of what came to be called ‘the scientific process’was the awareness of the law of cause and effect. For example, diseases that were oftenfatal were cured when careful, scientific, rational study–leaving out superstition or previous explanations that explained nothing–were applied.
Now, if indeed ‘anti-Semitism’ is a ‘disease’ as organized Jewish groups such as the ADLand Simon Wiesenthal Center claim, than the question that a rational society must ask is this–’WHAT CAUSES IT?’
And please,don’t tell us it is envy, irrational hatred or any of the other superstitionsthat have been bantered about now for centuries. What is it about Jewish behavior–collective or individual–that has led to this ‘oldest of hatreds’ as we in the Gentile world have heard it described?
Until this question is answered, the world will continue to be shackled by organized Jewish interests who care not a wit about finding out what the true cause of opposition to them has been throughout the last 4,000 years.

This note attached to an article about an increase in violent anti-semitic attacks and this photo.

Proper scum.
Last year, documentary filmmaker Tony Rooke decided he’d had enough of the mainstream media’s repression of what he considered the irrefutable case for the existence of a 9/11 conspiracy, and in an ingenious illustration of the old adage about using an enemy’s own weight and strength against them, had refused to pay his TV license on the grandiose grounds of Article 3, Section 15 of the UK 2000 Terrorism Act, which states that it is an offence to provide funds if there is a reasonable cause to suspect that those funds may be used for the purposes of terrorism (the TV License is a compulsory fee for all UK TV owners and pays for the BBC).

“Mr Rooke’s claim is that the BBC has withheld scientific evidence that demonstrates that the official version of 9/11 is not possible,” explained a press release circulated by the AE911Truth UK Action Group, “and that the BBC has actively attempted to discredit those people attempting to bring this evidence to the public.” As part of his defense, it added, Rooke had secured three hours to present his case, and had assembled a “formidable team” of defense witnesses, including Professor Niels Harrit (Professor of Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen) and former intelligence analyst Tony Farrell. “Evidence such as this,” it concluded, “has rarely, if ever, been seen in any court of law…”

Yes, your correspondent was in Horsham not so much for a backdoor inquiry into the more controversial or contentious aspects of 9/11, as a cat-flap one. And he was very much looking forward to it!

While not exactly the toughest crowd through which to cut a dash, I am pleased to report that man-of-the-hour Tony Rooke did all the same. He was stood outside chain-smoking, with slightly floppy dark hair and a fleshy, dignified face that looked calm, thoughtful and somewhat oversensitive. As befits a defendant, he was dressed smartly, but had pulled this off rather well, something I feared would have been well beyond the reach of the other attendant Truthers, who were pointing him out to one another, murmuring in near awe that he looked “like a barrister.”

Arguably he was inspiring too much confidence. While it seemed pretty clear you would have to riffle through a fair few parallel universes before coming across a judge brazen or bananas enough to pitch the UK into an epistemological crisis over a TV license, some of the more optimistic Truthers were daring to dream, and by the time they opened the doors to Court 1 there were over a hundred cramming the narrow corridor.
This proved far too many for the tiny courtroom, which didn’t even seat thirty. Fortunately, I quickly found myself a cushy spot in the front row of folding orange leatherette chairs, but the vast majority of that large crowd was refused entry by a wiry usher with an ex-cop vibe—it was to be one in, one out at Loose Change Live.

The Truthers were in uproar: I was increasingly concerned about the possibility of the court being closed or cleared. Fortunately, the usher managed to eventually shut the door on them, and when Judge Stephen Nicholls entered those seated rose to their feet with something like reverence—due I supposed to the notion it was in this man’s power to turn the tide on their thus far rather one-sided battle with the Illuminati.

Nicholls was a man in his early-to-middle sixties, with glasses and bright white hair that had receded to a widow’s peak high on his brow. After scheduling later hearings for the day’s other defendants—a pair of understandably bewildered looking bruisers facing drink driving charges—Nicholls informed Rooke (who was representing himself), that although opening statements weren’t officially allowed, he would extend “a little leeway” in this instance

So, Rooke climbed into the witness box and launched into a decent speech. His tone was steady, reasonable, and wry as he addressed Nicholls. “I have incontrovertible—and I don’t use that word lightly—evidence against the BBC. The BBC had advance knowledge of twenty minutes of the events of 9/11 and did not do anything to clarify what the source of that information was. At the preliminary hearing I asked if you were aware of WTC7. You said you had ‘heard of it.’ Over ten years after 9/11 you should have more than heard of it. It’s the BBC’s job to inform the public—especially regarding miracles of science where the laws of physics become suspended. Instead, they have made documentaries making fools of and ridiculing those of us who believe in the laws of gravity.”

It crossed my mind that Judge Nicholls probably had since looked into WTC7 (a funny idea). Now, though, he interrupted (Rooke’s speech was getting increasingly polemical and wide-ranging). “This is not an inquiry into the events of 9/11,” Nicholls declared, collecting his No-Shit-Sherlock Award 2013 with the kind of silken irony you could only hope to spin from the soul of a judge. “This is an offence under Section 363 of the Communications Act.”

The prosecutor—a youngish guy called Garth Hanniford with a blandly handsome face and a horrible off-the-rack blue suit—was then invited to cross-examine the defendant. Good old Garth. He gave the impression of a man incapable of summoning much in the way of effort or enthusiasm for anything, and had been observing the extreme novelty of the day’s events—surely the most interesting afternoon of a working life spent prosecuting TV license avoidance?—with all the attentiveness of someone watching a friend play computer games.

He now stood up and launched into what one suspected was his habitual cross-examination.

“Do you possess a television Mr Rooke?”

“Yes I do.”

“And do you possess a television license?”

“No I do not.”

“And do you watch television?”


So… you’re happy to make use of the service but not to pay for it?”

“Well, I’ll monitor it if I have to. Ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of the law. And it was only through watching the BBC that I could know that I would be committing a crime by paying for it.”

“No further questions,” mumbled Perry Mason, another day’s work already behind him.
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