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UK courtroom to hear evidence against the official narrative of 9/11

They also have links to holocaust denier and mate of Jazzz Nick Kollerstrom. Jazz himself claimed to have gone to brum to interview their then leader over claims the jews were really behind 7/7.
Their former leader used to be a RESPECT bigwig and very influential player in brum politics (that thread is well worth the read if you have a spare hour).

The journal you link to in the OP is not a peer-reviewed journal and the authors are not independent. It's most certainly not scientifically rigourous or unbiased.
To be honest Jazzz, I'm not really fussed if you get a bit of fun out of posting this occasional nonsense - or indeed if you think it's true (wholeheartedly? A bit? Whatever floats yer boat.). You get plenty of stick back - again, something you must be okay about, maybe validates you in some way? Just a pity that, for once, you won't distance yourself from the racists and antisemites in your 'movement'. :(
To be honest Jazzz, I'm not really fussed if you get a bit of fun out of posting this occasional nonsense - or indeed if you think it's true (wholeheartedly? A bit? Whatever floats yer boat.). You get plenty of stick back - again, something you must be okay about, maybe validates you in some way? Just a pity that, for once, you won't distance yourself from the racists and antisemites in your 'movement'. :(
He can't distance himself or his whole house of cards comes crashing down. He's stuck.

to be fair I thought he'd always said he was Jewish.
I only remember hearing it recently.

If I was wrong, then I apologise to Jazzz. If that's the case, you've always used this opportunistically as the lying schmuck that you are, rather than only recently.
Predictable thread content. But can I ask what you all make of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and Pilots for 9/11 Truth though? Because it bothers me that thousands of people who are certainly sufficiently qualified [i.e. not deluded, ranting freemen and/or members of the tinfoil hat brigade regurgitating what they've read on the interwebs] to form opinions in their areas of relevant technical expertise are stating that the official story is blatant bullshit - and so sure are they, that they've signed not just their names but their practice details on these petitions for all to see. What's that all about? Is this phenomenon as easy to dismiss? [Not sure why I'm asking you lot tho. Is any one here technically expert? Any architects? Structural engineers? Demolitions technicians? Pilots?]
Predictable thread content. But can I ask what you all make of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and Pilots for 9/11 Truth though? Because it bothers me that thousands of people who are certainly sufficiently qualified [i.e. not deluded, ranting freemen and/or members of the tinfoil hat brigade regurgitating what they've read on the interwebs] to form opinions in their areas of relevant technical expertise are stating that the official story is blatant bullshit - and so sure are they, that they've signed not just their names but their practice details on these petitions for all to see. What's that all about? Is this phenomenon as easy to dismiss? [Not sure why I'm asking you lot tho. Is any one here technically expert? Any architects? Structural engineers? Demolitions technicians? Pilots?]
The last time a proper architect argued this one with Jazzz, the Captain got pwned so hard that he couldn't sit down for a week.
Predictable thread content. But can I ask what you all make of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and Pilots for 9/11 Truth though? Because it bothers me that thousands of people who are certainly sufficiently qualified [i.e. not deluded, ranting freemen and/or members of the tinfoil hat brigade regurgitating what they've read on the interwebs] to form opinions in their areas of relevant technical expertise are stating that the official story is blatant bullshit - and so sure are they, that they've signed not just their names but their practice details on these petitions for all to see. What's that all about? Is this phenomenon as easy to dismiss? [Not sure why I'm asking you lot tho. Is any one here technically expert? Any architects? Engineers? Pilots?]
You have to accept that most of the so-called experts do turn out, in one way or another, to have some pretty major flaw - like, for example, the fact that they are, as someone's already pointed out, almost invariably ex- or former experts.

Not too put too fine a point on it, mental illness and delusionality doesn't just affect people who aren't high fliers, and some of the people who get wheeled out to support the usual suspects aren't exactly four beats to the bar...
You have to accept that most of the so-called experts do turn out, in one way or another, to have some pretty major flaw - like, for example, the fact that they are, as someone's already pointed out, almost invariably ex- or former experts.

Not too put too fine a point on it, mental illness and delusionality doesn't just affect people who aren't high fliers, and some of the people who get wheeled out to support the usual suspects aren't exactly four beats to the bar...

For sure nuttery knows know bounds. I thought of this too but decided it's too lazy and sweeping to dismiss them all on these grounds. Thanks for answering tho.
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