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UK courtroom to hear evidence against the official narrative of 9/11

editor I'm not getting into microdebates on this thread, especially when I am quite sure that your moderation team has shut down discussion on precisely the topic you are asking about.
How is this a microdebate? You (yet again) posted up an article that scientists have distanced themselves from, in a journal that is dubious to say the least. You've (yet again) been called on it.

If you insist on posting these threads, you have to deal with the consequences.

And the courtroom isn't hearing evidence on 9/11 - if so surely the BBC would be reporting it, or the Mail or SOMEBODY ffs - he's being done for not paying his TV licence.
My claim here is that "UK Courtroom to hear evidence against the official narrative of 9/11".

If you me to get involved in a microdebate on Harrit it's a bit rich because I've more than likely already posted at length on the subject.
For a self-styled truth seeker you sure seem awfully keen to avoid telling the truth here.

I'm up for indecency again next week. I know - but nude Wednesday is nude Wednesday. I'll be taking the opportunity to explain how the forces that are after me to cover up my littlest baby j are merely a front for the secret powers that faked the Olympics. I was here, in London, and it was suspiciously quiet. Those of us in the know had already fled the East End. Those who were left, well, did you not notice how everyone came back from the 'events' all smiley-faced? Those false memories don't leave real emotions. They're dead inside. :(
How is this a microdebate? You (yet again) posted up an article that scientists have distanced themselves from, in a journal that is dubious to say the least. You've (yet again) been called on it.

If you insist on posting these threads, you have to deal with the consequences.
You aren't very familiar with the history of 9/11 discussion on these boards are you :D

I've started threads on this very topic before. It's not me that has been reluctant to discuss them - the threads have got binned, because of urban75 censorship/closedmindedness.

If you want to discuss Niels Harrit's paper then I will happily do so again (although I have less time to post on urban75 than a few years ago these days) but it can be on another thread. I'm not getting into it here, only to find that the thread gets binned because it's discussing the topic. Take it up with fridgemagnet.

And the courtroom isn't hearing evidence on 9/11 - if so surely the BBC would be reporting it, or the Mail or SOMEBODY ffs - he's being done for not paying his TV licence.
equationgirl! Somebody IS reporting it - I am reporting it to you, informationclearinghouse is reporting it, I can show the email I got from Ian Henshall if you like!
Shhh...it keeps everyone happy. These threads are like those womens' self-defence classes where there's a guy all padded up they can kick the shit out of, beat with clubs, jump on his balls etc.

That's not referring to Jazz, I mean the thread. It's like the actors trying out for Atticus Finch.

Jazzz : I will say this clearly so perhaps this time you will pay attention.

Information Clearing House is not a reputable news source and you know it.

I don't want to discuss Niels' paper - it's not worthy of being called a scientific journal article.

I strongly disagree that there is censorship on U75, or general closemindedness.

Now I have to go and bang my head off a wall for a bit.
How is this a microdebate? You (yet again) posted up an article that scientists have distanced themselves from, in a journal that is dubious to say the least. You've (yet again) been called on it.

If you insist on posting these threads, you have to deal with the consequences.

And the courtroom isn't hearing evidence on 9/11 - if so surely the BBC would be reporting it, or the Mail or SOMEBODY ffs - he's being done for not paying his TV licence.
He's right, my moderation team (otherwise known as my brain) is stifling me from believing the OP.It's not closed mindedness though, just a healthy regard for what is and isn't proper evidence.
Awesome, can we please do the whole umpteen thousand post thing all over again? I'd forgotten how much fun it was...
Predictable thread content. But can I ask what you all make of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and Pilots for 9/11 Truth though? Because it bothers me that thousands of people who are certainly sufficiently qualified [i.e. not deluded, ranting freemen and/or members of the tinfoil hat brigade regurgitating what they've read on the interwebs] to form opinions in their areas of relevant technical expertise are stating that the official story is blatant bullshit - and so sure are they, that they've signed not just their names but their practice details on these petitions for all to see. What's that all about? Is this phenomenon as easy to dismiss? [Not sure why I'm asking you lot tho. Is any one here technically expert? Any architects? Structural engineers? Demolitions technicians? Pilots?]

Couple of years ago, I crunched some numbers as part of a "discussion" on the event casually referred to as 9/11. This post is copied and pasted from my notes with small edits to update the numbers to be relevant today (19/2/13)

The ae911truth site says that 1774 Architects and Engineers belong to AE911Truth...


AIA (American Institute of Architects) membership is about 80 000

So if all the members of AE911Truth were architects and all were members of the AIA, it would mean that about 2.2% of all american architects belonged to AE911Truth.


ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) membership is about 140 000.

So if all the members of AE911Truth were civil engineers and all were members of the ASCE, it would mean that about 1.3% of all american engineers belonged to AE911Truth)

The membership of ae911truth is really not that impressive.
I wonder believe those numbers for a second. Here's what the Architect (the Magazine of the American Institute of Architects) have to say about gage and his fantasies. Perhaps you'd like to comment on this report, Jazzz?

Architects Shy From Truther 9/11 Conspiracy Theory
Architects didn't show up for a 9/11-architecture-conspiracy documentary screening—and the AIA doesn't want its name associated with Trutherism.

The boardroom at the Washington, D.C., headquarters of the American Institute of Architects is an impressive place: Beautiful concentric wooden desks, with microphones in front of every seat, encircle a small central dais, offering the impression that important discussions are had here. “It feels like the United Nations,” a guest recently commented.

This room recently served as a peculiar venue for the 23rd stop on the 30-city “world premiere tour” of AIA member Richard Gage’s new film 9/11: Explosive Evidence—Experts Speak Out: Final Edition.

Since 2006, Gage has been traveling all over the world under the banner of his organization, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth—an organization that has no affiliation with the AIA, express or otherwise—to preach the theory that the Twin Towers and 7 World Trade Center were actually brought down by explosives on September 11, 2001, and not the impact of two hijacked jetliners and the resulting fires and debris....

The AIA itself, however, is firm about its relationship with Gage. “We don’t have any relationship with his organization whatsoever,” Scott Frank, head of media relations for the AIA, told me...

he accusations of Gage’s organization are the typical hodgepodge of pseudo-scientific claims. Along with other esoteric and debunked technical arguments, he says that melted steel was visible at the Ground Zero site proving that the fires burned too hot to have been caused by jet fuel; that because the buildings collapsed at “near free fall speed” there must have been a controlled demolition; and that traces of a thermitereaction found in the World Trade Center debris proves that explosives were used.

All of Gage’s so-called evidence has been rebutted in peer-reviewed papers, by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, by the National Institute for Standards and Technology, by the American Society of Civil Engineers, by the 9/11 Commission Report, and, perhaps most memorably, by the 110-year-old engineering journal Popular Mechanics.

What is more interesting than these bizarre and debunked conspiracy theories is the way that Gage places his AIA membership front and center in his presentations.

He seems to be attempting to cloak his organization in the officialdom of the venerable 155-year-old professional institution, even as AIA wants nothing to do with his organization. At the start of his latest film, he explains that he is “a licensed architect of over 20 years and member of the American Institute of Architects.”
Gage often seems to wield his AIA status in promoting his conspiracy theories.

In making his case, he also regularly cites that more than 100 AIA members and at least six AIA Fellows have signed his petition calling for a new investigation. In total, Gage says that more than 1,700 of the petition’s roughly 16,000 signatures are from architects and engineers.

During the screening, Gage was at the very least intimating that his organization had been invited to AIA officially.

“I can’t tell you how grateful we were to have been accepted to be here in the boardroom at the national headquarters,” Gage said. “We hope this is the beginning of a very productive relationship.”

Aside from Gage, though, there was not a single other architect in the room, much less an official from AIA, or even another member. The 80-strong crowd was made up largely of members of the local 9/11 Truth movement and other political activists.
More here: http://www.architectmagazine.com/architecture/architects-shy-from-truther-conspiracy-theory_1.aspx
The membership of ae911truth is really not that impressive.
Ah, but you see that's because they know that TPTB would persecute them relentlessly if they signed up publicly. The 9/11 truth movement has had billions of the architectural/engineering equivalent of PMs of support from the majority of architects, and engineers, though. And the used car salesmen captioned a picture of a cat, too.
Horsham judges are going to need several stiff after this lunacy unfolds on them?
It's not going to unfold - these vaunted three hours is simply these idiots misreading being told they will be heard in the 10am-1pm session as them being allotted three hours to present their case - rather than them being heard alongside many others in that session. They've even managed to either totally misread or lie about the most basic of intro information :D
It's not going to unfold - these vaunted three hours is simply these idiots misreading being told they will be heard in the 10am-1pm session as them being allotted three hours to present their case - rather then them being heard alongside many others in that session. They've even managed to either totally misread or lie about the most basic of intro information :D

:D Brilliant. If you wrote a pisstake of conspiracy nuts you couldn't do better than this.
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