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UK courtroom to hear evidence against the official narrative of 9/11

They also have links to holocaust denier and mate of Jazzz Nick Kollerstrom. Jazz himself claimed to have gone to brum to interview their then leader over claims the jews were really behind 7/7.
I am reluctant to even dignify such gross misrepresentation/outright lies with a reply BA. :(
Historic Case to Challenge BBC’s 9/11Coverage


Professor Niels Harrit
Dr. Niels Harrit is a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen and is one of the world’s leading experts on the scientific evidence that contradicts the official story of 9/11. Professor Harrit's team of scientists in Copenhagen proved that there was nano-engineered thermitic residue, both ignited and unignited, throughout the dust of the three WTC towers. He led the team and published the peer-reviewed study in an official scientific journal. He is also an expert on the other aspects of scientific evidence indicating controlled demolition of the three towers.



No, you see that bit in bold that says 'official scientific journal'? That's the journal that I'm referring to - the journal that isn't peer reviewed and is therefore meaningless in terms of scientific basis.

The day you actually properly read something you quote it will be a sodding miracle. You always do this. You always deny you've posted something. Your feigned ignorance is tedious.
..There, that's 50 pages saved...
Shhh...it keeps everyone happy. These threads are like those womens' self-defence classes where there's a guy all padded up they can kick the shit out of, beat with clubs, jump on his balls etc.

That's not referring to Jazz, I mean the thread. It's like the actors trying out for Atticus Finch.
The last time a proper architect argued this one with Jazzz, the Captain got pwned so hard that he couldn't sit down for a week.

Thanks Fogbat. Have you got any tips for finding the thread [maybe approximate date.... or a memorable cuss I could try searching for]? I'm not in any of those professions so I'm interested to read the refutations of someone who knows their onions. Or buildings.

The journal you link to in the OP is not a peer-reviewed journal and the authors are not independent. It's most certainly not scientifically rigourous or unbiased.
Oh forgive me, you are referring to Niels Harrit's paper.

I think the point about his research is:

1) Niels Harrit is without question a distinguished scientist
2) No scientist of any repute has rebutted his research

Any science questioning the official narrative of 9/11 is taboo: any editor of journals publishing such science will find themselves out of a job. This was the case with Marie-Paule Pileni:

The editor in chief of the journal where recently the paper: "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe" was published, resigned, claiming she wasn't informed of the publication. She proceeds to provide not a single solid scientific rebuttal, only administrative bickering and personal political bias against, well.. inconvenient science. One particularly notable comment attributed to Ms. Pileni is this one: "Marie-Paule Pileni points out that because the topic lies outside her field of expertise, she cannot judge whether the article in itself is good or bad."
Jazz: please address this point because it's something you brought up. You abd your fellow 9/11 cronies demand the highest levels f proof and evidence, but why aren't you also investigating the people making comspiracy claims with the same vigour?

Let's start with the claimed 'peer-reviewed study in an official scientific journal.'

Even the briefest of glances at this claim should set alarm bells ringing, but you don;t seem interested in checking the credentials of items that form the very pillar of your beliefs.

I don't want to burden you with too many questions, so I'll just ask for your opinion on this background to the publishers you are referring to as an 'official scientific journal. Do they sound like a credible organisation to you?
Bentham Open journals claim to employ peer review;[4] however, some reports that a fake paper generated with SCIgen had been accepted for publication, have cast doubt on this.[5][6][7] Furthermore, the publisher is known for spamming scientists with invitations to become a member of the editorial board of its journals.[8]

In 2007, the Bentham Open Science journal, The Open Chemical Physics Journal, published a study contending dust from the World Trade Center disaster contained "active nanothermite".[9] Following publication, the journal's editor-in-chief Marie-Paule Pileni resigned stating, "They have printed the article without my authorization… I have written to Bentham, that I withdraw myself from all activities with them".[10]
You have to be the thickest skinned poster ever to register to U75, jazzz. I don't know how you sustain your level of commitment to err.. quackery. You're a fruitcake that takes some stick.
editor I'm not getting into microdebates on this thread, especially when I am quite sure that your moderation team has shut down discussion on precisely the topic you are asking about.
He takes nothing that isn't deserved. The stuff he posted up the other week about the recent school shootings in America was disgusting.

You get similar sort of shit wheeled out on Assange threads. The search for truth supposedly providing the searcher/s with a free pass for whatever other shit they become embroiled in.
Thanks Fogbat. Have you got any tips for finding the thread [maybe approximate date.... or a memorable cuss I could try searching for]? I'm not in any of those professions so I'm interested to read the refutations of someone who knows their onions. Or buildings.

This is the thread.

135 pages of the tedious ever-decreasing circles that one of Jazzz's conspiracy theories tends to generate, livened only by rorymac. Twice.
editor I'm not getting into microdebates on this thread, especially when I am quite sure that your moderation team has shut down discussion on precisely the topic you are asking about.
I've asked you to support an important central part of your claim that you posted up. It was a simple, direct question.

Please respond otherwise it'll look like you're being more evasive than a secretive government agency.
I've asked you to support an important central part of your claim that you posted up. It was a simple, direct question.
My claim here is that "UK Courtroom to hear evidence against the official narrative of 9/11".

If you me to get involved in a microdebate on Harrit it's a bit rich because I've more than likely already posted at length on the subject.
My claim here is that "UK Courtroom to hear evidence against the official narrative of 9/11".

If you me to get involved in a microdebate on Harrit it's a bit rich because I've more than likely already posted at length on the subject.

you realise that he's not going to get to wank on about hologrammatic jews and is just going to take a fine for non payment don't you?
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