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Twitter/X discussion

Hotel Chocolate

Well-Known Member
I was originally going to post something about Twitter months ago and call it something like A Twat On Twitter as this idiot kept on posting various spurious memes on my timeline all the time. then I got kicked off of Twitter anyway, So I didn't really bother. But I am still are able to read a limited amount of Twitters each day and I was going to ask if you feel your timeline full of right-wing stuff or is it just mine. I reckon maybe I get 8 right-wing tweets on my feed line to one left-wing progressive tweet on my feed line and now we have Labour MPS threatened to leave Twitter.

But I'm just going to open this out open this out to be a general thread about Twitter not just my specific grumbles and observations. Has Twitter become a right wing cesspit? What have been your experiences of Twitter recently?
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I think that is half the problem I have followed dodgy people to keep an eye on see what they're up to people like Nigel Farage et cetera, but I got right-wing people just posting on my feed before, just posting random memes all over my posts/tweets?
Well, unfortunately I can't change my settings now I've been kicked off, I am only allowed to look at my feed and that is limited to so much a day. :(
It used to be quite progressive, and you could engage in some good discussions But it seems to have become decidedly more right-wing since Musk took over, they would never allow right-wingers on Twitter before.
I've had the occasional right wing tweet in my timeline but that is normally after interacting with some right wing poster. Normally though, no.
It used to be quite progressive, and you could engage in some good discussions But it seems to have become decidedly more right-wing since Musk took over, they would never allow right-wingers on Twitter before.
That isn't true , there has always been right wing posters on Twitter. There was a sustained campaign to get the high profile ones barred . Musk then allowed those who had been kicked off back.
Yeah it was great pre-Musk. I used to use tweetdeck and filter it into colums of only stuff I wanted to hear about. Now it's shite and costs money to use in any meaningful way.
I've had the occasional right wing tweet in my timeline but that is normally after interacting with some right wing poster. Normally though, no.
At the moment I'm seeing the insufferably smug Led By Donkeys, but only cos my mate has retweeted their hilarious prank a couple of times. Somebody else described them as "craft beer wankers",which made me laugh. Despite being a craft beer wanker myself.
OMG. Exactly this. It's not difficult.
Lots of lefty people I used to follow - not on there anymore - would love to do the quote tweet ‘dunk’ on the usual idiots so that would bring culture wars nonsense into my timeline.

There’s also the fact that ‘trending’ and generally seeing what people outside of your bubble were saying was kinda half the point. And was enjoyable. But unfortunately it hasn’t been that way for years due to the way social media has gone in recent years and the fact people can and do say all sorts of horrible shite on there now.

Deleted the app a few years ago and rarely ever even think about it now.
Knocked it on the head when Musk came in.

As have mentioned on another thread, it was never a haven of tranquility but it's a toilet now.

Because amongst other things, I followed activists and left wing groups, commentators etc, I did get to see unpleasant shite from Nazis and other shite hawks.

Am glad it's out of my life. Except on urban.
Deleted my account last year and joined Threads which has it's functionality issues but I terms of interaction has been so much better. Barely got any engagements in years on Twitter, loads of interaction on threads.

I didn't see anything awful in Twitter, like weepiper I wasn't following stuff where it turned up but I was annoyed by ads popping up on replies.

I'm glad there's a mass exodus now, it's appalling that someone with a much influence (unfortunately) as Musk is sharing the shittest, most harmful misinformation like an oligarch drunken uncle
It used to be that you could avoid the right wingers but they're in all the comments now. I love twitter, use it for a variety of things including poetry, conservation, sab stuff, language learning, but mostly news. However yesterday I reported someone for using the term 'shit skin' and it was rejected. So I think I'm done.

I'm going to struggle without it as the debate on left wing politics and news is lacking pretty much everywhere else I've been. But fuck Elon Musk and fuck the racists.
Not on twatter, and with musk in charge it's gone even further into the far right sh1tehole, so even less likely to sign up.
Literally no right wing tweets because I only ever read the 'following' tab and noone I follow is a right wing prick. People are using it wrong if they're seeing a lot of stuff they don't want to.
Twitter is the main source of info for keeping in touch with non-league football. If that content moved elsewhere, I'd be very happy to dump twitter. Apart from football, I follow a couple of jokey accounts, like World Bollard Association, and don't get any of the toxic stuff.
I'm on Threads as @jamieashle_ if anyone else is moving over there:

I just downloaded it. How does it work? I automatically followed everyone I follow on Instagram but it seems to be a stream of random accounts?
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