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X.com new name for Twitter

Mathematical Double-Struck Capital X
Unicode Character “𝕏” (U+1D54F)
0xF0 0x9D 0x95 0x8F

e2a - As it's just a Unicode character I don't even think it can be copyrighted.
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Mathematical Double-Struck Capital X
Unicode Character “𝕏” (U+1D54F)
0xF0 0x9D 0x95 0x8F

e2a - As it's just a Unicode character I don't even think it can be copyrighted.
Lol. If only he had the money to employ market experts to advise him on such decisions.
i've learned today that Elon is planning to spend millions of dollars in building some outrageous Bond villain villa in a tiny village in South Tyrol. I am tempted to go to the town and spray-paint the letter X on literally every available wall, spend the whole weekend just plastering the place.

I'll continue to use twitter if its basic functions continue and they don't completely screw it up to the point of unusability. Sadly there's no credible alternative. Threads is a dud and twitter still moves information faster than anything else.

I couldn't really give a fuck if they want to call it 'X' or whatever now. It's Twitter. End of. Nobody is going to be saying 'X' anymore than people talk about 'Meta' or 'Alphabet' - all it is is just more 'look at me' trolling from Musk.
This finally decided me to become a 'falling users' statistic.

I think I'm getting to that point too.

Is there an easy way of finding where the bulk of the people you followed/whose content you were interested in went/are going, though?

Also @everyone - is there a quick way of deleting tweets without paying some 3rd party service - or should I just get clicky wi'it? I'm loathe to leave content up on a deprecated site/product.
They're different.

Meta and Alphabet are the entities that own the product. Twitter is the product.

Facebook is still Facebook, Google is still Google.

No I get that but like people still say 'Facebook' and 'Google' just as much even when describing the corporate owners. Especially in the case of Google. It's just such an establishment I only ever hear people say Alphabet in respect of stock prices and such.
I've just been searching names and found a few people I followed. It suggests Instagram people by default but insta has never held much interest for me and isn't that related to what I go to twitter for
But they both have images and text in their "news feeds" which look identical to me. must admit i haven't really used either much though.
I think the main difference is that you can't post on Instagram without an image or a video. Even if your post is mainly about the text, you still need an image.

On Threads, like Twitter, it's primarily text, but you can optionally include video or images.
Dark mode? On app or website? Or both?

* goes off to check *
Yeah there is a dark mode option. I had it enabled anyway but maybe it's the default now.

There is a musk post saying x.com is live now. I typed twitter.com into a browser and it redirects to x.com ( was other way round before )

App has been X branded for ages
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