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Recommendation Twitter Alternatives


1). I currently have 5 Bluesky codes if you want one PM me

2). ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

whilst we're on about Tweeter

what's the easiest way of nuking all your posts, reposts and likes? without paying preferably.

i dunno if just deleting the account is the way to go and if that would achieve the above (would it?)
One problem I'm having with Blue Sky is that half the time it looks like I'm diving into half a conversation not knowing what the fuck they're talking about. For example a thread on cybersecurity. Where can I find what he's referring to here?

ta :)
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One problem I'm having with Blue Sky is that half the time it looks like I'm diving into half a conversation not knowing what the fuck they're talking about. For example a thread on cybersecurity. Where can I find what he's referring to here?

ta :)
Go back on their timeline to this: Keith Ng (@keithng.bsky.social)

They have an unhelpful posting style in that respect - not threads, but multiple top level posts.
From my previous post in this thread:
"So you should be able to sign up to Mastodon and they'll arrive [Threads, Bluesky, etc]. But without the privacy issues. And you don't miss out on content."
I've tried Megalodon, and yeah it's the best Android client I've seen. But I haven't looked at Mastodon much for months - have found Bluesky a bit more useful. But I'm not posting on any of these platforms at the moment - I've become really reluctant to engage with social media, I just want to read newsy stuff. And sadly Twitter remains the only game in town for that sort of usage really - but I'm using it a lot less, have deleted app from my phone in annoyance at the whole Elon has a show with Andrew Tate thing.
I've done really well in keeping off Twitter btw because my username is apparently the name of some new type of crypto bullshit, and the sort of rubes who post on Twitter about cryptocurrency consistently @ me. It's just not tempting to even read my mentions.

I could probably rip them off something terrible but it wouldn't be worth it.
I must admit, twitter seems to be a place I hang out a lot lately. Dunno what you guys think of gab.com.
Dunno what you guys think of gab.com.

wikipedia says -

Gab is an American alt-tech microblogging and social networking service known for its far-right userbase. Widely described as a haven for neo-Nazis, racists, white supremacists, white nationalists, antisemites, the alt-right, supporters of Donald Trump, conservatives, right-libertarians, and believers in conspiracy theories such as QAnon, Gab has attracted users and groups who have been banned from other social media platforms and users seeking alternatives to mainstream social media platforms.

i think there might just be better alternatives out there...
wikipedia says -

i think there might just be better alternatives out there...
I don't subscribe to any 'isms.
I use FB a bit, and I gotta say I have "friends" on there just because they are people I know who talk boring shit.
There is a lot of mis/dis-information on Twitter, I just try to be discerning.
I don't subscribe to any 'isms.
I use FB a bit, and I gotta say I have "friends" on there just because they are people I know who talk boring shit.
There is a lot of mis/dis-information on Twitter, I just try to be discerning.
Don’t use Gab then. Bluesky is less problematic but unproven yet. It is invite only which is perhaps the reason why it’s not yet populated by awful people
Don’t use Gab then. Bluesky is less problematic but unproven yet. It is invite only which is perhaps the reason why it’s not yet populated by awful people
Thanks I will check out bluesky. There's loads of twitter, gab, Facebook and other social media members with their own views, and if I don't resonate with them I ignore them.
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